View Full Version : Sometimes we just don't get the closure we ask for...

07-29-2007, 06:02 PM

07-29-2007, 06:59 PM
Jace? Your haven't been reading Oprano man, :hmph:And your not following The 6 Spaz rules of posting...

having been a member here now for a couple of weeks I have had kind of an Epiphany about boards and board etiquette that you might find helpful while browsing through Oprano.
1) Read the first post in a thread thoroughly (this usually sets the theme for the next several posts)
2) If you are running short on time at least glance over the rest of the posts that follow the first post (if someone is asking for help they may have already gotten helped prior to your post and it helps to cut down on redundancy)
3) If you think the question is stupid... pause for a second before clicking on the submit message button
4) If you have a question there is this neato keen Search function on boards that I have found very useful
5) What you post is forever... it does not go away and can either be a warm and fuzzy puppy dog or a ghost with teeth that'll bite you in the ass a day, a month a year later. Which do you want it to be?
6) which of these things is more respected by your fellow board mates; Your cock/tits size, your ability to post cute little posts or your intelligence?

these are a few tips that i have found useful and that you might as well :)


Shame on you. :(

07-29-2007, 09:04 PM
The 6 Spaz rules of posting...

Rulez? We no need no stinkin rulez! :cowboy:

07-30-2007, 08:12 AM
Rulez? We no need no stinkin rulez! :cowboy:
No RuLeZ Jes ADviCe To Da Newb :)
