View Full Version : Differentiate Yourself as a Blogger

07-28-2007, 03:29 AM

xPeeps Dez
12-06-2007, 12:21 PM
those are all fantastic suggestions, however you know as well as i do that sex sells, so you COULD try those, or you could always just have some chicks shakin' their titties around in the background ;)


12-07-2007, 07:27 AM
Differentiate yourself - It's very basic advice and it is amazing to me how many people don't do it.

Differentiating yourself is business and marketing basics, yet so many web sites and blogs are just "me-too" sites.

I resisted getting into blogs a few years back when they started getting very popular only because I didn't want to be a "me-too".

I don't like doing something just because everybody else is doing it.

However, after I learned who blogging can be done in a more professional way, I now run two of them.

Most blogs, imo, all look alike and are boring.

Darren Rowse gives some good advice. Two big ways to differentiate yourself that he speaks of are having a unique design and a unique "voice" on your site. Show some personality and creativity.

Too many blogs just copy / paste stuff and try to imply that it is their own. Or, even if they give credit to the source, they make the mistake of not making their own comments on it in a unique and entertaining way, or at least in a way that shows their personality.

One of the blogs I run is http://www.horndog.com/