View Full Version : Food for thought....

07-26-2007, 10:32 PM
I thought this was interesting....

07-27-2007, 01:08 AM
I thought this was interesting....
Whos alexa is that?

07-27-2007, 08:11 AM
yea, i have to admit that it'd be even more interesting if there was a site name to go with it.

I am going to guess it is Oprano's numbers but its only a guess. I am far to lazy to look it up myself


07-27-2007, 08:38 AM
I think someone is trying to pat themselves on the back. :waving:

07-27-2007, 11:55 AM
It's amazing what a little Chinese traffic can do for a site's Alexa.

Alexa can be so easily manipulated that it's basically useless.

If you want to send your Alexa through the roof, just start submitting galleries to The Hun on a regular basis using the same domain. Badda bing, badda boom, your Alexa will skyrocket. The traffic to your main site might still only be a few hundred a day, but you'll be able to impress anyone that doesn't know any better.

07-27-2007, 02:48 PM
who's Alexa is that?

07-27-2007, 05:59 PM
It's amazing what a little Chinese traffic can do for a site's Alexa.

Alexa can be so easily manipulated that it's basically useless.

If you want to send your Alexa through the roof, just start submitting galleries to The Hun on a regular basis using the same domain. Badda bing, badda boom, your Alexa will skyrocket. The traffic to your main site might still only be a few hundred a day, but you'll be able to impress anyone that doesn't know any better.

Your such a smart man (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/)

07-28-2007, 06:52 AM
That's Oprano's Alexa data.

07-28-2007, 07:15 AM
oops, I was looking at the wrong thing
