View Full Version : A Global Moment with Scott Coffman

07-26-2007, 08:11 AM
AEBN is the world leader in adult VOD and sitting at its helm is Scott Coffman, founder and president, whose innovative ideas about digital delivery revolutionized the industry seven years ago. A consummate businessman, his drive and determination helped him make his once-small company into the powerhouse it is today. As part of their ongoing series of interviews with important people in the adult industry internationally, AEBN's Global Department sat down and decided to learn a little more about the man behind the vision of VOD:

Why did you choose VOD?
I was selling videos online and my two biggest costs were storing the movies and shipping them. I figured I can eliminate both these two costs by having people watch them online and that was in the early age of streaming. That was the main reason I chose the video on demand market.
Did you ever envision this business to be as successful as it is now?
Sure. I pictured this in my mind way, way back that we were going to be as successful as we are now. From the time we started with only 4 to 5 people we always looked outside the door and said “One day we’ll have this whole building, and the whole parking lot will be full of cars and we’ll be the number 1 company in the world doing this.”
What sets you apart from your competition?
I think you take into account that we’re graded on being an innovative company. Pay per minute was created by us, and I think that we do a really good job at keeping that innovation. We also we have a great relationship with our affiliates and manufactures, makes it hard for other people to come in and take the market share we already have.
If time could be turned back, what would you do differently?
I would patent pay per minute. That’s the one thing that if I would have done in the early stages it would have definitely helped me to avoid competition. I would have probably also spent a lot more time building my own destination site then I did in the beginning instead of just being affiliate based.
What is your motto?
I think my best motto was “Everyone should win with doing business with us.”
What places would you like to visit outside of the US that you have not been to?
I want to go to Japan, except for the fact that I’m not a big sushi eater. I can eat the basics, but not some of the stuff I know I’m going to get over there. (Laughs) I need them to make it all tempura, just take what ever you’re going to cook, bread it and fry it. I’m from the south, I’ll be fine.
What do you think the new trend will be?
Well I think your biggest trend is going to be the conversions of the stuff going on your computer to your TV screen. I think all the name brands that are on the internet are going to be the name brands on your TV. The quality is going to get better in some of the stuff we’re going to do. I think searches will always get better, but I think the big key in technology is for us to move from the computer to the television.
What time of year do you think that everyone is watching porn the most?
It’s always when it gets colder and darker quicker, when it’s cold and there’s no sunlight then that’s a perfect time for us. But if it’s warm and you can go out and play, less people are going to watch. So you definitely see a down turn in summer and an upswing come winter.
How do you separate business from pleasure?
I don’t -- business is pleasure. I’m fortunate enough to work in a company that I enjoy working with. I’m fortunate enough to be around people that have similar views and diversity, and are friends of mine outside of here. It’s one of the few companies I think and one of the few work environments that really leads it self to not really hating what you’re doing on a daily basis.
What do you do in your spare time, to relax?
I’m a home person. I’m an inventor by trade, so a lot of my time if I’m not here I’m always looking for what the next big thing would be. I’m a notepad junkie always taking notes or writing stuff down. I like to travel, but I get a lot of travel from the company so it’s kind of a mixed travel business sort of thing. Other than that I get to spend time with my son, I’m a video game junkie with him. And I go back to West Virginia to see my mom and dad.
How often to you watch porn personally?
(Laughs) Only when somebody comes and tells me “you have to see this.” Other than that I really never see it. Only for research purposes, in other words if I looking at somebody else’s work or I’m looking at a new site, things like that. Or if they come and grab me here and say Scott you got to come see this you won’t believe what’s going on.
What is your favorite content?
Well purely from moneymaking purposes, it’s “Gay.” That is by far what I think is the best market in stuff like that. Second would be “She-male,” but if I have to pick something to watch at this point of view it’s the “Gonzo” format. I think the stuff that people like “Nasty Dollars” do that is like the fake reality sort of mixture. “Bang Bus,” “Ox cash” -- I like what they do. I think they really got a good concept of what I think is enticing to the consumer.
What do you like about yourself?
Well as Angelica [AEBN's Global Department Manager] would say, I’m a Virgo, so I’m always going to be very organized, and very analytical. I like the fact that I’ve been able to create something here to employee a lot of people and the people that have started with me have made really good money. So I think the best thing that I can say about myself is that I’m always willing to help people out.
If tomorrow you could wake up with a brand new ability or quality what would it be?
I’d love to fly. I like the superman concept. I don’t like the cape or the tights, because then I’ll get put in a category if I’m wearing that around. But the flying concept, that’s what I want. I want to wake up tomorrow and be able to fly.
What is something you would like others to know about you that they don’t already know?
Anyone can pretty much approach me. I’ve been to the very bottom of anywhere and I just don’t believe anybody is better than the other person just because you hold a higher position, or you make more money.

In the next few months, I’m looking forward to… Vacation
If I wasn’t doing what I do now, I would most likely be… An Inventor
The most important accomplishment for me is… Building my business

I’m going to say a few words and you state the first thing that pops into your brain…
Business = Success
Color = Blue
Fidelity = Mutual Funds
Animal = Dotson Dog
Love = No
Adventure = Panama
Loyalty = Always
War = Not for it
Food = Pizza
2008 = Year of extreme success
Religion = Not for it
Success = Always
Drink = Vodka
Happiness = Give or Take
Sex = Love it
Time = Not Enough
Hate = Sometimes
2257 = Hate
Family = Love it
Money = Always
Music = Rap
Future = Looks good

Have you seen the new design at Xpeeps? Check it out now and then talk to your AEBN rep about how you can put Xpeeps to work for you.

07-26-2007, 10:54 AM
Great interview, Scott is a Sharp guy, as are most of the people at AEBN, and their leadership and managers are the best in the biz in my opinion.

A true great group of guys. I seriously wish I had more reasons to visit Charlotte and hang out with them !

If any of you get the chance to meet and or talk to Scott coffman, you damn sure bettter take that opportunity! You will be glad you did .:okthumb: