View Full Version : Blog Entry - Child Porn: Ok to Look- But Does It Lead to More?

07-19-2007, 08:35 AM
Talk about twisting logic.
Check out this blog entry for yourself and see if you can follow the thought process.

I cant.


07-20-2007, 01:58 PM
Talk about twisting logic.
Check out this blog entry for yourself and see if you can follow the thought process.

I cant.

I follow the logic just fine bro. She is against child porn and for the release of this study that shows a preponderance of child molesters have downloaded porn from the internet.
EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT? That’s awfully high. But it doesn’t surprise me. How are the numbers broken down here? What percentage touched or raped or otherwise abused a child? How many of these kids were girls or boys? We could find out if the study were made public.
In other words, the child porn industry stands to lose a lot here; and men who flock to this shit stand to be caught and monitored more closely. Also this could mean computer surveillance would become a priority- and this scares those who worry about civil rights and liberties. In the US, it’s illegal to have child porn on a computer. We already know millions of computers have billions of images. But now, going by this study, it’s no longer just looking. The correlation of looking turning to touching is closing in.

For a really interesting look into human ignorance just check out the comments posted for that blog entry... good gawd!


07-23-2007, 04:10 PM
She is against child porn and for the release of this study that shows a preponderance of child molesters have downloaded porn from the internet.

Actually she did correlate the downloading of CP, and not just porn, to the actual molestation of children.

07-24-2007, 04:26 PM
One thing that wasn't mentioned is that for most who view CP, it doesn't usually start with online viewing -- usually it's from being molested as a child or being exposed to CP at an impressionable age and having that dynamic being imprinted on their sexual identity. Child sexual exploitation did NOT start because of porn, it has always been one of those learned behaviours passed down from generation to generation.

Take a look at the women who run kiddie brothels -- usually they were child prostitutes too. Living through the experience of child sexual exploitation normalizes it for those involved (especially if it happens with regularity).

Do images of sexually exploited children make pedophilia worse? Yes, of course! Should those who possess images of CP be punished? Yes, of course!

But the really big question is how do we STOP people from sexually exploiting kids in the first place? Sure, we can hunt down perpetrators from the images they record and publish, but how do we prevent adults attracted to children from acting on their urges? How do we empower children to seek and receive the support and protection THEY need if they are exploited? These are the real questions that need to be answered, because prevention is the true goal.

Fortunately, not all those who are molested become molestors, and that says a lot about the strength of human character in overcoming adversity. All we need to do is find a way to stop the cycle of abuse. How do we do that?