View Full Version : New Launch - Interested in Serving the Adult Industry

07-16-2007, 01:53 AM
We just launched our site late on Friday night and are looking to serve all industies and markets including the Adult Entertainment Industry.

I thought it was cool that we got our first customer before we were even finished with the site, but it's complete now and I'm looking for feedback.

Interested in hearing thoughts on design layout, ease of use, navigation, concept, and any questions in regards to processes or procedures of our unique offering.

I will thank you in advance for "constructive" criticism, just please don't make me cry!

07-20-2007, 08:17 PM
I guess you're hitting all the webmaster boards, but if you think I was rude on YNOT, wait till you get the responses on the other less friendly boards.

For those of you that don't know better, you can download the same script for $27 and as little as $8 instead of paying a monthly fee or giving up your valuable ad space to get their free version.

This is actually a pretty cool tool for advertising and you can see it in operation on my blog. http://www.hammeruncut.com and here's my blog post about the concept. http://www.hammeruncut.com/peel-away-ads-the-next-big-thing-in-banner-advertising/

It would also be a cool way of adding a pic-o-the-day to your sites.

If you're interested in the $8 script, you can download it here (http://payloadz.com/go/jump?id=320039&merch_id=54497&aff_id=14295).

p.s. I moved this thread to the main forum because spam doesn't belong on the Design forum.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm a mod here like I'm am on YNOT, Jennifer. ;)

07-20-2007, 09:00 PM
Hells bells, this calls for something special....

Enchilada Breakfast Casserole

12 oz can SPAM - cubed 1/2"
1 small onion chopped
1 small green pepper, chopped
1 small tomato, chopped
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
8 7" flour tortillas
4 eggs
2 cups whipping cream
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
4-oz can diced green chiles
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Picante sauce

Place about 1/4 cup SPAM, 1 tablespoon onion, 1 tablespoon green pepper, 1 tablespoon tomato and 1 tablespoon cheese on one side of tortilla. Set remaining cheese aside. Roll up jelly-roll fashion; place seam side down in greased 13x9" baking dish. In small bowl combine remainin ingredients; blend together with wire whisk. Pour over ehchiladas. Cover; refrigerate overnight. Heat oven to 350. Bake, uncovered, for 40 to 50 minutes or until egg mixture is set. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to oven; bake for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve with picante sauce. Yield: 8 enchiladas.

07-20-2007, 09:21 PM
Another “Camp Fire” sufficiently pee’d on :o

07-20-2007, 09:45 PM
*smack down in progress......lol

07-20-2007, 10:02 PM
I'll make the same offer here I made on YNOT. Assuming there is anyone reading this thread that is interested in using the script but doesn't know how to install it (I'm sure there aren't many), you can buy the script here (http://payloadz.com/go/jump?id=320039&merch_id=54497&aff_id=14295) for $8 and I'll install it for you for free. You'll need to provide your own graphics though. ;)

07-21-2007, 08:40 AM
Hells bells, this calls for something special....

Enchilada Breakfast Casserole

12 oz can SPAM - cubed 1/2"
1 small onion chopped
1 small green pepper, chopped
1 small tomato, chopped
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
8 7" flour tortillas
4 eggs
2 cups whipping cream
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
4-oz can diced green chiles
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Picante sauce

Place about 1/4 cup SPAM, 1 tablespoon onion, 1 tablespoon green pepper, 1 tablespoon tomato and 1 tablespoon cheese on one side of tortilla. Set remaining cheese aside. Roll up jelly-roll fashion; place seam side down in greased 13x9" baking dish. In small bowl combine remainin ingredients; blend together with wire whisk. Pour over ehchiladas. Cover; refrigerate overnight. Heat oven to 350. Bake, uncovered, for 40 to 50 minutes or until egg mixture is set. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to oven; bake for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve with picante sauce. Yield: 8 enchiladas.

That's IT!! right there! now I have a good reason to push the whole polyamory concept to the wife!

I think I is in love AGAIN!


Hell Puppy
07-21-2007, 07:23 PM
We just launched our site late on Friday night and are looking to serve all industies and markets including the Adult Entertainment Industry.

I thought it was cool that we got our first customer before we were even finished with the site, but it's complete now and I'm looking for feedback.

Interested in hearing thoughts on design layout, ease of use, navigation, concept, and any questions in regards to processes or procedures of our unique offering.

I will thank you in advance for "constructive" criticism, just please don't make me cry!

Do you have any naked pictures of yourself?

Wanna shoot some?

07-22-2007, 02:15 AM
p.s. I moved this thread to the main forum because spam doesn't belong on the Design forum.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm a mod here like I'm am on YNOT, Jennifer. ;)

You truly are a jackass, aren't you? This wasn't spam until you moved it. Because it is a new site, I posted it in "design" because it seemed the most appropriate place to ask for feedback on site design and usability. Now that you've moved it to another forum, it's considered spam. You've only done that because for whatever other inadequacies you're trying to compensate for, you've decided to be a bully instead of letting the free market speak for themselves.

Your adolescence continues to deteriorate to downright infancy. Way to go, Sparky!

07-22-2007, 02:58 AM
Do you have any naked pictures of yourself?

Wanna shoot some?

Here you go HP!

07-22-2007, 04:15 AM
Personality type totally validated.

07-22-2007, 09:16 AM
:bustingupHaHaHaHa, You sure shut they're asses up real quick :clapping0

07-22-2007, 10:16 AM
Maybe you should have taken the time to learn some adult webmaster board etiquette before you started making a fool of yourself.

Yes, it's spam. You're advertising a service that costs money so you can make money. It is unsolicited. That makes it spam. Don't you wonder why someone posted a spam recipe before I even moved the thread?

Technically I should have moved your thread to the spam forum, but I moved it to the general forum and yet you bitch about that.

The design forum is for discussions on website design and usability. What in the Wide Fucking World of Sports does your product offer from a design standpoint? It's an ADVERTISING TOOL you spamming fucking moron.

The cool thing about my replying to you on Oprano is that around here they like pissing so I don't have to be nice like I do on YNOT.

07-22-2007, 02:32 PM
Well, it's a pretty cool idea.
And thanks Hammer for pointing out the "free, no fuck in the ass" version.
Now, If I could just squeeze out some free time to update the damn website, I'd slide it in there.

One of these days we'll have enough people to do all these jobs.

07-22-2007, 05:51 PM
Well, it's a pretty cool idea.
And thanks Hammer for pointing out the "free, no fuck in the ass" version.
Now, If I could just squeeze out some free time to update the damn website, I'd slide it in there.

One of these days we'll have enough people to do all these jobs.
It took me a grand total of 15 minutes to download the script, install the script, create the two graphics and upload them to the server.

Hell Puppy
07-22-2007, 08:10 PM
Here you go HP!

That's pretty hot, can I get a fan sign?

07-22-2007, 08:27 PM
Hammer, you're a trip bro... thanx for the straight talk :okthumb:

07-22-2007, 09:27 PM
That's pretty hot, can I get a fan sign?

07-22-2007, 11:56 PM
lololololololol.... This thread is fucking hilarious.

I am reading it without the benefit of visiting the ynot version or any other board version.

He/she/it (I say that because I have yet to in real life meet a woman who used the sparky expression) posts a message clearly asking for input on the design, ease of use...etc.. (although, yes I agree that it could be interpreted as disgusised spam just to get folks to click through to the site) and you guys are all over them for it...


Oprano grows on you, don't it ? :yowsa:

07-23-2007, 12:53 AM
Maybe you should have taken the time to learn some adult webmaster board etiquette...

I'm only responding to this to let you know how proud I am that you know how to spell a word like "etiquette". Unfortunately, because you're about as smart as a soup sandwich, you haven't the first clue what the fuck it means! It's just amazing that you even brought up such a concept seeing as how you're the one who initiated an unprovoked attack. Then, you started following me around like a friggin' stalker piece of shit. If you had an inkling of what the word etiquette meant, then you would have been a bit more polite with your objections; however unfounded.

But you know what, Hammer. After all is said and done, you're actually starting to grow on me. I find myself strangely attracted to you. I don't know what it is... maybe the "little man" complex... maybe the cheesy goatee... (hmmm... certainly not your smarts). Anyway, I was thinking... perhaps if you're ever in the San Diego area, you and I could get together. I get this kind of vibe from you that you've been fantasizing about me too. So I figure, when you get here, I'll go out and get the biggest, thickest strap-on I can find (you know, something you're comfortable with) and you can tell me all about how inadequate you are. You can talk dirty and tell me what a puny little man you are, and you're naughty and need to be humiliated. Of course, you do such a fine job at that yourself, but I'll give it a go!

What do ya say, huh hammer, pookie! I can't believe I didn't see, until now, why you like to be called "Hammer". So, until I get to see you, sweetie, you can go fuck yourself!

07-23-2007, 12:54 AM
"Oprano grows on you, don't it ?"
That is why this is my favourite board.

07-23-2007, 01:00 AM
"I'm only responding to this to let you know how proud I am that you know how to spell a word like "etiquette".'
If you are such a dumb fuck that you think etiquette is a big word, then "nuff said". Now go home and when you want to piss with those who can spit you out for breakfast, you may return.

07-23-2007, 01:17 AM
Interesting shes taken off the gloves.

I give her 5 Oprano points for that!

07-23-2007, 01:20 AM
"I'm only responding to this to let you know how proud I am that you know how to spell a word like "etiquette".'
If you are such a dumb fuck that you think etiquette is a big word, then "nuff said". Now go home and when you want to piss with those who can spit you out for breakfast, you may return.

Hey, I've tried to be civil and decent. I've tried to agree to disagree. Hammer seems to have a wild hair... for whatever reason... I don't care anymore. All I asked after a pointless roundabout, was for him to back off. Now, apparently he still wants to be unreasonable, so I'm not going to allow him (OR ANYONE) think they can just be a bully and push people around.

And in case you didn't notice, I don't scare easy, so you can stand down with the tough talk too. I'm not here to cause any grief, but I'm certainly not going to take it either.

07-23-2007, 01:21 AM
Interesting shes taken off the gloves.

I give her 5 Oprano points for that!
She????? Gonzo wtf are you thinking?

07-23-2007, 01:21 AM
Hey, I've tried to be civil and decent. I've tried to agree to disagree. Hammer seems to have a wild hair... for whatever reason... I don't care anymore. All I asked after a pointless roundabout, was for him to back off. Now, apparently he still wants to be unreasonable, so I'm not going to allow him (OR ANYONE) think they can just be a bully and push people around.

And in case you didn't notice, I don't scare easy, so you can stand down with the tough talk too. I'm not here to cause any grief, but I'm certainly not going to take it either.
Im starting to get excited.

07-23-2007, 01:22 AM
Im starting to get excited.
see my previous post.

07-23-2007, 01:26 AM
She????? Gonzo wtf are you thinking?
Hahahaha . . . I recognize the personality trait after doing this almost 14 years.

Its the type that's always right and MUST at any cost get the last word.

07-23-2007, 01:29 AM
Gonzo...? Say the word, I'd like to stay and contribute. But you'll need to let them know that there's more time being wasted with this nonsense that can be used more productively. I'd really rather not leave with this impression, but if you don't want to vouch for me, then I will go in peace.

If you choose vouch, then I'd be happy to stay and contribute. If you'd rather not, I'd ask that you just delete this thread as I don't think it, or I, was treated fairly.

07-23-2007, 01:32 AM
Hahahaha . . . I recognize the personality trait after doing this almost 14 years.

Its the type that's always right and MUST at any cost get the last word.

Gonzo, I've tried and tried in so many ways to say I don't care if anyone thinks I'm right or wrong. Just be decent and if someone disagrees, so be it. Just do it with some dignity. I'm totally okay with disagreement, or not always being right, just have a little respect.

And as for the "last word", my last post to you, totally deferred the last word to you.

Hell Puppy
07-23-2007, 02:43 AM
Gonzo, I've tried and tried in so many ways to say I don't care if anyone thinks I'm right or wrong. Just be decent and if someone disagrees, so be it. Just do it with some dignity. I'm totally okay with disagreement, or not always being right, just have a little respect.

And as for the "last word", my last post to you, totally deferred the last word to you.

Know when to cut bait.

Have you received any bites on what you're peddling at all? More importantly, any money?

Go come up with another plan, one that provides some value that people cant do for themselves, come on back with another handle. This userid is burnt. It would take rarely seen testicular fortitude to make it after this debut. Instead, I would wager it'll follow the pattern of so many others, it'll be gone in probably under 30 days, certainly under 90.

People here have been around the block a time or two, they can smell BS. They can also see when something well intended just isn't going to make it.

Anyone remember Bob from Solar Billing? 30-90 days...gone...

07-23-2007, 08:53 AM
Gonzo...? Say the word, I'd like to stay and contribute. But you'll need to let them know that there's more time being wasted with this nonsense that can be used more productively. I'd really rather not leave with this impression, but if you don't want to vouch for me, then I will go in peace.

If you choose vouch, then I'd be happy to stay and contribute. If you'd rather not, I'd ask that you just delete this thread as I don't think it, or I, was treated fairly.
Your welcome to stay and contribute.
You at least stand your ground and thats good for something in my book.

It your decision on to stay or go. Id try wiping the slate clean and seeing if I could glean some information from here to redefine my business plan.

Its obvious you would like to market to this industry.
Aint no shame in that.... its just tougher marketing B2B than to surfers.

The guys that owned remote thumbs got their ass tore off on here years ago and just look at them and that program now.

07-23-2007, 08:54 AM
Know when to cut bait.

Have you received any bites on what you're peddling at all? More importantly, any money?

Go come up with another plan, one that provides some value that people cant do for themselves, come on back with another handle. This userid is burnt. It would take rarely seen testicular fortitude to make it after this debut. Instead, I would wager it'll follow the pattern of so many others, it'll be gone in probably under 30 days, certainly under 90.

Thanks for the input HP. I kinda got the same inclination. Yes, I've had some bites, no money yet, still early. Probably would have been better without the C-Block. Who knows, without H making a mess of it, everyone who doesn't see any value in what I'm doing could have just let the thread die on its own... naturally... without all the fuss... because that's what a free market does.

07-23-2007, 09:00 AM
Your welcome to stay and contribute.
You at least stand your ground and thats good for something in my book.

It your decision on to stay or go. Id try wiping the slate clean and seeing if I could glean some information from here to redefine my business plan.

Its obvious you would like to market to this industry.
Aint no shame in that.... its just tougher marketing B2B than to surfers.

The guys that owned remote thumbs got their ass tore off on here years ago and just look at them and that program now.

Thanks, Gonzo. I appreciate the advice.

Hammer, I'd like to stay and mill around, but would rather do it under a truce. Too much time and energy has been wasted with nonsense, and yes, I'm just as responsible. Can we agree to disagree and move on?

07-23-2007, 09:02 AM
Thanks, Gonzo. I appreciate the advice.

Hammer, I'd like to stay and mill around, but would rather do it under a truce. Too much time and energy has been wasted with nonsense, and yes, I'm just as responsible. Can we agree to disagree and move on?
Id jump in a new thread or start a totally different one if it were me.

07-23-2007, 10:55 AM
If you choose vouch, then I'd be happy to stay and contribute. If you'd rather not, I'd ask that you just delete this thread as I don't think it, or I, was treated fairly.

Treated fairly??? What made you expect that would happen? As far as threads being deleted, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. 'Sides you don't need it deleted, you are/were holding your own just fine. Don't wimp out on me here and start getting all whiny and shit :okthumb:

07-23-2007, 10:58 AM
I'd like to stay and mill around, but would rather do it under a truce.

Truce?? We don't need no steenken truces.


07-23-2007, 11:47 AM
Ahhh....free market....don't you just love it?

07-23-2007, 11:59 AM
Treated fairly??? What made you expect that would happen? As far as threads being deleted, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. 'Sides you don't need it deleted, you are/were holding your own just fine. Don't wimp out on me here and start getting all whiny and shit :okthumb:
I’m with the cripple cracka! Get pissed of bayba!

Skreet fite! :clubinhan

07-23-2007, 12:50 PM
Treated fairly??? What made you expect that would happen? As far as threads being deleted, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. 'Sides you don't need it deleted, you are/were holding your own just fine. Don't wimp out on me here and start getting all whiny and shit :okthumb:

You're right Sarettah, must have been the chick in me. Sorry. Anyway, I could still do without the grief. I'd rather spend my time more productively. I'm really not interested in a brawl.... no matter how entertaining it was for you fellers. I'll stick around, just not continuing this any further.

As for this thread, deleted or not, let it die. I'll do my part by making this my last on this one. Hammer can even have "the last word" if he so desires.

See y'all around.:waving:

Hell Puppy
07-23-2007, 07:00 PM
You're right Sarettah, must have been the chick in me. Sorry. Anyway, I could still do without the grief. I'd rather spend my time more productively. I'm really not interested in a brawl.... no matter how entertaining it was for you fellers. I'll stick around, just not continuing this any further.

As for this thread, deleted or not, let it die. I'll do my part by making this my last on this one. Hammer can even have "the last word" if he so desires.

See y'all around.:waving:

You're not doing a good job of not getting the last word in....