View Full Version : The lights went out in Georgia!

07-15-2007, 11:20 AM
So last night I did an emergency run to Dem Cakes. The very same one we FFN's visit often. About 15 minutes after we were seated the worst storm I have been in a long time started. It rained so hard it was leaking from the A/C vents in the ceiling.
Just after our food arrived there was a huge burst of lightening and the lights flickered a few times and then went out completely. It stayed dark for about 3-4 minutes before coming back on.

The silly girls and children screamed...I just said I am glad we got our food before the power went out.:okthumb:

Tough weather last night

07-15-2007, 12:00 PM
we are getting hit again right now

my backyard is a lake right now

07-15-2007, 12:15 PM
As long as the judge in the town doesn't have blood stains on his hands ya'll be alright.

07-15-2007, 01:32 PM
So last night I did an emergency run to Dem Cakes. The very same one we FFN's visit often. About 15 minutes after we were seated the worst storm I have been in a long time started. It rained so hard it was leaking from the A/C vents in the ceiling.
Just after our food arrived there was a huge burst of lightening and the lights flickered a few times and then went out completely. It stayed dark for about 3-4 minutes before coming back on.

The silly girls and children screamed...I just said I am glad we got our food before the power went out.:okthumb:

Tough weather last night
DId you take the time to contemplate whats for desert?

07-15-2007, 09:06 PM
I was more concerned that with no power my credit card wouldn't work and I'd be washing dishes by hand. I don't have the pull the 404's do.

Hell Puppy
07-15-2007, 09:38 PM
I was more concerned that with no power my credit card wouldn't work and I'd be washing dishes by hand. I don't have the pull the 404's do.

One would hope the point of sale system is on UPS.

If not, time to break out the old clunky imprinter.

07-16-2007, 10:46 AM
One would hope the point of sale system is on UPS.

If not, time to break out the old clunky imprinter.

I was in Chick-Fil-A one time and the computers were down. The kids behind the counter had no idea what anything cost (just look at the menu on the wall, thanks) and only one kid (the poindexter looking one) knew how to calculate tax and add it to the price. The lady in front of me turned and rolled her eyes and I thought "this is the future of our country..." :blink:

07-16-2007, 11:41 AM
I was in Chick-Fil-A one time and the computers were down. The kids behind the counter had no idea what anything cost (just look at the menu on the wall, thanks) and only one kid (the poindexter looking one) knew how to calculate tax and add it to the price. The lady in front of me turned and rolled her eyes and I thought "this is the future of our country..." :blink:
Hey Yo...

The future of our country are kids like Fat Vito's from the Sopranos.

07-16-2007, 12:03 PM
Hey Yo...

The future of our country are kids like Fat Vito's from the Sopranos.

And I'm sure Vito had already taught them how to calculate not just tax, but also INTEREST. hahaha

07-16-2007, 01:06 PM
As long as the judge in the town doesn't have blood stains on his hands ya'll be alright.

Vickie Lawrence was so hot back then :wub:



Didn't make a bad GILF either :okthumb:

Hell Puppy
07-16-2007, 10:38 PM
Vito's kid wants to use your shower....

It's scary to think how bad it would be without technology. Speaking english apparently isn't even a prerequisite for working point of sale now, I can just imagine the fun if they had to do more than swipe a bar code.

I'm just old enough to barely remember "cashier" being a skilled position. A good grocier cashier could really have those fingers flying on an old manual cash register....almost a rhythm to it. Grab, read, punch, ring, bag....next...and go thru a full week's worth of groceries in not much more time than they do with bar codes today.

07-17-2007, 10:22 AM
I remember it too, HP. Using those little label makers to stick the price tag on each item before stocking the shelves, and the cashier who could ring it all up without a scanner... often without even looking at the price because they already knew it off the top of their head.

Hell Puppy
07-18-2007, 03:28 AM
I remember it too, HP. Using those little label makers to stick the price tag on each item before stocking the shelves, and the cashier who could ring it all up without a scanner... often without even looking at the price because they already knew it off the top of their head.

And now, they'll scan that sucker 20-30 times before they give up and try to key in the code. Next generation of self check out stuff likely renders the cashier a thing of the past for the most part. No scan, your cart of the P.O.S system knows what is in it or on it.

I've seen demos, pretty impressive. Price on technology just has to drop enough to make it cheaper than what it costs to pay a bunch of cashiers and you'll start seeing them.

07-18-2007, 09:07 AM
And now, they'll scan that sucker 20-30 times before they give up and try to key in the code. Next generation of self check out stuff likely renders the cashier a thing of the past for the most part. No scan, your cart of the P.O.S system knows what is in it or on it.

I've seen demos, pretty impressive. Price on technology just has to drop enough to make it cheaper than what it costs to pay a bunch of cashiers and you'll start seeing them.

And it wont whine to you about how it needs to go on a break either.

07-18-2007, 09:59 AM
And it wont whine to you about how it needs to go on a break either.
