View Full Version : Jenna Jameson - Portrait of a Mainstream Sex Icon

07-13-2007, 09:55 AM
Jenna Jameson isn't simply smart for a porn star. She is one of the most intelligent women with whom I have had the pleasure of conversing. That being said, it's no wonder that she has not only become the biggest star in the history of the adult industry, she has practically taken it over. As if to say, "Ok guys, I'll take it from here," Jameson boldly started her own mega production company, Club Jenna, Inc. which rivals Vivid Video and Wicked Pictures for the biggest player in adult film industry. As a testament to the profitability and cache that Club Jenna possesses, Playboy Enterprises recently purchased the company in 2006, turbo charging Club Jenna's production and promotion engines with the power of the bunny.

PR.com: I'll tell you something, you're interesting to watch on film. It makes me wonder… when you were younger, did you ever think about just going for a mainstream career, before you decided to go into adult movies?
Jenna Jameson: No, not really. Acting was never something that I felt was on my horizon. I wanted to be a model. I wanted to be a Playboy centerfold. That was the ultimate to me. I used to steal my father's Playboy magazines and practice the poses. My father was horrified! He caught me stealing his Playboys! I was just so infatuated with the women in these magazines. I always felt so incredibly comfortable with being nude and my sexuality. That's what I aspired to be, was a model. It's been really easy for me to transition into the mainstream, and I don't really know how. It ended up just kind of falling in my lap. I aspired to be the number one porn star. I never aspired to be a mainstream star, and it just kind of happened. I'm scheduled for two mainstream movies this year and I'm just kind of like, "Holy Shit!"

Jenna Jameson: I just finished shooting a horror movie that's called Zombie. It was amazing. I'm a huge horror movie fan and when I read the script, I was like, "Oh my god! I have to do this movie." I just signed on to star in a Sony movie called Sick and that starts shooting in September of this year. It's a snowball for me. I don't even have an agent or a manager. I do everything on my own and it just ends up coming to me.

PR.com: To what do you attribute the astounding crossover success that you've had? You've basically made the impossible, possible.
Jenna Jameson: I attribute it to the fact that I am incredibly acceptable to not only men, but to women. I think that women feel akin to me in a way because I'm so incredibly honest about who I am as a person. I'm not this girl, [just] wearing a lot of makeup with big boobs, that nobody can access. I'm normal. I'm kind of like the girl next door with a dark side (laughs). I think all women in the world have that. Most women are pretty normal, but they are sexual beings. I think that women have been incredibly oppressed, and I just kind of accept who I am, and I put it out there. With my E! True Hollywood Story and all those different things, I was able to tell my story, and women relate to me.

PR.com: I get really up in arms when I hear men say the word 'whore' or 'slut' and I open my mouth and say, "How come you don't say the same thing about your male friends who are promiscuous?"
Jenna Jameson: It's such a massive double edged sword. It makes no sense to me, and that's why I'm so outspoken about my sexuality. I think that women are entitled to sexual pleasure. I don't understand what is wrong with it. It's something that's good, and it makes you feel positive and happy and relieved. It's so funny because I watch these entertainment shows and they're talking about how Lindsay Lohan dates another man and she's a whore or whatever… and a million other women. They lay into these girls because they're actually having a good time and being open about it. Then they do a report on George Clooney, who's a 'playboy' and looked up to by everybody and how sexy he is, and how he can date all these women and he'll never get married. It makes me want to fucking vomit.

PR.com: If you could sit down with Gloria Steinem for a debate on pornography, and how it represents and affects women, what would you say to her?

Jenna Jameson: Obviously everybody is entitled to their own opinion and I totally respect her position. I love women that are able to really put a period at the end of their sentence. She's fought for what she believes in, and I believe in a lot of things she says. The issue is that for centuries women have been put under the thumb of men in this society, and what she does is perpetuate that. Because a woman has a right to be the person that she wants to be. Relying on everybody else's judgment is what makes this society so sick. Having a woman going on TV and saying, "That woman's a whore and she's ruining society for women," … there's always two sides to the coin. I think that it's important to be well rounded and not to be so incredibly one-sided. It's just not healthy. There are very many parts of me that are very conservative, and I think that she needs to come to terms with herself, and start maybe having sex more. So I wouldn't end up debating with her. I would probably end up giving her sex advice.

PR.com: Do you see motherhood in your near future?
Jenna Jameson: Absolutely! Finally at 32, I'm at a point in my life where I feel like I can put things aside and I'm ready to be a mom, mentally and physically.

PR.com: For a contract girl who works for Club Jenna, what does she have to do, and how much does she work?
Jenna Jameson: Depending on the contract, the girl usually does anywhere from six to ten movies a year. It's mostly about promoting the company. They're out on massive promotions all over the country, just having a great time and being themselves. We put them through media training, and it's not just about being a porn star. It's about being a well-rounded human being.

PR.com: Before you sign a girl, do you make sure she's getting into this for the right reasons?
Jenna Jameson: I always sit down with the girls, prior. We'll go out to lunch, hang out, go shopping, and I kind of get a feel for their personality and what their outlook is on life and if they're doing it for the right reasons. I never want to hear from a girl, "Well, I just want to be like you. I want to be a star." It's not realistic. It's really important [to know] that once you do a movie, you are labeled a porn star for the rest of your life. That has impact not only on you but on your family, on your kids, on your friends. You have to be willing to work with that and understand the repercussions. That's the very first thing that I talk to these girls about. You have to be ready to be shoved into the spotlight. It's kind of like a mental stability test.

PR.com: Do you find that the climate of the adult industry changes when there is a Republican administration versus Democratic?
Jenna Jameson: Absolutely. The Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again. I would love to have him back in office. I would love to have Al Gore in office. When Republicans are in office, the problem is, a lot of times they try to put their crosshairs on the adult industry, to make a point. It's sad, when there are so many different things that are going on in the world: war, and people are dying of genocide. It's sad that they feel that they have to target the sex industry, and not target the problems with insurance and the homeless and the AIDS epidemic. There are so many things that need to be cleared up before fucking pornography. I look forward to another democrat being in office. It just makes the climate so much better for us, and I know that once all our troops come home, things are going to be better and I think that getting Bush out of office is the most important thing right now.

Very interesting read. Read more here (http://www.pr.com/article/1066)