View Full Version : Christians’ Addiction to Porn Blamed on Technology

07-02-2007, 09:54 AM
The Religious Right’s newest adversary of evangelicalism and outward disdain for pornography may have less to do with their distaste for it and more to do with the fact it is maxing out their credit cards.

Jerry Falwell may be dead, but the Moral Majority mob is still dealing out duplicity on issues of faith and flesh. In another dramatic display of heretical hypocrisy, a poll taken by the self-proclaimed "World's most Christian website", Christianet.com, found that a majority of Christian men – fifty-percent – are addicted to pornography! Additionally, the poll also reported that 20% of Christian women are keen to sneaking a peek at others fornicating for fun. Technology, in all its modern, unseemly depravity, it would presumably appear, is to blame.

Refreshing the reader's memory, these "porn again" Christians belong to the fomenting faction of virtuous prudes that fervently lined up and espoused former Attorney General John Ashcroft's "Crusade against Porn" and pleaded that the semi-nude, Art Deco statues – found in the halls of the Justice Department – have curtains draped over the exposed breasts of the sculptures. These same “modesty police” also stridently called for former President Bill Clinton's impeachment for a minor infidelity while residing in the White House. Being furtively naughty, it appears, is the new haughty for the holy.

Bill Cooper, President of Christianet.com, said, "We are seeing an escalation to the problem in both men and women who regularly attend church." The holy-roller Cooper, in usual self-righteous, sanctimonious style, offers his impressive imaginary reason for the increase: "Technology has allowed pornography to flood the marketplace beyond a controllable level." Evidently, Mr. Cooper feels he is having difficulty keeping his flock together and decided to blame his lack of dominion over the righteously duped on the grass of which they graze rather than the shepherd in charge of herding his sheeple.

more (http://www.diatribune.com/christians-addiction-porn-blamed-technology)

07-02-2007, 10:11 AM
:lmao1: :bustingup
I have known it for years... ever since the married Christian father of 2 joined Apollos Temple and started a dialogue with me about how each set turned him on LOL


07-03-2007, 07:10 PM
Great article!

07-03-2007, 10:16 PM
Yall'r gonna burn in heyull!

07-06-2007, 09:39 AM
Oh its technolgoys fault huh? :bustingup....Hummmmm lets see before internet technology we had Playboys in the early days so I guess then it would be the trees fault cause tits an ass can get printed on those too..:hmm: