View Full Version : How the Porn Industry is Utilizing Social Media

06-25-2007, 02:03 AM
We've all heard about how the pornography industry will decide which next-generation optical disc format (Blu-Ray or HD-DVD) will ultimately become the industry standard. Today with the addition of StumblePorn (http://stumbleporn.com/), let's take a look at the pornography industry's foray into the social media space, which is now almost complete. Beware, this post may not be suitable for all audience and for all social settings.

Socially Driven Pornography
In the first category we have several participants, primarily thanks to Pligg (http://pligg.com/) and how easy their content management system has made it to establish a socially driven site that essentially replicates all the functionality of Digg (http://digg.com/) (minus the community). First we have MoSexIndex (http://www.mosexindex.com/) founded by Daniel Gluck, executive director of the Museum of Sex. And among the dozens of other similar sites we have we have socialporn (http://www.socialporn.com/).

Porn Video-Sharing
In the second category, and following in the footsteps of YouTube (http://youtube.com/) and how it popularized the online video sharing phenomenon we have several sites that let you upload, watch, and share pornography videos. Most prominent of these are YouPorn (http://www.youporn.com/) and PornoTube (http://www.pornotube.com/).

Social Porn Browsing
Somewhat similar to the first category and built exactly along the lines of popular web browsing toolbar StumbleUpon (http://www.stumbleupon.com/) is StumblePorn (http://stumbleporn.com/). Just like in the non-porn plugin you choose what kind of pages you want to see (i.e. the kind of porn) and the plugin helps you stumble to those pages. One thing to note is that StumbleUpon does have an adult content section even though I doubt that the content on there is as graphic as what you will see in the new startup.


Ultimately the point of this post is not to simply direct you towards tools that let you access free pornography, but is to document how the social media space is maturing (no pun intended). This is another example of one more industry acknowledging the potential of social media as a medium for disseminating content and utilizing these various models (Digg, YouTube, StumbleUpon) to their benefit.

Notably missing, however, is pornography-based social networking. And considering that social networking has surpassed pornography (http://www.pronetadvertising.com/articles/social-networks-are-the-new-porn22009.html) in terms of online hours spent on each activity, it is foreseeable for the industry to embrace social networking as well.

source (http://www.pronetadvertising.com/articles/how-the-porn-industry-is-utilizing-social-media34346.html)

06-25-2007, 08:18 AM
I am working this angle right now.. or at least trying to with a little site me and a couple of others are developing. I am pretty excited about it's potential
