View Full Version : That shure is priddy

06-23-2007, 11:51 AM
Has anyone else noticed that GORGEOUS freakin flash banner up thar?

Damn who be those gangstas?



06-23-2007, 12:26 PM
Your a pimpin' MF :okthumb: Spaz.

Just one thing man, That freaking giant red pop-up @ the beginning. :hmm: wtf man?

06-23-2007, 12:32 PM
Your a pimpin' MF :okthumb: Spaz.

Just one thing man, That freaking giant red pop-up @ the beginning. :hmm: wtf man?

yeah, i have gotten it like 6 times today

gotta make money from the forum somehow though ;)

06-23-2007, 02:45 PM
yeah, i have gotten it like 6 times today

gotta make money from the forum somehow though ;)

yup :), but it's a bit much (AGAIN) just like last time, they not offering. They're YELLING. Have u trying just going to the main URL? http://www.oprano.com/
Swappernet is banging back hard again

06-23-2007, 03:56 PM
They want to make sure you know that they are ready to buy your traffic.

Not a bad deal really. Instead of worrying about the site converting they will pay you cash up front monthly.

Check it out and see what you can make from them.

The interstitial only comes up once an hour and only once during that time.

06-23-2007, 04:05 PM
yup :), but it's a bit much (AGAIN) just like last time, they not offering. They're YELLING. Have u trying just going to the main URL? http://www.oprano.com/
Swappernet is banging back hard again

I don't hit the main page, I have this forum bookmarked

06-23-2007, 05:13 PM
shouldnt it be "fixed monthly $$$"

not fix

06-23-2007, 06:03 PM
I don't hit the main page, I have this forum bookmarked
whats a bookmark :idontknow ?

06-23-2007, 07:37 PM
The interstitial only comes up once an hour and only once during that time.

jeez the hours go by too quick!

06-23-2007, 08:11 PM
shouldnt it be "fixed monthly $$$"

not fix
Beats me. Im a publisher not an ad proofreader.

06-23-2007, 08:42 PM
yup :), but it's a bit much (AGAIN) just like last time, they not offering. They're YELLING. Have u trying just going to the main URL? http://www.oprano.com/
Swappernet is banging back hard again
Aint mine brutha, my shiznit is cleeeeeaaaaaaaan Yo


06-23-2007, 08:47 PM
Aint mine brutha, my shiznit is cleeeeeaaaaaaaan Yo

LOL :)
Flash on top of flash does work well yet man

06-23-2007, 08:51 PM
LOL :)
Flash on top of flash does work well yet man
I dont own the board bro heh heh
I just had the sweetest fucking banner ever made to be put on it!!:nyanya:


06-24-2007, 08:18 AM
They want to make sure you know that they are ready to buy your traffic.

Not a bad deal really. Instead of worrying about the site converting they will pay you cash up front monthly.

Check it out and see what you can make from them.

The interstitial only comes up once an hour and only once during that time.

If this is like AWE's lifetime revshare program, with cookies that expired in 14 to 17 days? Then I'm not seeing much of a future for this program either.

06-24-2007, 09:22 AM
I'll have Dee or someone else from AWE come and place a stickie soon to explain what they are offering.... :>))

06-24-2007, 10:53 AM
to be honest, I just now noticed that it was AWE

out of respect for Gonzo and his advertiser I will shut my mouth now :mad:

06-24-2007, 12:28 PM
to be honest, I just now noticed that it was AWE

out of respect for Gonzo and his advertiser I will shut my mouth now :mad:

PUSSY :hmm: hehe