View Full Version : [SEO Tip] What is Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI?

06-19-2007, 07:48 PM
What is Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI?

The term "latent" means "hidden" or "concealed."
The term "Semantic" means "interconnected system."
The term "index" as a verb means "order."

Roughly translated, LSI is a "hidden interconnected system order" that is being used in search engines to deliver a measure of "artificial intelligence" to the search engines. With LSI influences in Google, search engines are beginning to understand a whole lot more about the "context" of a message.

Not only must we remember the importance of writing excellent, high value content into our Web site, but we also need to understand that it is all based on what a search engine "knows" about a specific topic based on its overall collected data.

One easy way to find out what words a search engine "thinks" are connected to your important keywords, is to use Wordtrackers "Full Search Function" in the members area of Wordtracker.

Also read this article called:

Artificial Smarts -Search Engines learn to read context

seo tip from http://www.searchengineworkshops.com/