View Full Version : FWO Expo Coverage

06-14-2007, 12:20 AM
Hey Yo

Its me again. And you know what that means. Its survey time again!

I saw youse guys from my secure dishwasher post in the back.

You know where ....

Let me lend a few tips for one of these next party things youse guys do.

- Invest in clean clothing. I don't care how much you got paid to wear that Braincash or Nichebucks shirt. Bring some clean clothes. Wearing the same shirt for 3 days in a row makes you a Nasty Boy. And Knobbs and Saggs are not impressed. Leave the Pit Stops for the professionals.

- Just because its free booze doesnt mean they will run out. No one is impressed with how you were armed with 2 budwisers at all times. And waving around a $20 bill to get change for a dollar tip all weekend shows everyone your shit is weak. Only thing worse is that nasty shirt you wore all weekend. People see that your a broke assed $10 an hour affiliate rep. Its not hard to figure out that the company you represent sux because thats all they can pay you. Drink your longnecks one at a time.

- Leave the hard sale at the used car lot. Grabbing that spare chair next to a group of people you dont know to push your amazing content is sad. Leave the beret at home and forget trying to tell us your a PHD. Its as limp as your cock in those amazing movies.

- Try and convince us you have a little game. Buy a ticket. Nothing more shocking that a local sliding into a show trying to run a little game. If you cant afford a ticket we arent going to summarize 3 days in a hour and buy you a drink. Go to Mons Venus if you want to rub against the business.

- Even worse. If you couldnt make it in this business and find a show close to home...you arent doing us all a favor by dropping by. We dont want to hear how this business really sucks and smell 4:20 all over your ass. You didnt make it big time if your crashing the show to drink free hotel booze and slobber all over everyone talking about trolls. Your right. Someone sucks.