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06-06-2007, 11:32 AM

I was quite annoyed with CBS for cancelling this show. I hope they do decide to bring it back. Didn't send CBS any nuts though. ;)


'Jericho' fans assail CBS with 25 tons of peanuts
POSTED: 10:18 a.m. EDT, June 6, 2007

Source: CBS reconsidering decision to axe popular show
• Fan says "educated professionals" are rallying behind show
• Show appeals to young audience; online version well-received
• Network donating 50,000 pounds of protest peanuts to charity

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Fans trumpeting the cause of CBS' canceled drama "Jericho" have caught the network's ear.

CBS, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying viewer displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to the production said Tuesday.

The source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on whether to bring the show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, the source said.

"We are tired of the networks (not just CBS) tossing aside quality programming," was the message carried by jericholives.com, one of several Web sites protesting the cancellation. "Enough! We're going to fight for this one."

Hell Puppy
06-06-2007, 04:43 PM
I'm trying to remember the last traditional network TV show I watched while it was first run. I have caught things like Seinfeld, Cheers, etc in syndication. It would probably go all the way back to Married with Children, and I certainly didn't consider that "must see". And I have watched some Simpsons when it's inbetween the end of sports programming and start of whatever is on HBO Sunday night. Even those two are Fox, and not the old traditional Big 3.

FX, HBO, SciFi, etc are turning out better shows than the broadcast networks. They also have a clue about how to do them and offer replays at different times, marathons about once a month so you can catch up, etc.

06-06-2007, 05:17 PM
My DVR gets a hell of a workout. LOL TV junkie.

06-06-2007, 05:29 PM
My DVR gets a hell of a workout. LOL TV junkie.
Same here, but I never get around to watching two-thirds of what I record. :rolleyes:

06-07-2007, 05:54 PM
I also really enjoy the Jericho series and am glad that fan pressure is going to get it back on the air. But these days I'm just so fed up with all the commercial breaks that I am likely going to give up cable entirely and just rent/buy my favourite shows on DVD.