View Full Version : Another Reason To Attend Cybernet Expo

05-21-2007, 12:59 PM
Good Morning Oprano hahahaha

Each attendee will recieve in their goodie bag

The "Millionaires Limited Edition Waterfront Property For Sale "
Oprano Travel Mug.

Unlike anyone elses mug this one is guranteed not to be be dishwasher safe.

Its a true Limited Edition because the logo is limited to stay on for only a few washes.

Thats right! Every expense was spared!!!

Wash this priceless heirloom and all traces of the 90 day waterfront siege will be wiped away... just like on this board.

Thanks for Fay and Jay and of course to JoeSho for shipping them instead of using them for target practice in the desert.

Don't delay!!!
Heres your last chance to sip your coffee from the very same type of mug as paid to post whores and millionaires!
[for 90 days]

If only we could all afford a Mustang!

05-22-2007, 12:35 PM
oh and i thought it was because u and i are speaking on panels


05-22-2007, 01:12 PM
Funny, that's what happened to mine. First wash turned tho Oprano logo into a sticky smear of goo. :huh:

05-22-2007, 03:07 PM
Funny, that's what happened to mine. First wash turned tho Oprano logo into a sticky smear of goo. :huh:
Ill have some new swag soon. Trying to get rid of he crap that I was stuck with!