View Full Version : US post office- making things tough for business

05-13-2007, 10:48 PM

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) -- The postal rate increase that kicks in Monday is shaping up to be a big headache for many businesses.

Many companies say they are confused and frustrated as they try to adjust to the new rules, and some say mailings could be severely curtailed due to higher postage costs.

The new regulations mean larger envelopes and packages will automatically cost more than smaller mail. Currently, postage is determined by weight, unless it's an especially large or odd-shaped package that warrants special handling.

If your solution come Monday is to stuff the same amount of material into a smaller envelope, the Postal Service could get you there, too: There are new thickness restrictions.

For first-class, letter envelopes, the allowed thickness is a quarter inch. If you go over a quarter inch, you run into more costly large envelope or parcel rates

05-14-2007, 07:05 AM
I ship mostly International and today learned how they have reclassified all the International mail. Not only that, they have rezoned countries, and added a new zone (zone 6) so it will mean reprinting and relaminating the lists I've used for years.

Registered mail to a foreign country went up from $7.50 to $10.15 per item. Usually I eat that fee to ensure large orders are received. No more. Let the customer pay it now. Sheesh.

05-14-2007, 08:41 AM
I sent a large package of antique glass to a friend in California earlier this month. 20"x20"x20" box that weighed just over 19 lbs. Priority mail was $33. Under the new rates, it ships for the 42 lb. rate due to the "dimensional weight", and would have cost $62. :blink:

05-14-2007, 11:48 AM
It's going to have a HUGE effect on businesses who do a lot of mail business both online and offline. Places like Ebay and amazon will have to reconfigure for extra costs.

05-14-2007, 02:17 PM
Keyword here is: "STUFF IT" hehehe.
I heard on the radio this morning something about a special forever one time stamp available once the new price goes into effect. They will always be valid regardless of the price increases in the future, I hear the lines are getting long at the Post Offices in the attempt the purchase these special stamps.

Hell Puppy
05-14-2007, 11:20 PM
This is a huge boost for electronic billing.

Look for more and more businesses to start charging surcharges for paper billing.

05-15-2007, 08:50 AM
This is a huge boost for electronic billing.

Look for more and more businesses to start charging surcharges for paper billing.
Electronic billing is awesome, but a paper trail must always, always exist.
I don't think people are mentally ready for fully electronic method yet. :)