View Full Version : America has not forgotten OJ Simpson

05-10-2007, 03:08 AM
Check out these comments . . .


05-10-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't think I would want to be anywhere near the "Juice" when he had a steak knife in his hand.

05-10-2007, 01:57 PM
this one bugs the FUCK out of me

Here is what disturbs me about this incident. As a black man, I always thought O.J. committed these murders, and should have been punished accordingly. However, he went through the American system of justice and was found innocent, and should be left alone.
Timothy McVeigh didn’t receive this much scorn and hatred. What’s worse, I know in my heart that if Simpson had been found innocent of killing two black people, white america would have let this die a long time ago. Where was the national cry for justice when the killers of four children in Birmingham were slaughtered? Where was the outcry for all the people in the south who were set free for shootings, bombing and lynchings, despite mountains of evidence? It just proves what black people have always known. More value is put on a whaite person’s life, than there is for someone of color. Period.
To go as far as to buy Simpson’s former home and tear it down. To not want him living in certain communities. I never heard anyone try and do this to Byron DeLa Beckwith. White america is so hypocritical, it’s sickening.

this guys need to pay more attention.....more value is put on a WEALTHY mans life, whether it be wealth relating to money or wealth related to social status....it really has nothing to do with color of skin

if I was to walk downtown Atlanta right now and be killed, as a white man, there would be NO media attention brought to it, but if a wealthy and respected black man walked downtown atlanta and was killed, it would be all over the news

in this world, in this day and age, it has EVERYTHING to do with money and social stature, the shame is that few black people have enough conviction to achieve wealth and social stature....sad, but true

05-10-2007, 08:26 PM
Check out these comments . . .


why don't you ask your dick head friend to ask his nigga murdering buddy to an invite at Oprano So he can speak for his fucking self


Hell Puppy
05-13-2007, 06:57 PM
why don't you ask your dick head friend to ask his nigga murdering buddy to an invite at Oprano So he can speak for his fucking self


He's busy looking for the "real" killer. Apparently the real killer is a golfer.

05-13-2007, 07:09 PM
He's busy looking for the "real" killer. Apparently the real killer is a golfer.

where the hell u been the past few weeks?
Are emails from review sites keeping you that busy?? :rolleyes:

Hell Puppy
05-13-2007, 07:12 PM
where the hell u been the past few weeks?
Are emails from review sites keeping you that busy?? :rolleyes:

Lots and lots of travel, and climbing the occasional mountain in search of waterfalls.

I'm barely in town til probably late July.