View Full Version : Help !!! any Advise on how to start mysite up

05-07-2007, 06:23 PM
Hey guys I used to have a pantyhose web site that my ex BF ran.
Now I want to start one up on my own. Should I spend my money on one of those "TURN KEY" web sites or what should I do..
here is my space address, yes I am real


any help would be great...

05-07-2007, 08:18 PM
NO NO NO! Do not go with a turnkey site. They are a huge ripoff.

Coming here and asking first puts you way ahead of most.

Research research and more research. Running an independent amateur paysite is alot of work. A few fundamental web skills would be a BIG help. For starters:
• basic HTML or familiarity with a decent web editor
• basic knowledge of an image editor for cropping, color correcting, etc.
• a solid understanding of the most basic concepts of generating traffic

Read the archives here and other webmaster boards and do your research, THEN come back and ask more specfic questions about what you don't fully understand.

05-07-2007, 08:41 PM
There are some nice resources available to you for learning. Here is
one to get the list started. Hopefully some of the other webmasters
will chime in and add more to the list for you.


05-07-2007, 09:08 PM
There are some nice resources available to you for learning. Here is
one to get the list started. Hopefully some of the other webmasters
will chime in and add more to the list for you.


Ya, and cozy has the world's smartest man (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/) over there. he'll hook you up with a few 20 dollar web pages to get started :okthumb: well for about 1000 bucks each. But still they'll hook you right up.

:scratchinHmm. maybe "hook right up" is the wrong word to use when referring to pantyhose sites :huh:

05-08-2007, 01:21 AM
NO NO NO! Do not go with a turnkey site. They are a huge ripoff.

Coming here and asking first puts you way ahead of most.

Research research and more research. Running an independent amateur paysite is alot of work. A few fundamental web skills would be a BIG help. For starters:
• basic HTML or familiarity with a decent web editor
• basic knowledge of an image editor for cropping, color correcting, etc.
• a solid understanding of the most basic concepts of generating traffic

Read the archives here and other webmaster boards and do your research, THEN come back and ask more specfic questions about what you don't fully understand.

Hell your much better off going to one of the "elance" type resources but for porn ...[if anyone knows of one please post it] and having designers bid on creating you a site.

Besides them being a rip off in most cases you will find that
-They are way over priced
-They use content that you could get yourself from sponsors for free.
-They use canned templates which look identical to the search engines which now have a negative impact on your organic rankings.
-In some cases they own the domain, which limits your processing options.

All in all its not a good idea.
I can tell you that Hammer is someone I would recommend to do the site.
Your in a very underdeveloped niche with that market. If you have any understanding of it at all at least from the consumer's point of view then you really should avoid using anything canned.

Is this for a pay site or for a free site to promote others programs?