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05-01-2007, 09:47 AM
The Great Google Traffic Experiment; Smart People 2.0

http://www.hammeruncut.com/pics/google-experiment.gifStephen Colbert recently asked everyone watching his show to add a link to his website somewhere on their blog or website with the words, ‘Greatest Living American’. The last time I checked, a search for greatest living American (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=greatest+living+american&btnG=Google+Search) on Google listed the Colbert Nation (http://www.colbertnation.com/) numero uno.

And so is born, Smart People 2.0 (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/). I figured I’d start right out with version 2.0 and play off the popularity of Web 2.0. As the world’s smartest man (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/), I’ve got to always be thinking.

Let’s have fun with a Google experiment and also generate some traffic for any of you that have a blog or website. The more people that get on board, the greater the benefit for everyone.

Just for fun, I’d like to see if we can get Hammer Uncut to the top spot on Google for ‘World’s Smartest Man’ just by virtue of inbound links and without putting a lot of effort into SEO. C’mon now, it’s no more egotistical or unbelievable than Colbert’s claim and it wouldn’t be funny if it was true.
Now for the serious part that should produce traffic, as well as improve Google PR and Technorati rankings, for everyone that participates. Here’s how it will work.

1. Link to the Smart People 2.0 (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/) page with the words, ‘World’s Smartest Man’ somewhere on your website or blog. Be sure to use this link (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/) so everyone listed will benefit from the traffic.

Add the link to your blogroll, friends list, or get creative and place the link within a post. It doesn’t matter how you use the words on your page, as long as they link to this URL. http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/
I may not be the world’s smartest man (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/), but my kids think I’m pretty smart… They’re still young, obviously.
George W. Bush is obviously not the world’s smartest man (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/), but he did manage to get elected President.
Click here (http://gregbecerra.blogspot.com/2007/04/worlds-smartest-man.html) to see how Greg’s Brain took a funny approach.
Click here (http://www.horndog.com/interesting/worlds-smartest-man/) to see how HornDog got creative with it.

2. Post a comment letting me know where to find the link on your blog or website, and I’ll add a link to your website to the page. If you write a brief post about my little experiment, tell me that you’ve blogged about my post and I’ll keep those links at the top of the list.

3. Optional.
(a). Copy the list periodically as it grows and post it on your site somewhere. If you don’t want to give it a prominent spot, add it to a page you create that would benefit from Google traffic. If enough people do this it will improve everyone’s Google PR and Technorati rankings.

(b). Place a link to Smart People 2.0</STRONG> (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/) in a prominent place on your website to generate even more traffic to the page everyone’s links are on.
4. Sit back and watch the traffic pour in from your link on the Smart People 2.0 (http://www.hammeruncut.com/smart-people/) page. Once there are enough links on the page, I will use a script to randomize the order, giving everyone an equal shot at the traffic. I will also pick sites I especially like and add them to the ‘Smart People’ section in the right sidebar on every page of my blog.

Although we might get some Google traffic to the Smart People 2.0 page at some point, the bulk of the traffic will come from all the sites that link to the page, so tell your friends. The more sites that link in, the more traffic you’ll get out.

NOTE: NSFW (not safe for work) sites will be accepted, but only at my discretion. No hardcore content please.

05-04-2007, 01:00 AM
Damn boardtracker. I thought this might have something to do with my www.wikiality.com

05-04-2007, 10:28 PM
well like it just seems the mighty one is to busy wackin' on newbies at cozy to take the time to post this himself?