View Full Version : Antiporn Activist Says Porn Addiction Drove Virginia Tech Killings

04-26-2007, 10:49 AM
BLACKSBURG, Va. — Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and noted antiporn activist, has made a statement linking the Virginia Tech killings to an addiction to porn and devastating influence by what she calls "erototoxins."

Reisman recently wrote an article for WorldNetDaily.com discussing the ways that mass killer Cho Seung-Hui was influenced by porn and sexual images and how his frustration, topped with other social and family troubles, pushed him over the edge of sanity.

Reisman spoke to XBIZ, defending her opinion that even being exposed to one or two pornographic images is enough to "tip the scale" in terms of affecting the viewer's brain; that these erototoxins are toxic to the healthy development of the human brain.

"They have a toxic effect on everyone and we all know that," Reisman said. "We don't need billion-dollar studies to know that."

Reisman argues that Seung-Hui had shown signs of serious mental imbalance through his writing and disturbingly sexualized actions. She referred to one account in which Seung-Hui was caught photographing up classmates' skirts from underneath their desks, causing some of the young women to stop attending class out of fear.

"You're looking at a really serious predator here," Reisman said.
All of the boy's actions, Reisman said, fit the "youth killer profile."
"You have a young male who has no intimacies with normal human females, holed up in a dark room with a computer," Reisman said. "It's a distinct component in predators — frustrated that he can't get the girls he wants to get — and that builds up to a volcanic eruption."

Reisman believes that if these signs had been noted earlier, no one would have been killed.

She also said that there is too high a level of tolerance for signs of mental imbalance in this country, and parents deserve to know if Seung-Hui was dipping into porn, in case their own sons also become interested in adult content.

"The point of free speech of the press is to inform the public to make appropriate decisions," Reisman said.

Reisman also eluded to the belief that pro-adult news and information is favored by mainstream press, and that antiporn information and events receive less attention by the media.
"It's a multitrillion-dollar industry versus a $10 industry," Reisman said. "You do the math. [Antiporn activists] are going against an industry that's more powerful than the steel, power and alcohol industries combined."

04-26-2007, 10:51 AM
Free The Cerebral Spemititus!!!

04-26-2007, 11:10 AM
Free The Cerebral Spemititus!!!

I feel an article coming on...

04-26-2007, 11:21 AM
I feel an article coming on...
Judith Reisman is an old school anti-porn freak and there is a lot of information out there about just how 'tarded she is. An article should pretty much write itself with this slag


04-26-2007, 11:41 AM
I say we blamb it on Violent Video games.......

04-26-2007, 01:33 PM
All the morons with their agendas come out aftre tragic stuff like this....