View Full Version : Nike using Imus controversy to promote brand

04-18-2007, 10:29 AM
I love this.... the message being "always try to profit from someone else's stupidity..." :okthumb:

Published: April 17, 2007

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Now Nike has entered the Don Imus fray, hoping a new ad will spark continued conversation about race in America.

Dean Stoyer, Nike's U.S. media-relations director, said the company was inspired by the women's team at Rutgers, which happens to be a Nike school.

The sports-apparel giant took out a full-page ad in the Sunday, April 15 edition of The New York Times, followed by banner ads on several websites that indirectly thank Mr. Imus for bringing the issues of race relations and sexism to the forefront.

Fired by employers
Mr. Imus on April 4 called the Rutgers University women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos" following the team's loss to Tennessee in the NCAA national championship game. Following a national uproar that prompted a gaggle of sponsors to withdraw their advertising from his nationally syndicated CBS radio show and the TV simulcast on MSNBC, Mr. Imus was fired by both employers.

The print ad does not mention Mr. Imus by name. It reads:

"Thank you, ignorance.
Thank you for starting the conversation.
Thank you for making an entire nation listen to the Rutger's (sic) team story. And for making us wonder what other great stories we've missed. Thank you for reminding us to think before we speak.
Thank you for showing us how strong and poised 18 and 20-year-old women can be.
Thank you for reminding us that another basketball tournament goes on in March.
Thank you for showing us that sport includes more than the time spent on the court.
Thank you for unintentionally moving women's sport forward.
And thank you for making all of us realize that we still have a long way to go.
Next season starts 11.16.07."

04-18-2007, 10:39 AM
Howard Stern didnt have much nice to say about him the other day when I was listening to him talk about it.

04-18-2007, 11:21 AM
Imus is an equal opportunity asshole. He picks on pretty much anyone.

Personally, I think the race thing has been blown way out of proportion here.

Had he made a similar comment about fat white guys, we'd have all flipped him some shit then gone on with our lives.

04-18-2007, 11:44 AM
AS long as the Manatee remain off limits I am satisfied

04-18-2007, 12:14 PM
American radio icon Don Imus disgraced, fired after threat to reveal 9/11 secrets

In a clear sign of its intent to reign in dissident American media personalities, and their growing influence in American culture, US War Leaders this past week launched an unprecedented attack upon one of their most politically 'connected', and legendary, radio hosts named Don Imus after his threats to release information relating to the September 11, 2001 attacks upon that country...

04-26-2007, 03:23 PM
American radio icon Don Imus disgraced, fired after threat to reveal 9/11 secrets

In a clear sign of its intent to reign in dissident American media personalities, and their growing influence in American culture, US War Leaders this past week launched an unprecedented attack upon one of their most politically 'connected', and legendary, radio hosts named Don Imus after his threats to release information relating to the September 11, 2001 attacks upon that country...


I wonder what their take is on Rosie O'Donnell's contract renewal disagreements.... perhaps she was going to reveal who really shot JFK?