View Full Version : Why Interracial Porn is Stupid and So are You (For Watching It)

04-11-2007, 05:00 PM
Ever since I started in this business almost 6 years ago, one of the single most popular genres in the porn biz has been the interracial genre. As a rule, the term interracial (as it pertains to porn) has pretty much been synonymous with movies featuring black men having sex with white women. Of course, most of the titles of these movies are phenomenally stupid, vapid, and indicative of the problems we still have with racial tension here in America. Usually there is some reference to the skin co...

More... (http://www.eyeonadult.com/features/article1422.html)

04-12-2007, 12:14 AM
"First, I think that with white men, there is a certain mystique that comes with being made to feel inferior or submissive to black men. I’m sure this stems from the simple fact that white men have dominated everything in America and most of what we know of the Western world for centuries including such things as slavery- be it outright slavery or corporate slavery"

No statement and belief has ever been more false and inaccurate. No offense to anybody... i truly love Americans...but the real "problem" about Americans is exactly the fact that they don't know history...
Slavery is not a white thing. Slavery is a human being thing, unfortunately. Black people have known slavery for millenniums both as slavists and enslaved. Same thing for the white poeple. In many parts of the world there are still BOTH black and white people enslaving both white and black people, kids and women and men, indiscriminately. Muslims have enslaved people as well as Xstians and Jews have. The Chinese still practice slavery nowdays and so do the Indians and the Pakistanis. Black people in the Dominican Republic enslave fellow skin-coloured for the cane-cutting business: kids, women, men, all black, are captivated by other black men from the Dominican army and made work at gun point. North African Arabs are estimated to have enslaved as chattels 90,000 dinkas from Sudan in the early 90's, mostly kids and women, after they killed the men. The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids using tens of thousands of slaves, white, black didn't matter what. Slavery is like stupidity: has no colour! And quite frankly i'm rather amused when i still hear black young people pretending to have an issue with the rest of the western world having enslaved their ancestors: i had my ancestors enslaved too and i'm white and still i love GOOD black, yellow, red, white, green or whatever-colour-you-wanna-mention people. My neighbour is black and he does not give a shit about his ancestors having been enslaved by the Americans or the English 200 years ago...in fact he is more concerned about his relatives in Sudan risking to be enslaved, if not killed, by other black people, because this is happening now. When you hate someone because that person is part of a "race" whose some members did something bad to your grand-grand-grand-grandfather, you have a real problem and good chances are, to me , that you are the racist one and the one to avoid and to keep an eye on. I'm sorry for this long, boring post, but i'm really tired to hear people talking about slavery of 200 years ago and saying nothing about slavery of today or of 1000 years ago. My 2 cents.

04-12-2007, 09:22 AM
Dare I say, Sabrina, that it would appear that either you don't know all that much about recent American history or that you're simply oblivious to real life.

The civil rights movement as in the United States, as we know it, didn't actually begin until a little over 50 years ago. Now granted, slavery had been abolished here at that point for almost a century but life sucked out loud for minorities, particulary black people. Ever hear of a fuckin' Jim Crow Law, sister?

Taking into account that Jim Crow laws (segregated schools, public transport, public buildings, restrooms, etc.) weren't made unconstituional until 14 years before I was born, somehow I can see how people might be a little bitter, ya know? Essentially, we're only about 2 generations removed from openly government sponsored racism and frankly, that's just not enough time for wounds to heal completely for both blacks and whites. Frankly, it's embarrassing after all of our bravado about the land of the free, liberty and justice for all, and that all men are created equal.

So yeah, seriously. Come off it.

04-12-2007, 12:16 PM
Scott, i know that. I am just saying that if we make slavery a matter of skin colours, we will never come to terms with racism. There are good people and bad people, among every possible race. The bad black people enslaves black, white, yello etc people, the bad white people enslaves white, black, yellow etc people. I don't say this: facts and history say this. Hating a white because whites enslaved your ancestors or hating a black because blacks enslaved your ancestors does not help to overtake the racism problem: it makes it worse. I like to refer to human beings, for the good and for the bad, not to colours.

04-12-2007, 02:13 PM
" No offense to anybody... i truly love Americans...but the real "problem" about Americans is exactly the fact that they don't know history...

No offense taken, and we are glad you love us.
It makes us feel better knowing you truly love Americans
as you proclaim us to be ignorant when it comes to history.

I hope you enjoy the view from your pedestal.

04-12-2007, 02:50 PM
Just out of curiosity, Sabrina, where are you from?

04-13-2007, 03:09 AM
No offense taken, and we are glad you love us.
It makes us feel better knowing you truly love Americans
as you proclaim us to be ignorant when it comes to history.

I hope you enjoy the view from your pedestal.

Helix, i was obviously generalizing...i'm a very humile person. And i was referring to history, not to ignorance, generally speaking. If you will tell me that i know nothing about quantum phisics, i will tell you that you are right...that makes me ignorant about quantum phisics, but not necessarily generically as a person.

If you wanna know how genuine and not at all ironic i was when i said that i love Americans, it should be enough to tell you that my mum is American and that i have studied in the US for a few years. Everybody who knows me could tell you how much i "fight" almost daily, with them, taking the side of the US and feeling rather disgusted by the brain-washing propaganda that our european politicians and media try to do to us against the USA. This does not mean that poor knowledge of worldwide historical events is a fact in the average-cultured American people. It's simply a matter of different school system in the US from the one in many european countries, where you have 10 hours of history lessons a week in highschool, for 5 years and you have (unfortunately) 1 hour of IT related stuff every two weeks. Said this, Americans are all but ignorant: they are just not taught much history of the world at highschool. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

04-13-2007, 01:54 PM
I had a nice response all typed up and ready to post.....but after re-reading your last post I see it is a waste of time and effort to debate this with you.

Keep on thinking whatever you wish about Americans.

04-13-2007, 03:44 PM
Yeah, it looks like it is pointless, i agree. You cannot obviously debate when you have different opinions, but only when you agree. Those are real debates.
It was just my opinion, Helix, and quite frankly i really think that you have completely misunderstood my thoughts, or better that i have completely failed in expressing them with words. Still, i love Americans and i don't care much if you believe it or not, really.
And i wish you and all Oprano's a fantastic weekend! :okthumb:

04-13-2007, 03:45 PM
This thread needs naked pics.

04-13-2007, 03:52 PM
For Gonzo :)
