View Full Version : He got laid and now he's suing!!

04-06-2007, 09:30 AM
LAKEWOOD, Ohio — SexSearch.com has found itself on the legal defense after an Ohio man filed suit claiming the social networking company allowed him to chat online with a minor, later having sex with her.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Columbus, Ohio, alleges that SexSearch, as well as its executives and partners, committed fraud, violated Ohio consumer laws and markets children to adults for sexual purposes, among other accusations.
Plaintiff’s counsel Dean Boland told XBIZ that the suit, which has 21 defendants represented by seven different law firms, could shake up the social networking industry, particularly companies that market specifically to adults. “The whole industry is going to be rocked,” said Boland, referring to the online adult business. “There is no substantial age-verification system on any of these [social networking] sites.”


now there is a new spin on the whole CP and lawsuit thing


04-06-2007, 12:19 PM
Honestly it was a matter of time before this became an issue.. especially with all the press mainstream networking sites are getting as being places for predators. Makes sense they would start to scrutinize stuff intended for adults.

04-06-2007, 01:30 PM
Not shocked to see this one. Could be any of the dating/sex sites.

04-10-2007, 11:51 AM
Not shocked by this one either... can you say scapegoat?

He's claiming he was mislead by the site since they supposedly have an age verification system in place... I'm not sure how OLD a 14 YO can look... but I would assume young enough that I would have to ask the question!! :doh01: