View Full Version : Sponsors Fucking you with RSS Feeds

03-27-2007, 01:39 PM
Programs are sneaking leaks into your WordPress sites without your affiliate id. Some sponsors just arent very good at it or just out and out scamming fucks! CHeck your wordpress sites!

With wordpress & feedwordpress, when you add the feed, it also includes a link in the blogroll as well as the posts.

While the posts may all be fine, the link in the blogroll is missing the affiliate id.

Some of these programs will only have your affiliate id in the links in the post itself while the permalinks to original post does not contain your id. so if you get SE traffic to the entry & user clicks title, it goes to sponsor without your ref code.

03-28-2007, 05:00 PM
the issue is 3 fold

1. sponsors are idiots when providing rss feeds, they don't run blogs themselves and don't know what the fuck they are doing, so they don't know to include thwe affiliate id in the "source" link in the feed itself

2. feedwordpress is great and all, but has it's flaws, and when it adds that contributor link, it does it no matter what, I think that is shitty, we should have a choice whether that is added in or not

3. bloggers need to have FULL control over their blogs, that means breaking apart the blogroll into seperate sections and removing that contributors list....if you want that link to the site in there, add it yourself, don't let software do it for you....i have ALWAYS broken up my blogroll and never grouped everything together, which is the way wordpress does it by default

<?php get_links(1); ?>
that tag, learn it, live it, love it.....the # in there is the links category ID....put that in your blogroll and it will ONLY show the links from the category you have designated

04-04-2007, 02:46 PM
What do you think of this one, guys?


Option to link to tour or gal consistently, video logs incorporated, rich in text, self written based on what really happens to me, no leaks. Opinions and suggestions for improvements (i never thing anything is perfect, especially if done by me, but i'm a perfectionist ahahah) would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and i blog myself, being the model and the aff program runner as well, so, i always think from a webmaster point of view.

04-04-2007, 03:17 PM
What do you think of this one, guys?


Option to link to tour or gal consistently, video logs incorporated, rich in text, self written based on what really happens to me, no leaks. Opinions and suggestions for improvements (i never thing anything is perfect, especially if done by me, but i'm a perfectionist ahahah) would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and i blog myself, being the model and the aff program runner as well, so, i always think from a webmaster point of view.

I have a project that I will let you know about that Im turning on next week.

Blogs are nothing more than the old solo diary feature we pimped for many years. The syndication is what makes it so powerful.

05-13-2007, 03:34 PM
I have a project that I will let you know about that Im turning on next week.

Blogs are nothing more than the old solo diary feature we pimped for many years. The syndication is what makes it so powerful.

Gonzo... nice thread.. Q?

what do you think of XonDemand newly created RSS and Blogs...

Blog web sites
Fetish Video Blog (http://fetish.xodclips.com/?ref=8) http://fetish.xodclips.com/?ref=8 (http://fetish.xodclips.com/?ref=8)
Gay Video Blog (http://gay.xodclips.com/?ref=8) http://gay.xodclips.com/?ref=8 (http://gay.xodclips.com/?ref=8)
Lesbian Video Blog (http://lesbian.xodclips.com/?ref=8) http://lesbian.xodclips.com/?ref=8 (http://lesbian.xodclips.com/?ref=8)
Sex Video Blog (http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/?ref=8) http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/?ref=8 (http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/?ref=8)
Voyeur Video Blog (http://voyeur.xodclips.com/?ref=8) http://voyeur.xodclips.com/?ref=8 (http://voyeur.xodclips.com/?ref=8)

"Our RSS Feeds and Blogs are an easy way of getting fresh video content for your web pages, free"

RSS Feeds
Fetish RSS Feeds (http://fetish.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8) http://fetish.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8
(http://fetish.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8)Gay RSS Feeds (http://gay.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8) http://gay.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8 (http://gay.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8)
Lesbian RSS Feeds (http://lesbian.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8) http://lesbian.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8 (http://lesbian.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8)
Sex Video RSS Feeds (http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8) http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8 (http://sexvideo.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8)
Voyeur RSS Feeds (http://voyeur.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8) http://voyeur.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8 (http://voyeur.xodclips.com/rss2?ref=8)


05-14-2007, 08:58 AM
I think that you do nothing to contribute to this board nor do you read any response that has been made in the past to any of your threads. Oprano isnt a spam dump.

Strike 2.

That being said...what do you have that AEBN doesnt?

Greg B
07-03-2007, 07:17 PM
Well I sure showed up at the right thread since re-studying RSS.

Toons on the wayyyyy!