View Full Version : Charitable auction for a beloved webmaster

03-27-2007, 10:00 AM
recently it has come to my attention that one of the webmaster who is extremely prominent on this board suffers from a rare but deadly form of gastritis that not only effects his well being but all those closest to him as well.

This non-communicable disease can have a devastating effect on everything from the wallpaper in his posh, luxurious estate to the leather interior of his gorgeous vehicle. The only known cure is for him to insert a fresh pine cone deeply into his anal cavity daily. The cone will deteriorate rapidly so a large supply is needed and in a hurry. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!

Because neither I or the beloved webmaster in question has a ready and available supply of high quality pine cones I decided to have an auction on his behalf because he is far to proud to ask for the help himself. His self esteem is so fragile at this critical moment in his life that I hesitate to even mention his nick in this thread.

So here is the auction. Whoever bids and is willing to send the most high quality pine cones to me will receive... free of charge...

a pack of delicious Trident Splash Apple with Raspberry chewing gum!!! ( http://www.tridentsplash.ca/about.cfm )

http://www.spazlabz.com/auction/front.jpg http://www.spazlabz.com/auction/back.jpg


this incredibly tasty treat comes in a convenient 9 pack encased in a very attractive box (of sorts). All you need to do to receive this wonderful prize is to help out a fellow and beloved webmaster control this serious condition.

You will receive you prize upon delivery of the pine cones to me. I will contact the winning bidder by either PM, email, ICQ or phone to give the delivery address. Yes YOU can have a phone conversation with a spaz just for a box of pine cones you can probably pick up in your yard!

Happy Bidding!


(post your bid of pine cones in this thread)

03-27-2007, 11:58 AM
I have about 30 pine trees in my backyard

time to start collecting

03-27-2007, 12:50 PM
I have about 16 pine trees on my property, it will be good to get rid of the pine cones so when I mow they don't become projectiles!

03-27-2007, 01:23 PM
I have about 16 pine trees on my property, it will be good to get rid of the pine cones so when I mow they don't become projectiles!

oh shit man, that is the most fun about pine cones, seeing where they will end up when I roll over them with the mower...LOL

my cats run for cover when they hear that mower start up though, fun times!

03-27-2007, 01:31 PM
this is great!
remember please
we need bids, numbers
I AM serious.. you can win the tasty treat offered above sent directly to your door guaranteed and insured as well as the much prized phone conversation with spaz!


03-27-2007, 01:32 PM
Oh and as an added bonus, because this person is so important to me, I will package a tube of high quality KY Jelly to send along with your generous gift of pine cone treatments!


03-27-2007, 07:01 PM
Every pine cone that I get I will bring to Cybernet. Everyone at the show will thank me. :)

03-27-2007, 07:05 PM
Every pine cone that I get I will bring to Cybernet. Everyone at the show will thank me. :)
yes they will...

they most certainly will

you should get an award for that heh heh :okthumb:


03-28-2007, 09:18 AM
whoa dude?
somethin' ain't right here, is this about quantity? or size?
cuz if size counts, well...

...dang man, it must be worth something :)

03-28-2007, 09:40 AM
whoa dude?
somethin' ain't right here, is this about quantity? or size?
cuz if size counts, well...

...dang man, it must be worth something :)

WOW!! that is industrial size right there! If you got it bid it so far no one has actually made a bid LOL


03-28-2007, 08:08 PM
I would consider it if you had the new watermelon flavour. I am dying to try it.

03-29-2007, 01:58 PM

03-29-2007, 09:24 PM
My one and only bit man....http://myadg.com/oprano/218256994_3258f52dbb_o.jpg

take it or leave it. :)

03-29-2007, 10:46 PM
My one and only bit man....http://myadg.com/oprano/218256994_3258f52dbb_o.jpg

take it or leave it. :)
:clapping: :wnw:
I'll take it! Want me to contact you via PM to give you the spaz-o-fone digits? LOL


03-30-2007, 01:21 AM
Ya sure, ICQ, Skype, where ever works with me, Just make sure that my Trident ain't expired, opened or used. "meaning already chewed":)
And who covers shipping and handling?

04-02-2007, 10:42 AM
Ya sure, ICQ, Skype, where ever works with me, Just make sure that my Trident ain't expired, opened or used. "meaning already chewed":)
And who covers shipping and handling?

I tell ya what, if you can send it COD i'll pay for the shipping of the medical supplies and the prize for winning the auction BUT you have to have a pic taken of you holding the tasty treat. it can be just in your hand if your not comfy with a full frontal, but I want eveyone to know i made good in case I decide to do any future auctions. I am about to send you a PM to arrange for the time for the call if you would like to receive that part of this most treasured prize :)


04-02-2007, 10:43 AM
Rcourt64 has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.


04-02-2007, 04:00 PM


Skype or Yahoo me if u want also,
- ID:rcourt64 on both
And I don't know what to tell ya bout ICQ? I don't have that featured enabled "to block anyone" So I don't know why your getting this message. I will take a picture of myself holding a pine cone :) thats cool.
We just need to find where to send it.

Hey.., Ya know what? Now that I think about it, :scratchin This will be the third prize I've won thru Oprano this past year:clapping:Wooo Hooo

Gracias :wnw:

04-04-2007, 03:52 PM
Skype or Yahoo me if u want also,
- ID:rcourt64 on both
And I don't know what to tell ya bout ICQ? I don't have that featured enabled "to block anyone" So I don't know why your getting this message. I will take a picture of myself holding a pine cone :) thats cool.
We just need to find where to send it.

Hey.., Ya know what? Now that I think about it, :scratchin This will be the third prize I've won thru Oprano this past year:clapping:Wooo Hooo

Gracias :wnw:
nah that was a PM on the board bro. hit me up on Q 233802392 and we'll hook ya up with the tasty treat

and it is the intended recipients duty to get HIS freaking picture taken with the pine cone!! hahahaha (ya hear that gonzo-gaspants)


04-04-2007, 11:42 PM
nah that was a PM on the board bro. hit me up on Q 233802392 and we'll hook ya up with the tasty treat

and it is the intended recipients duty to get HIS freaking picture taken with the pine cone!! hahahaha (ya hear that gonzo-gaspants)


Oh u meant thru Oprano message thingy? Come on man, nothing works around here, this is low income housing here man

04-05-2007, 09:27 AM
Oh u meant thru Oprano message thingy? Come on man, nothing works around here, this is low income housing here man
you sayin the double wide has a flat??? LOL


05-05-2007, 10:54 PM
After long search and millions of processed cones eliminated.
A final collection have been selected due to they're large sharp and piney edges
Besides the rewarding trident won, I will assume that some sort of proof that these sacrificed pine cones will be used solely for the purpose of the healing and well being of this ill web master and used in it's proper insertion form and method.

[image of mailed pine cones]


I myself in the past have suffered from this horrendous illness and find it to be a spattering devastating mess. I wish your webmaster a proser stuffing and closure to this gastritis

05-07-2007, 11:59 AM
After long search and millions of processed cones eliminated.
A final collection have been selected due to they're large sharp and piney edges
Besides the rewarding trident won, I will assume that some sort of proof that these sacrificed pine cones will be used solely for the purpose of the healing and well being of this ill web master and used in it's proper insertion form and method.

[image of mailed pine cones]


I myself in the past have suffered from this horrendous illness and find it to be a spattering devastating mess. I wish your webmaster a proser stuffing and closure to this gastritis
:yowsa: :okthumb: :wnw: THATS GREAT!!
