View Full Version : No Sex On Big Wheel

03-26-2007, 12:18 AM
A nurse and her two cameramen were arrested after they filmed a porn movie at the Munich beer festival on the city's famous big wheel.

The 21-year-old nurse and the two cameramen were spotted "filming sexual acts" by three Italian tourists in another carriage of the big wheel.

The tourists immediately alerted the authorities, who detained the "porn actress" and the filmmakers.

The Munich police said: "The trio were spotted in the carriage with filming equipment. The 21-year-old suddenly disrobed and produced a sex toy that she began to use while the other two filmed her".

The trio have been charged with public indecency.

source (http://www.stunning-stuff.com/read-weird-news-stories/133.html)

Hell Puppy
03-26-2007, 12:28 AM
This thread worthless without video.

03-26-2007, 06:48 PM
Sounds like a great new show idea for Six Flags :okthumb: