View Full Version : Shitty Assed Sponsors

02-26-2007, 11:58 PM
Hey Yo

Its survey time again with a twist. You just answer the question.

What is your shittiest sponsor ever?

I know you have sponsors youve sent clicks for years and never seen a check from them.

Lets punk em out.

02-27-2007, 01:43 AM
:bustingupYou've gotta be kidding me.
Just what I need, More reasons to give these assholes to hate me :bustingup

02-27-2007, 01:45 AM
Hey Yo

Its survey time again with a twist. You just answer the question.

What is your shittiest sponsor ever?

I know you have sponsors youve sent clicks for years and never seen a check from them.

Lets punk em out.
Just because you can't sell is no reason to shit on the sponsor.

02-27-2007, 10:20 AM
Just because you can't sell is no reason to shit on the sponsor.

Good point. Do you think its the affiliates job to presell a sponsors product?

Ive always operated from the premise its my job to get the surfer interested and to their door. Closing the deal remains the sponsors job.

02-27-2007, 11:04 AM
Hey Yo

Its survey time again with a twist. You just answer the question.

What is your shittiest sponsor ever?

I know you have sponsors youve sent clicks for years and never seen a check from them.

Lets punk em out.

ok question foir you

WHY would anyone send clicks to a sponsor for years without makinhg any money?


02-27-2007, 11:04 AM
Good point. Do you think its the affiliates job to presell a sponsors product?

Ive always operated from the premise its my job to get the surfer interested and to their door. Closing the deal remains the sponsors job.
Bringing the right traffic to the sponsor's door will guarantee good sales. If the sponsor is any good, he is already selling his product. I would assume that is why the aff signs up for his programme in the first place. Bad traffic = bad sales.

02-27-2007, 11:41 AM
Can of worms was just opened:

Just because you can't sell is no reason to shit on the sponsor.Hogwash rhetorical, Its not my job to do the sale, all I feel my responsibility is to bring the customer into the Candy Store, and at times even go as far as to show what flavors are available. if the Candy looks yummy, but taste like shit is not my fault.

ok question foir you

WHY would anyone send clicks to a sponsor for years without makinhg any money?

NewbYa want some honesty here Sir?

Thats exactly what I've been doing for about 2 and half years now. I have sites which I dedicate to specific sponsors. And I've made an income of about $30.00 "Ya thats right I said Thirty Bucks in over 2 years" :hmm:
I'm not ashamed to admit this. I truly don't care if people here find me stupid in how I operate, or my lack of experience as a webmaster, its about being a salesman, and finding your Internet crowd.
I think many things have changed in Internet pornography in the past 5 years. There is just so much saturated free porn available now. Why the fuck would anyone buy anymore?

Bringing the right traffic to the sponsor's door will guarantee good sales. If the sponsor is any good, he is already selling his product. I would assume that is why the aff signs up for his programme in the first place. Bad traffic = bad sales.would you emphasize more on this?

02-27-2007, 11:57 AM
"Hogwash rhetorical, Its not my job to do the sale, all I feel my responsibility is to bring the customer into the Candy Store, and at times even go as far as to show what flavors are available. if the Candy looks yummy, but taste like shit is not my fault."

But bringing in customers who don't eat candy won't make a sale. You do that and you are a bad salesman. After all we are all first and foremost salesmen.

"Bringing the right traffic to the sponsor's door will guarantee good sales. If the sponsor is any good, he is already selling his product. I would assume that is why the aff signs up for his programme in the first place. Bad traffic = bad sales.
would you emphasize more on this?"

See my first point. If you bring a bunch of bbw traffic to an anorexic site, then you won't convert (extreme example for illustration). If you bring a fattie lover traffic to a bbw site, you will make money. I think this is a pretty simple concept.
It is your job as an affiliate to make sales. If you can't do this, find another line of work.
When a sponsor gives you fhg and all the tools to sell and you still can't make a sale, then perhaps you might consider something your talents are more suited to.

02-27-2007, 12:18 PM
Filter! Filter! Filter!

Rhetorical is dead on.. so is Gonzo and others who have posted. If you send shitty traffic to a sponsor then you'll get shitty results. Now, if you send good targeted traffic to a sponsor and it's not selling THEN you can talk about what a shitty job the sponsor is doing.

So let's say I am sending traffic to a great sponsor like http://www.juggcash.com and sending it to a damn good converting site like http://tour.bustyandreal.com/t1/ that is converting like hotcakes but for some dumb reason I wanna try another sponsor there and swap out Mr Billy Bobs Natural Big Boobs site and my sales plummet. THEN I can legitimately gripe about the sponsor as I went from mad sales with the Jugg Cash site to shitty sales with Mr Billy Bob's site.

02-27-2007, 12:20 PM
But bringing in customers who don't eat candy won't make a sale. You do that and you are a bad salesman. After all we are all first and foremost salesmen.Put thats the secret to being a good salesman isn't it? to convince the customer that even though he came in looking for chocolate, vanilla is better. This is hard to do, you talk traffic, I believe this has to be create by the salesman. So now I'm not only a salesman, I'm a recruiter also. How does salesman define which is the proper traffic he is seeking? purchase it? S.E. it? trade it? I see many ways of obtaining it. But I believe the true traffic is the one the salesman creates. Because as much as everone says they have all this great traffic to offer, Do you truly believe they are willing to give it up for a trade, or a sale? I seriously doubt it.

02-27-2007, 12:34 PM
Rcourt, I have to agree with rhetorical. Everything he's said in this thread is spot on.

The affiliate's job is far more than just sending as much traffic as possible to the tour.

One of the best pieces of advice I've rec'd in this biz is this one simple concept. "Cutting your conversion ratio in half is the same as doubling your traffic." After thinking about that for awhile I immediately started reading everything I could find pertaining to generating targetted traffic. The end result, my aggregate conversion ratio for 2006 across all sponsors from mostly TGP traffic was 1:585

I compile stats monthly, for the prior three months, and compare that to previous numbers to decide which sponsors to promote more, which to promote less, and which to drop. Traffic is a finite resource for most of us, so using it where it's most effective is very important.

02-27-2007, 12:36 PM
Filter! Filter! Filter!

Rhetorical is dead on.. so is Gonzo and others who have posted. If you send shitty traffic to a sponsor then you'll get shitty results. Now, if you send good targeted traffic to a sponsor and it's not selling THEN you can talk about what a shitty job the sponsor is doing.

So let's say I am sending traffic to a great sponsor like http://www.juggcash.com and sending it to a damn good converting site like http://tour.bustyandreal.com/t1/ that is converting like hotcakes but for some dumb reason I wanna try another sponsor there and swap out Mr Billy Bobs Natural Big Boobs site and my sales plummet. THEN I can legitimately gripe about the sponsor as I went from mad sales with the Jugg Cash site to shitty sales with Mr Billy Bob's site.

ok I agree, But This high converting hotcakes site? How did it get this way? to be able to watch sales drop, there has to be some.
I remember a cam sponsor I am promoting and sales went off like crazy make a few bucks with them, And all of a sudden 'puff' cold turkey dead stop on sales? and its been that way for months now, the reason I originally obtained the sales was because it was traffic I create. Nothing bought or traded. Then when I began to seek traffic threw other means and sources is when is when the sales died. I filter, filter, filter, But it's still hard, and I can't figure it out.

02-27-2007, 12:44 PM
ok I agree, But This high converting hotcakes site? How did it get this way? to be able to watch sales drop, there has to be some.
I remember a cam sponsor I am promoting and sales went off like crazy make a few bucks with them, And all of a sudden 'puff' cold turkey dead stop on sales? and its been that way for months now, the reason I originally obtained the sales was because it was traffic I create. Nothing bought or traded. Then when I began to seek traffic threw other means and sources is when is when the sales died. I filter, filter, filter, But it's still hard, and I can't figure it out.

Got me on that one. However, sometimes sponsors can suffer like any other business. There may be some stiff new competition that is hurting sales. Any number of reasons. I think if a sponsor doesn't work for you, then move on to some place that does.

02-27-2007, 01:24 PM
Got me on that one. However, sometimes sponsors can suffer like any other business. There may be some stiff new competition that is hurting sales. Any number of reasons. I think if a sponsor doesn't work for you, then move on to some place that does.

Well Dang Man, This can go either way? Where does one find the difference between which is the one to switch? Who do u blame when sales drop?
is it the traffic that ones bringing in? or is it the sponsor that went to shit?
Dude? I don't shit money to be able to continue experimenting like that? lol
I mean it takes money to make money, but limits have to be set. and another thing is when dealing with sponsors is which way to go? sales suck in revshare but it suppose to be the long time investment idea? or the webmaster that likes the ppc concept cause he knows the sites gonna be trash in a year anyway?

Sales in porn? are you still generating them? I hear people who have pages with PR7 and show shit sales according to them.

I dunno rhetorical:scratchin but I believe maybe there is no more porn to sell on the Internet, not with all the free content the sponsor offer and how easy it is to obtain a affiliate membership now. All I need is a free hosted url and know how to cut copy and paste, and away one goes with tons of free porn content. I recently discovered this site which offers hardlink trades, And I was astonished at some of the pages people offer to trade with, I'm talking PR 3, 4 and 5's and they look like garbage ass linked bannered nasty looking pages. I want understood here, I use PR loosely cause its whats popular now in showing examples. Alexis would be a better example. But I just wanted to demonstrate how porn is not much for sale anymore.

02-27-2007, 02:07 PM
Well Dang Man, This can go either way? Where does one find the difference between which is the one to switch? Who do u blame when sales drop?
is it the traffic that ones bringing in? or is it the sponsor that went to shit?
Dude? I don't shit money to be able to continue experimenting like that? lol
I mean it takes money to make money, but limits have to be set. and another thing is when dealing with sponsors is which way to go? sales suck in revshare but it suppose to be the long time investment idea? or the webmaster that likes the ppc concept cause he knows the sites gonna be trash in a year anyway?

Sales in porn? are you still generating them? I hear people who have pages with PR7 and show shit sales according to them.

I dunno rhetorical:scratchin but I believe maybe there is no more porn to sell on the Internet, not with all the free content the sponsor offer and how easy it is to obtain a affiliate membership now. All I need is a free hosted url and know how to cut copy and paste, and away one goes with tons of free porn content. I recently discovered this site which offers hardlink trades, And I was astonished at some of the pages people offer to trade with, I'm talking PR 3, 4 and 5's and they look like garbage ass linked bannered nasty looking pages. I want understood here, I use PR loosely cause its whats popular now in showing examples. Alexis would be a better example. But I just wanted to demonstrate how porn is not much for sale anymore.

I think there is still lots of porn to sell. There was a scientist, quite a learned fellow, in the 19th Century that claimed that all scientific discoveries had been made. We knew it all. Well obviously he was well wrong. There is still lots of porn to sell. Admittedly it is a tough market with all the free stuff floating around. But there is still a large fan base that doesn't mind paying and doesn't want to spend all his time scrounging for free stuff. Those are our customers. Find them, and you have the Holy Grail of porn.
As for the PR and Alexa, they can be taken with a grain of salt. I do find Alexa useful for evaluating free sites like this board, for instance, but shite for pay sites.

02-27-2007, 02:16 PM
*checks statsremote all time tab*

RealSexCash.com - 0:6314

02-27-2007, 02:20 PM
I would like to say that this is the most informative thread on Oprano in awhile. More of these business threads would be very useful.

02-27-2007, 02:38 PM
I would like to say that this is the most informative thread on Oprano in awhile. More of these business threads would be very useful.

I agree and I have my 2 cents worth after I can read whats been said here so far.

Quick reply is that it may more effective to presell the site but its the sponsors site to make sure they retain.

02-27-2007, 02:45 PM
I agree and I have my 2 cents worth after I can read whats been said here so far.

Quick reply is that it may more effective to presell the site but its the sponsors site to make sure they retain.
I believe the single most telling way to judge any site is by their retention.

02-27-2007, 02:49 PM
"Hogwash rhetorical, Its not my job to do the sale..."

Huh? Of course it is.

"Put thats the secret to being a good salesman isn't it? to convince the customer that even though he came in looking for chocolate, vanilla is better."

If they're looking for chocolate, sell them chocolate. If they like it, they'll keep coming back to you for more chocolate. Just make all the selections readily available, chocolate, vanilla, etc. You don't need to convince them they're looking for something you want to sell, just make it easy and convenient for them to find what it is they want to buy.

"...it may be my responsibility to presell the site but its the sponsors site to make sure they retain."


Just my 2 pennies.

02-27-2007, 05:55 PM
I believe the single most telling way to judge any site is by their retention.
When u say retention, I assume you mean retaining surfer on my sites?
Well retention means content, Content means bandwidth and space, Bandwidth and space means $$$, and $$$ means I dont got none..LOL
I think the idea is to get the surfer off my site as fast as possible into my sponsors arms.
I don't need them freeloading and jacking off to the content I already offer. If this is what they what to do? Then do it at the sponsors expense, on they're free galleries. Is it my fault that the average surfer get his rocks off on a few pictures or some free clip previews? therefore they're not having to purchase nothing. This thread was a grip poll about sponsors, Well my biggest grip is they except surfmaster to easily sign up and have all the free porn they want.

02-27-2007, 05:58 PM
When u say retention, I assume you mean retaining surfer on my sites?
Well retention means content, Content means bandwidth and space, Bandwidth and space means $$$, and $$$ means I dont got none..LOL
I think the idea is to get the surfer off my site as fast as possible into my sponsors arms.
I don't need them freeloading and jacking off to the content I already offer. If this is what they what to do? Then do it at the sponsors expense, on they're free galleries. Is it my fault that the average surfer get his rocks off on a few pictures or some free clip previews? therefore they're not having to purchase nothing. This thread was a grip poll about sponsors, Well my biggest grip is they except surfmaster to easily sign up and have all the free porn they want.
I actually meant rebilling on the sponsors content site.

02-27-2007, 06:07 PM
thats cool, I still got to blab all the shit I wanted to say anyway..LOL

Hell Puppy
02-27-2007, 11:52 PM
Both sides gotta do their thing.

As an affiliate your job is always to garner traffic. There's lots of ways to do it and HOW you do it will influence your conversions. So also part of your job needs to be to understand your traffic and how to filter it to a sponsor that is offering something that surfer might be interested in. If you've done that, they need to close the deal. If they cant, you need to send your traffic elsewhere.

As a sponsor, your job is to separate the surfer from his wallet, you're the closer. On the sponsor side, lots of things influence it as well....tour quality and psychology, number of samples, price point, trials or no trials. The sponsor must find the right balance of getting the surfer to signup within Visa's limitations and still make enough profit to share some with the affiliate.

I dont know of ANYTHING that converts worth a crap totally blind these days. Best tour in the world with a free signup still needs some minimal filtering in order for the traffic to be profitable.

03-01-2007, 04:59 PM
I will have to tack on that there are some sponsors I have never made a penny with like Russ.

Silvercash comes to mind as a long term sponsor that I still continue to send traffic too. I have never made a sale with Lightspeed Cash either.

Those are 2 long term programs that come directly to mind.

However that is not to say that I think these programs are being dishonest or stealing. I dont think my traffic is a good match for they way they close the sales. Or maybe the people that come to my sites arent interested in what they have to sell.

The list of other newer programs is quite a bit longer. Its good that we are all comparing notes though. Maybe one of these program reps or owners wants to stick their head in here for some constructive words.

Maybe we should make a list.

Hell Puppy
03-01-2007, 10:33 PM
I will have to tack on that there are some sponsors I have never made a penny with like Russ.

Silvercash comes to mind as a long term sponsor that I still continue to send traffic too. I have never made a sale with Lightspeed Cash either.

Those are 2 long term programs that come directly to mind.

However that is not to say that I think these programs are being dishonest or stealing. I dont think my traffic is a good match for they way they close the sales. Or maybe the people that come to my sites arent interested in what they have to sell.

The list of other newer programs is quite a bit longer. Its good that we are all comparing notes though. Maybe one of these program reps or owners wants to stick their head in here for some constructive words.

Maybe we should make a list.

Yup, and as you know although I dont do much with them these days, I made serious bank off of Tawnee Stone. Heh...I could've easily named a car or two "Tawnee" based on those checks while she was hot. I just never found that "next" lightspeed girl that I could do it that effortlessly with.

Silvercash on the other hand, I've never sent anything to. Nothing against them, just dont know them. They usually have big presence at the shows and such, but that's all I know. Have never seen them around on any of the boards I'm on. And with no other recommendations, I tend to send my traffic to folks I know a little bit.

03-02-2007, 12:27 AM
Yup, and as you know although I dont do much with them these days, I made serious bank off of Tawnee Stone. Heh...I could've easily named a car or two "Tawnee" based on those checks while she was hot. I just never found that "next" lightspeed girl that I could do it that effortlessly with.

Silvercash on the other hand, I've never sent anything to. Nothing against them, just dont know them. They usually have big presence at the shows and such, but that's all I know. Have never seen them around on any of the boards I'm on. And with no other recommendations, I tend to send my traffic to folks I know a little bit.

So what are we talking about? Two cars...good cars..about 80K a year? Just curious.

03-02-2007, 12:48 AM
Where do you guys draw the line?
I mean I would like to hear numbers, When does one say, "Hey, I've sent So-So Sponsor blank number of hits with no results. I'm pulling them off."
I ask cause I recently published a bunch of blogs, all free content sponsor stuff. hits are starting to show in the thousands now. "thats a total of all subs combined" but at sponsors end only getting still hits in the hundreds. and of course no sales yet. But again, sometime down the line I'll reach a point where I'm receiving muti thousand hits per sub-domain? Dang you people. I wish you'd talk actual numbers here :(
Everything as to be a fucking secret around here all the time. :hmm:

03-02-2007, 01:02 AM
Where do you guys draw the line?
I mean I would like to hear numbers, When does one say, "Hey, I've sent So-So Sponsor blank number of hits with no results. I'm pulling them off."
I ask cause I recently published a bunch of blogs, all free content sponsor stuff. hits are starting to show in the thousands now. "thats a total of all subs combined" but at sponsors end only getting still hits in the hundreds. and of course no sales yet. But again, sometime down the line I'll reach a point where I'm receiving muti thousand hits per sub-domain? Dang you people. I wish you'd talk actual numbers here :(
Everything as to be a fucking secret around here all the time. :hmm:

The numbers are up to you.

I will tell you that the numbers you are reporting are not unusual for blog traffic.

03-02-2007, 01:08 AM
The numbers are up to you.

I will tell you that the numbers you are reporting are not unusual for blog traffic.
Well it's 1 main blog with 10 sub just been submitted to the directories, this is reason why so may hits, although I managed to get it rank one on yahoo with some nice keyword, but google is being there asshole regular shit ass self, and still won't show as high as Yahoo

03-02-2007, 09:22 AM
...google is being there asshole regular shit ass self, and still won't show as high as YahooThat's not unusual either. I have a number of key phrases where my sites rank in the top 10 on both Yahoo and MSN, yet aren't in the top 100 on Google. :hmm:

03-02-2007, 04:18 PM
I'm happy to get traffic from sponsors/friends. It's up to me to make the sale after the fact. If my content is shit, then I won't be making any cheese for me or my clients. You have about 4 seconds to interest people when they visit your site.

I am an affiliate of Js, and we do well with his program, so he must be doing something right.

03-08-2007, 12:12 PM
From a stand point of being new in the whole industry as far as marleting goes, I break it down like they do in the real world on this very topic. Affiliates to me are salesmen. No different than car, home, insurance or any other commisioned salesmen out there. I knew guys that could sell cars and then move onto home sales and then to ATV's. They were so good, they bounced around as the markets fluctuated on whatever was hot at the time and raked in.

On the other end, of course you need the folks with the goods to sell. If the sponsors product isnt as good as what the salesmen told you it would be, then its the sponsors fault not keeping the sale recurring and building a loyal fan willing to stay with them. We all blame salesmen when the product sucks, but the bottomline is, we know they are there to make some cash and show you the "good" points of a product in hopes to make a buck. And thats the game, making a buck.

The trouble and great problem to overcome is all the free content out there. Why should anyone have to pay when you can grab 20,000 pics for free in an hours time? You need a great salesman to pitch the goods, but a good sponsor to keep the sales given to them to make it sweet for both. And giving some tools to those who sell, certainly builds a nice partnership as well. If selling was that easy, sponsors wouldnt have affiliates and sharing the revenue made.

This is just me talking aloud to be sure I get it right. Have a great day as I am off to research some more.