View Full Version : Juggcash.com now offering PPS, and Promo Announcements

02-19-2007, 03:31 PM
We are launching today Phase 1 of Our PPS program. As many of you know, Juggcash.com has mainly been a revshare program since the start last year. We are big believers in the revshare business model, we believe it enables us to build more solid long term relationships with our affiliates and grow more over time. However we understand that many affiliates prefer the PPS formula and that is perfectly understandable.

We are starting our PPS program at 25$ Console-free flat rate on All joins including trial joins, check joins and international joins. We will be
gradually increasing our payouts throughout the year in the hopes of eventually reaching industry leading levels. This gradual progression is
necessary to keep increasing the overall quality level of our products.

In the past few months we have been seeing phenomenal growth. This growth is due to the fact that we take care of all elements involved in monetizing your traffic; high prod content, high CTR thumbs , high CTR galleries, presentation made to create qualified buyers, trailer versus non-trailer episodes, constant tour changes and tweaks, constant market analysis to produce content that is in demand , etc. We have it down to a science. If You wanna put your traffic in the hands of people that care, put your traffic in our hands http://www.gofuckyourself.com/images/smilies/icon7.gif

We will be undergoing a significant expansion in the next few months. To celebrate the arrival of our PPS program , and to thank all our affiliates for
their constant support, by popular demand the PROMOS ARE BACK! We will be holding promos pretty much every week until the end of march, here is a list of promos already scheduled:

Thursday February 22: 50$+ regular payout on all sales sent to babygotboobs.com
Thursday March 1st: 50$+ regular payout on all sales sent to bigboobpass.com
Thursday March 8th: 50$+ regular payout on all sales sent to bigtitsatwork.com
more to be announced...

Hit up anyone of us with your requests!

Best Regards,


Hell Puppy
02-19-2007, 03:35 PM
Nice move, opens up your business to the more short sighted among us....which is the majority.

Adult is a high risk business, many people really push the edge to get their traffic, so they want as much as they can get right now. These folks will only consider PPS.

Myself, I maintain a mixture. I like cash in hand, but I also take sites that I know will retain and be around a while and use them to generate income long term.

02-19-2007, 03:39 PM
Major announcement and one I am sure all the webmasters are eager to see. PPS on your great converting sites has been eagerly awaited I am sure!! :okthumb:

02-19-2007, 04:51 PM
Nice move, opens up your business to the more short sighted among us....which is the majority.

Adult is a high risk business, many people really push the edge to get their traffic, so they want as much as they can get right now. These folks will only consider PPS.

Myself, I maintain a mixture. I like cash in hand, but I also take sites that I know will retain and be around a while and use them to generate income long term.

Great post :okthumb:

Most do prefer as much as they could get in the present and we fully understand that. However, our program is built to convert and retain, hence it is based on long term business! We've stated many times before that our main concern is always long term business and that's the way we will keep conducting our business!

With that said, you can reach anyone of us for anything you need :okthumb:
Contact Bassab, our affiliate manager, or myself if you need anything at all.
Here's how you could reach Bassab:

bassab(at)juggcash(dot)com (bassab@juggcash.com)
ICQ: 292-041-159

My contact info is listed in my Sig.

Best Regards,


02-20-2007, 10:00 AM
congrats on making the jump to PPS, I fully understand just how much of a leap it is and how hard it can be to get there. Good Job Jugg Cash


02-20-2007, 10:11 AM
congrats on making the jump to PPS, I fully understand just how much of a leap it is and how hard it can be to get there. Good Job Jugg Cash


All I know is when these guys promise a big tit site they deliver!
