View Full Version : So What?s Better Than .XXX?:

02-06-2007, 03:15 AM
I was going to blog about this today but instead I will rip off my buddy Mike South.Mike tells it the way it is at www.mikesouth.comI’m glad you asked.I have given this a lot of thought.The internet is often called the information superhighway, how do you make a highway safe for kids? The answer is [...]

More... (http://www.opranoplus.com/blog/?p=6)

02-06-2007, 04:06 AM
its a great thing but wont happen no money in it. Children are only used as a excuse.

02-06-2007, 10:21 AM
Children are only used as a excuse.

Oh Mr.404
This is so true, I've been believing this for years. many (higher Organizations and Associations) <-- and I use this terms very openly so not to accuse a specific one, even though I'd love to point the finger at just one. Have been using children as they're excuse for years. it's a delicate situation and they know they'll put you on the spot when they use: "it's for the children's best interests, and they know whats best for the younger generations of children".

Why is it that I can't seem to convince myself that they are being sincere?
And not filling my head full of crap so they can have a better control and power on how our children are brought up?

And you know what else man...Why is it that we feel we even need an "Organizations or Associations" to have to inform us on how to raise and control our children? I mean Whats up wit tat shit???
Is it that truly we don't bother anymore raising our kids? So we expect the Big Man to do it for us?

Did I roam off topic here? :huh: by bad.

02-06-2007, 10:46 PM
.OOO I win