View Full Version : Guy goes into a club

01-21-2007, 12:28 PM
And notices that on the shelf behind the bar is a giant lighter.

He asks the bartender if it's real and the bartender replies "yep, I got it from a genie years ago". The guy is petty incredulous about this, so the bartender reaches up to the top shelf and pulls down an old dusty lamp and tells the guy to gve it a rub and see for himself.

Guy takes the lamp, gives it a rub and out pops a genie.

The genies says "whoever awakened me gets one wish".

The guy gets all excited and says "I wish for a million bucks"

The genie replies, "it is done and waiting for you at your house".

The guy rushes out of the bar and heads for home. As he approaches the house he sees that it is covered in white stuff. As he gets closer he sees tat the white is ducks. Ducks are all over the fucking place.

He turns around and goes back to the bar and angrily confronts the bartender.

"I asked for a million bucks and the fucking genie gave me a million ducks dammit"

to which the bartender replies

"Do you think I asked for a twelve inch Bic?"