View Full Version : Jason Tucker Sues Falcon Foto

01-20-2007, 06:38 AM
LAS VEGAS - Alleging statutory damages of more than $100 million, Falcon Foto (http://www.falconfoto.com/) attorney Robert Apgood (http://www.carpelaw.com/) served representatives of Guerilla Traffic (http://www.guerillatraffic.com/) with a federal lawsuit in their booth on the Internext (http://www.internext-expo.com/) show floor Wednesday morning.

Filed Jan. 16 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, the suit claims Guerilla Traffic parent company Centurion Ltd. infringed Falcon Foto’s copyright on more than 700 images that have appeared on more than 300 Web pages during the past year, at least.

“Centurion remains liable under the law for $150,000 per image plus attorney fees and court costs,” said Apgood. “The statutory damages in this case could be in excess of $100 million.”

According to Falcon Foto President Jason Tucker, representatives of both companies have been discussing the situation for more than a year. Negotiations recently reached an impasse when “George [Giordano of Centurion] told me, ‘Fuck you. Sue me. It’ll be great publicity,’” Tucker said.

“Some say that members of the adult industry should not sue each other,” Apgood observed wryly. “Wrong. They should not steal from each other.”
Giordano admitted being “in shock” after he was served with the lawsuit. “Desperate people often do desperate things,” he told AVNOnline.com. “When people start suing, they’re desperate.”

According to court documents, Centurion is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company has 20 days to respond to the suit.

source (http://www.avnonline.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Web_Exclusive_News&Action=View_Article&Content_ID=281850)

01-20-2007, 03:13 PM
LAS VEGAS - Alleging statutory damages of more than $100 million, Falcon Foto (http://www.falconfoto.com/) attorney Robert Apgood (http://www.carpelaw.com/) served representatives of Guerilla Traffic (http://www.guerillatraffic.com/) with a federal lawsuit in their booth on the Internext (http://www.internext-expo.com/) show floor Wednesday morning.

Filed Jan. 16 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, the suit claims Guerilla Traffic parent company Centurion Ltd. infringed Falcon Foto’s copyright on more than 700 images that have appeared on more than 300 Web pages during the past year, at least.

“Centurion remains liable under the law for $150,000 per image plus attorney fees and court costs,” said Apgood. “The statutory damages in this case could be in excess of $100 million.”

According to Falcon Foto President Jason Tucker, representatives of both companies have been discussing the situation for more than a year. Negotiations recently reached an impasse when “George [Giordano of Centurion] told me, ‘Fuck you. Sue me. It’ll be great publicity,’” Tucker said.

“Some say that members of the adult industry should not sue each other,” Apgood observed wryly. “Wrong. They should not steal from each other.”
Giordano admitted being “in shock” after he was served with the lawsuit. “Desperate people often do desperate things,” he told AVNOnline.com. “When people start suing, they’re desperate.”

According to court documents, Centurion is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company has 20 days to respond to the suit.

source (http://www.avnonline.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Web_Exclusive_News&Action=View_Article&Content_ID=281850)

Gonzo I am not sure if you are trying to be funny but the header of this thread is ALL WRONG.

Falcon, of which I am an owner is suing Centurion.
Falcon, will be suing many more in 2007.
Pirates and theives need to go.
Read the article you used as a source.

lastly - missed you at Internext.

01-20-2007, 03:18 PM
I shouldnt post when Im half asleep.


01-20-2007, 03:55 PM
I'd be interested in how the $100 million figure was arrived at.

01-20-2007, 05:53 PM
Jason Tucker screwed us big time on a wmv service.

01-20-2007, 06:56 PM
Rhetorical - That was a result of a issues among the partners. People suffered as a result of that and for that I am sorry. Things occured that were absolutely beyond my control.

TheEnforcer - In the US, statutory damages for willful infringement can range from between 30K - 150K. If you take the number of images, instances and webpages, the numbers work out.

Gonzo - Thank you :-)

As I have shared on other boards, we have to make some tough calls and I will always make an effort to settle with any person or company before proceeding with legal action. With no other recourse in this case, we filed. George and I had been talking for over a year about this. This is not personal; its business. I like George.

US Copyright Law can be read here: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html#501

01-20-2007, 07:15 PM
Good for you Tucker, I am glad to see you enforceing your property rights.

I am not into the he said or she said or whatever or whoever the companies are involved. I am saying my peace on the copyright protection aspect of any company.

I am saying I am all for a company protectiing their assets 100% and that theifs and scum like that need to go for sure and be held accountable.

01-20-2007, 07:19 PM
Rhetorical - That was a result of a issues among the partners. People suffered as a result of that and for that I am sorry. Things occured that were absolutely beyond my control.

TheEnforcer - In the US, statutory damages for willful infringement can range from between 30K - 150K. If you take the number of images, instances and webpages, the numbers work out.

Gonzo - Thank you :-)

As I have shared on other boards, we have to make some tough calls and I will always make an effort to settle with any person or company before proceeding with legal action. With no other recourse in this case, we filed. George and I had been talking for over a year about this. This is not personal; its business. I like George.

US Copyright Law can be read here: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html#501

Good luck on your suit. When you get stinking rich, you can get in touch and settle the financial crap your divorce with oynstein (or whatever his name is) cost me. It will be chump change for you.

01-20-2007, 10:06 PM
Rhetorical - That was a result of a issues among the partners. People suffered as a result of that and for that I am sorry. Things occured that were absolutely beyond my control.

TheEnforcer - In the US, statutory damages for willful infringement can range from between 30K - 150K. If you take the number of images, instances and webpages, the numbers work out.

Gonzo - Thank you :-)

As I have shared on other boards, we have to make some tough calls and I will always make an effort to settle with any person or company before proceeding with legal action. With no other recourse in this case, we filed. George and I had been talking for over a year about this. This is not personal; its business. I like George.

US Copyright Law can be read here: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html#501

Thanks for the explanation! :>))