View Full Version : Hey Peaches....

Hell Puppy
01-17-2007, 06:46 AM
Would it make things easier for you if we just gave you a list of everyone whose liquor we've drank this week, so you can go dig up every thread where we might've said something bad about 'em in the past and flaunt it for 'em?

It's my post you're picking on, you have no earthly idea how much traffic I've seen Lens over the years. I assure you it's more than enough to cover a few screwdrivers. And I'm generally no more critical of GFY crowd than most of the other people in the industry over the age of 23.

So if you're gonna spend your time looking for faults to point out on the boards every chance you get and generally doing your internet herpes routine, please get your shit straight before those little fingers start flying.

I'm trying to just let things be...something you apparently are incapable of....but I will return fire when fired upon.

01-17-2007, 10:48 AM
she has been, and always be a pathetic, phsyco bitch.

( hey at least she looks better than confucy)

and I guess a glass half full kind of thing about her is at least peaches supports herself and the government does not have to like our taxes paying for confucy's trailer and food stamps.

( even though it started with seed money from a divorce and is no way related to adult industry )

the stalking and mental issues are a mirror image though almost as if the two of them were born under the same star sign of something one fatefull night.

01-17-2007, 11:05 AM
Damn, what has she done now? I think it is curious how she kept her head down all these years and managed to appear normal. I clocked her years ago and no one believed me. That chick lied more than Joe McCarthy.

01-17-2007, 11:11 AM
Damn, what has she done now? I think it is curious how she kept her head down all these years and managed to appear normal. I clocked her years ago and no one believed me. That chick lied more than Joe McCarthy.

You've clocked about 3 of 'em since I've been here..,
I'm starting to wonder 'bout you now :unsure: ...LOL

01-17-2007, 11:19 AM
You've clocked about 3 of 'em since I've been here..,
I'm starting to wonder 'bout you now :unsure: ...LOL
More than that, actually. This place used to be so full of bullshit. Glad to see Oprano improving.

01-17-2007, 11:43 AM
OMG, is this the best you can do - make my boardtracker go off to get attention??!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You have my phone number - call me if you have a problem - if you have the balls ;)

1. I have zero idea what you're talking about. Unless it's a post on GFY about people who cut down GFY drinking on GFY's dime while badmouthing them at the same time. That applies to about 100+ webmasters. If you feel you're part of that 100, that's your opinion of yourself. I didn't even know you made a post about it. Someone else made an even stronger post on JBM about how many sales people from other programs were hitting them up for sales while sucking down Topbucks booze. It happens. I commented about it, so did someone else. Brad did too, in a way, when talking about freeloaders. I think the only thing I've said about you in months was when I said I had thought you and I were friends, but I was proven wrong. We both know that's right so you really can't argue a fact. Yet you have continued to carry on about me here: this thread is case in point. I feel so popular :rolleyes:

2. Joesho, I was divorced 23 years ago. My ex left me with an $800 housepayment when I had no job, a 10 month old baby, 2 years of formal education, a $7K AMEX bill I didn't find out until they started garnishing my wages years later and didn't pay me one dime of child support until I started getting some a few years ago for a piddly amount. I never got any alimony. He never so much as sent birthday or Christmas cards to his son. ANY money, property, etc. that I have has been through my hard work and not just in the adult biz. Not only that but I passed up many jobs when my son was growing up that required me to travel so I didn't have to be away from him for long periods of time. And no, even though in hindsight I realize I could have, I was never on government assistance. Any financial help when I was starting over was from my family and paid back in full - WITH interest that I insisted on. That's been 20 or so years ago though.

3. Graham's still on my ignore list but I'm sure whatever he said is BS too :)

4. Let Gonzo know I have a job - it's the same job I've had for 11 years. It's the same job that's allowed me to buy houses, cars, take trips, pay for mine and my son's college, medical and dental care, etc. for the past 11 years. I realize he's confused as to why I'm not on my way to the gas station to apply for a job like he was while working for myself, but it's worked great for me for 11 years :)

Back to school work, cleaning the house for the dog sitter (her house is spotless and I know she wonders why I don't wash my windows every day), take another load of boxes to the dump, and to respond to the call from my Dad in Orlando to let him know I'm NOT going to be snowed in tomorrow - do parents EVER stop worrying? Enjoy yourself in Vegas and don't waste time thinking about me. :okthumb:

01-17-2007, 01:14 PM
I think all business events should be liquor free personally more would get done and every one would remember. Peaches you got a dump Im so jealous, here Im going to have to get ass raped by my garbage man to get them to haul a bunch of shit I have.

01-17-2007, 01:29 PM
I think all business events should be liquor free personally more would get done and every one would remember. Peaches you got a dump Im so jealous, here Im going to have to get ass raped by my garbage man to get them to haul a bunch of shit I have.
Every county I know of has a public dump. Yours: http://solidwaste.cobbcountyga.gov/wastedisposal.htm

Though where you live, some in Fulton might be closer:


My boxes they let me throw away for free. Anything else they weigh the car before and after. We throw garbage in our dumpsters here in the subdivision, but they don't allow anything but household garbage in bags. No pick up (or mail/FedEx/UPS) at the houses themselves.

01-17-2007, 01:42 PM
I don't care. hope you get well soon.

01-17-2007, 01:44 PM
OMG, is this the best you can do - make my boardtracker go off to get attention??!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You have my phone number - call me if you have a problem - if you have the balls ;)

1. I have zero idea what you're talking about. Unless it's a post on GFY about people who cut down GFY drinking on GFY's dime while badmouthing them at the same time. That applies to about 100+ webmasters. If you feel you're part of that 100, that's your opinion of yourself. I didn't even know you made a post about it. Someone else made an even stronger post on JBM about how many sales people from other programs were hitting them up for sales while sucking down Topbucks booze. It happens. I commented about it, so did someone else. Brad did too, in a way, when talking about freeloaders. I think the only thing I've said about you in months was when I said I had thought you and I were friends, but I was proven wrong. We both know that's right so you really can't argue a fact. Yet you have continued to carry on about me here: this thread is case in point. I feel so popular :rolleyes:

2. Joesho, I was divorced 23 years ago. My ex left me with an $800 housepayment when I had no job, a 10 month old baby, 2 years of formal education, a $7K AMEX bill I didn't find out until they started garnishing my wages years later and didn't pay me one dime of child support until I started getting some a few years ago for a piddly amount. I never got any alimony. He never so much as sent birthday or Christmas cards to his son. ANY money, property, etc. that I have has been through my hard work and not just in the adult biz. Not only that but I passed up many jobs when my son was growing up that required me to travel so I didn't have to be away from him for long periods of time. And no, even though in hindsight I realize I could have, I was never on government assistance. Any financial help when I was starting over was from my family and paid back in full - WITH interest that I insisted on. That's been 20 or so years ago though.

3. Graham's still on my ignore list but I'm sure whatever he said is BS too :)

4. Let Gonzo know I have a job - it's the same job I've had for 11 years. It's the same job that's allowed me to buy houses, cars, take trips, pay for mine and my son's college, medical and dental care, etc. for the past 11 years. I realize he's confused as to why I'm not on my way to the gas station to apply for a job like he was while working for myself, but it's worked great for me for 11 years :)

Back to school work, cleaning the house for the dog sitter (her house is spotless and I know she wonders why I don't wash my windows every day), take another load of boxes to the dump, and to respond to the call from my Dad in Orlando to let him know I'm NOT going to be snowed in tomorrow - do parents EVER stop worrying? Enjoy yourself in Vegas and don't waste time thinking about me. :okthumb:


uhh? so u say the gas station down the street is hiring???

01-17-2007, 04:59 PM
Every county I know of has a public dump. Yours: http://solidwaste.cobbcountyga.gov/wastedisposal.htm

Though where you live, some in Fulton might be closer:


My boxes they let me throw away for free. Anything else they weigh the car before and after. We throw garbage in our dumpsters here in the subdivision, but they don't allow anything but household garbage in bags. No pick up (or mail/FedEx/UPS) at the houses themselves.

thank you so much Im calling them tomorrow:)

01-17-2007, 05:02 PM
I don't care. hope you get well soon.
Why thank you - it seems I am. Being overmedicated has lowered my overall cholesterol 81 pts and my trigylcerides down 111 pts (OK, both were REALLY high to start out with....). Now I'm waiting to hear about my iron tests to see if THAT overmedication helped. I still overmedicate my migraines though - have been since I was 13 so I can't see that solving itself anytime soon. And trust me, the world does NOT want me to give up my birth control pills! :o

01-17-2007, 05:10 PM
Why thank you - it seems I am. Being overmedicated has lowered my overall cholesterol 81 pts and my trigylcerides down 111 pts (OK, both were REALLY high to start out with....). Now I'm waiting to hear about my iron tests to see if THAT overmedication helped. I still overmedicate my migraines though - have been since I was 13 so I can't see that solving itself anytime soon. And trust me, the world does NOT want me to give up my birth control pills! :o

u sound like ur just a fuckin' mess? is this all women hormone stuff?

01-17-2007, 05:35 PM
u sound like ur just a fuckin' mess? is this all women hormone stuff?
LOL, yep - I'm a female mess :)

Except for the cholesterol, if I were a man, I'd just be taking a daily multivitamin, but as Gonzo tells it, I'm currently overmedicated. Having health insurance is GREAT!! :okthumb:

01-17-2007, 05:43 PM
I wouldn't know you from the next person that posts on the board, but..

Sounds like you're just Peachy Keen. . lol

01-17-2007, 06:45 PM
Rhetoriipedia definition of trailer trash: "I was divorced 23 years ago. My ex left me with an $800 housepayment when I had no job, a 10 month old baby, 2 years of formal education, a $7K AMEX bill I didn't find out until they started garnishing my wages years later and didn't pay me one dime of child support until I started getting some a few years ago for a piddly amount"

01-17-2007, 06:46 PM
"OMG, is this the best you can do - make my boardtracker go off to get attention??!! "

Apparently that is all you have to do. She bit....hook, line, and Tylenol 3.

01-17-2007, 07:59 PM
I wouldn't know you from the next person that posts on the board, but..

Sounds like you're just Peachy Keen. . lol

Georgia Peaches and Florida Oranges are gonna be in high demand this year..
Watch ;) ...a freakin' fruit salad orgy if ya ask me

01-17-2007, 08:45 PM
Rhetoriipedia definition of trailer trash: "I was divorced 23 years ago. My ex left me with an $800 housepayment when I had no job, a 10 month old baby, 2 years of formal education, a $7K AMEX bill I didn't find out until they started garnishing my wages years later and didn't pay me one dime of child support until I started getting some a few years ago for a piddly amount"

Sarettahical definition of total garbage:

1. Someone who will put down and insult someone who managed to pull themselves out and way above a shitty situation that they found themselves in either of their own making or that was forced upon them.

2. Any male who gets their only enjoyment in life by beating on women either physically or mentally and whether in person or across an electronic communications medium.

3. Someone who apparently makes all their money by playing suitcase pimp to their wife, thus freeing themselves up to practice their love of definition number 2.

4. A Male who obviously hates women so much that he is proud of his supposed ability to beat them down and describes it as "clocking" them.

5. Someone that is so addicted to webboards that across the past 4 years would invent new usernames on a regular basis in order to practice his love of definition number 2 because without being able to "clock" women on the boards feels inferior to even the newest newbie in the biz.

6. Someone who constantly feels like he can offer advice and should be taken seriously when he has never ponied up one piece of evidence that he has ever really run any kind of business successful or not.

7. Rhetorical

8. Any and all of those folks who would support, through word or deed, anyone who resembled definition number 7.

9. Anyone who would get between friends when they are obviously having or have had a falling out and get enjoyment from watching the fallout.


01-17-2007, 11:10 PM
sarettah, lets discuss a few things....
"Any male who gets their only enjoyment in life by beating on women either physically or mentally and whether in person or across an electronic communications medium."
Who would that be? Now anyone who puts women in a different category than men is just a mysogenist. I assume you just don't treat women as your equal. I do. You are living in another century and need to grow up. I would hate to be your wife. You prolly treat her as a chattel. I hope you don't raise your kids with the same antiquated opinion of women.

"Someone who apparently makes all their money by playing suitcase pimp to their wife, thus freeing themselves up to practice their love of definition number 2."
Again, who would that be. It most certainly is not me. You are just parroting what Jeff Miller and Serge have lied about and have no idea. I have never done that and never will. And as far as suitcase pimps go, lets discuss guys like Danny Cox who could buy and sell you, you dork. What exactly are you thinking? Dude, you are in the porn business. You sell other peoples children for a living. Do not think that you have any moral high ground. You are a pornographer.

"A Male who obviously hates women so much that he is proud of his supposed ability to beat them down and describes it as "clocking" them."

First of all, see the above and fuck off. Clocking is an English expression for recognizing. You parochial wanker. Grow up.

Someone that is so addicted to webboards that across the past 4 years would invent new usernames on a regular basis in order to practice his love of definition number 2 because without being able to "clock" women on the boards feels inferior to even the newest newbie in the biz.

Dude, I certainly don't feel inferior to you. I am totally confident that there is no reason to. Programmers are not exactly at the top of the pile in this business. You are hired talent and I would guess you have never made more than 150K a year in your life. So poof, you don't rate. Damn that was easy.

"Someone who constantly feels like he can offer advice and should be taken seriously when he has never ponied up one piece of evidence that he has ever really run any kind of business successful or not."

I have a lot more advice to give than you. I do run a very successful business and I think you do not. See above. Loser.

"Anyone who would get between friends when they are obviously having or have had a falling out and get enjoyment from watching the fallout."

Those people are big enough and ugly enough to look after their own live without your juvenile advice.

Actually, Sarettah. I have no respect for you or what you do. You don't do that well on the internet from what I can see. You spread more lies like Peaches....Amy I think...than is really necessary. Basically you are clueless. Now, unless you have something substantial to back up your accusations, just fuck off and die. You are a liar. You are charlattan. You are a waste of space and an oxygen thief. Go back to the Mayflower club and feel important because you are not. Damn I hate to point out the obvious. If you never darken my door again it will be too soon because I really dislike morons.

01-17-2007, 11:15 PM
Now if you would like to cease and desist from all of this useless pissing, I am quite willing to let sleeping dogs lie. If not, then go deal with your medical mayhem and have a miserable life. I for one will not lose a minute of sleep.
However, I will treat you as a peer and a colleague if you come to your senses. The future is in pragmatism, not in the past. This is not 1997 and never will be again.

01-17-2007, 11:31 PM
Say good night, Sarettah. You are done like dinner. You might just think about playing at the zoo where a bunch of 20 year olds will actually belive your bullshit. Does that make you feel like a real man?
Edit: as you may have guessed I do not suffer fools. When I see them, I actually despair. And you, are a very tenacious fool. Why, I have no idea. You must be on a mission from God. ref. the Blues Brothers.

01-18-2007, 12:37 AM

You are no peer to me. You are so far beneath me and most of the other members of this board that it is pitiful. You would need a space ship to close the distance between you and me.

I do not lie except to make a joke ocasionally.

Back the claim that I am a liar up. You can't. Just like all your other claims, you throw it out there and hope it sticks.

I pride myself on my honesty and integrity and except for an occasional exageration or distortion to get a laugh, I never lie. You on the other hand consistently fabricate whatever you need to make yourself feel superior in some way. Here's a clue for you. You are the only one that believes your fairy tales.

I treat women and men pretty much equally. I usually do not beat on either of them. For you, because of your psychotic, paranoid, delusional ramblings, because you attempt to make yourself feel bigger and better by beating on other people, I make special exception.

Unlike you I am just what I seem. I am the same on the boards as in person.

Unlike you I realize that there is a person behind each one of the user names on this board.

Unlike you I realize that each person has feelings and that to tread on those feelings just for personal enjoyment or satisfaction is the lowest of the low.

Unlike you I have hung my ass out on this board for everyone to see many times. I am what I am and have never claimed or tried to be anything else. I am what I am, skinny legs and all.

Unlike you I do not make claims that I can't or won't back up.

I have yet to see you back up one claim of your experiences. You claim to make all sorts of money. You claim to be a world traveler. You claim many things. You have yet to put up one shred of any reason for anyone to believe that you are anything other than a loser adult web board pisser with no life.

You claim to be many things but in the end, each time you make a new nick after crawling away from here after burning out one of your old nicks, you prove once again that you are nothing but the worst type of narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, pretentious, self-important, psychotic, paranoid, piece of trash and do not deserve to breath the same air as most of the people on this board.

You consistently demean other people for your own enjoyment.

You are the worst type of piece of shit human that exists in this world.

So, no, I will not stop the piss. Everytime you attack someone on the board as somehow being beneath you because they actually had to work to get where they are, I will be there waiting for you. Everytime you treat someone here as trash because they do not have a perfect white bread background, I will be there to rip you a new asshole. Everytime you decide to call a friend of mine trailer trash because they were not fortunate enough to have a silver platter handed to them and instead had to show some character and fortitude to make it in this world, I will be there, you can count on it. Everytime that you attack someone here for not making enough money in your eyes, i will be on your head like a ton of bricks.

I really think it's funny that you put down the old guard for bragging about their finanacial situation but when you feel attacked you say something like
You are hired talent and I would guess you have never made more than 150K a year in your life. to try to make yourself feel superior.

And no, I have never made 150K in a year. I also have never claimed to. Know something else? It does not bother me in the least that everyone here knows that I am not rich and that I don't bring in tons of cash. I don't need to make up stories to make me bigger than what I am. With me, what you see is what you get.

You make so many claims to fame that you forget that you have made them and when called on them and having the thread that you made the claim in shown to you, you can't even seem to see that you made the claim. You openly deny what is put in your face as not being there. You ride your own delusions as far as you can and then eventually you slink away from the board with your tail between your legs.

I have known people like you before and all of them have ended up in the psycho ward being treated for their various psychotic disorders, living in the street talking to themselves or dead because they decided to pull their crap one more time but with the wrong person.

You need mental health assistance desperately, but until you go get it, everytime you type in your hateful paranoid drivel about anyone on this board I will make it my personal mission to be there and I will remind you that you are the lowest of the low and do not deserve to live.

Have a nice day :)

01-18-2007, 12:53 AM
Clocking is an English expression for recognizing. You parochial wanker.

BTW, clocing someone is a North American expression meaning to knock the person out. You aren't in england so please understand me when I tell you to go down to the corner and suck a fag you bloated piece of trash.

Hell Puppy
01-18-2007, 04:48 AM
1. I have zero idea what you're talking about. Unless it's a post on GFY about people who cut down GFY drinking on GFY's dime while badmouthing them at the same time. \

Sure sounds like you were refering to someone specifically here and not making a general reference to me:


So who did you hear about?

And yes, you had read my Luxor post where I was poking fun at myself and referenced the party prior to this post....I checked.

01-18-2007, 05:23 AM
ah, such a love filled board

01-18-2007, 05:28 AM
ah, such a love filled board

Always :okthumb:


Dianna Vesta
01-18-2007, 07:01 AM
I think you guys need some good anal sex to release some of that pent up testosterone.

01-18-2007, 09:17 AM
I think you guys need some good anal sex to release some of that pent up testosterone.

Nah, we have rhetorical here and he is the biggest assfuck I know :yowsa:

And if he goes away (again) we always have Joesho who showed, by the way he willingly jumped right in with information he really knows nothing about, that he wants to be rhetorical's understudy for the role of lead assfuck. :okthumb:


01-18-2007, 09:47 AM


01-18-2007, 10:09 AM

Beastie Alert Beastie Alert

WhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoop Whoop

01-18-2007, 10:09 AM

You are no peer to me. You are so far beneath me and most of the other members of this board that it is pitiful. You would need a space ship to close the distance between you and me.

I do not lie except to make a joke ocasionally.

Back the claim that I am a liar up. You can't. Just like all your other claims, you throw it out there and hope it sticks.

I pride myself on my honesty and integrity and except for an occasional exageration or distortion to get a laugh, I never lie. You on the other hand consistently fabricate whatever you need to make yourself feel superior in some way. Here's a clue for you. You are the only one that believes your fairy tales.

I treat women and men pretty much equally. I usually do not beat on either of them. For you, because of your psychotic, paranoid, delusional ramblings, because you attempt to make yourself feel bigger and better by beating on other people, I make special exception.

Unlike you I am just what I seem. I am the same on the boards as in person.

Unlike you I realize that there is a person behind each one of the user names on this board.

Unlike you I realize that each person has feelings and that to tread on those feelings just for personal enjoyment or satisfaction is the lowest of the low.

Unlike you I have hung my ass out on this board for everyone to see many times. I am what I am and have never claimed or tried to be anything else. I am what I am, skinny legs and all.

Unlike you I do not make claims that I can't or won't back up.

I have yet to see you back up one claim of your experiences. You claim to make all sorts of money. You claim to be a world traveler. You claim many things. You have yet to put up one shred of any reason for anyone to believe that you are anything other than a loser adult web board pisser with no life.

You claim to be many things but in the end, each time you make a new nick after crawling away from here after burning out one of your old nicks, you prove once again that you are nothing but the worst type of narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, pretentious, self-important, psychotic, paranoid, piece of trash and do not deserve to breath the same air as most of the people on this board.

You consistently demean other people for your own enjoyment.

You are the worst type of piece of shit human that exists in this world.

So, no, I will not stop the piss. Everytime you attack someone on the board as somehow being beneath you because they actually had to work to get where they are, I will be there waiting for you. Everytime you treat someone here as trash because they do not have a perfect white bread background, I will be there to rip you a new asshole. Everytime you decide to call a friend of mine trailer trash because they were not fortunate enough to have a silver platter handed to them and instead had to show some character and fortitude to make it in this world, I will be there, you can count on it. Everytime that you attack someone here for not making enough money in your eyes, i will be on your head like a ton of bricks.

I really think it's funny that you put down the old guard for bragging about their finanacial situation but when you feel attacked you say something like
to try to make yourself feel superior.

And no, I have never made 150K in a year. I also have never claimed to. Know something else? It does not bother me in the least that everyone here knows that I am not rich and that I don't bring in tons of cash. I don't need to make up stories to make me bigger than what I am. With me, what you see is what you get.

You make so many claims to fame that you forget that you have made them and when called on them and having the thread that you made the claim in shown to you, you can't even seem to see that you made the claim. You openly deny what is put in your face as not being there. You ride your own delusions as far as you can and then eventually you slink away from the board with your tail between your legs.

I have known people like you before and all of them have ended up in the psycho ward being treated for their various psychotic disorders, living in the street talking to themselves or dead because they decided to pull their crap one more time but with the wrong person.

You need mental health assistance desperately, but until you go get it, everytime you type in your hateful paranoid drivel about anyone on this board I will make it my personal mission to be there and I will remind you that you are the lowest of the low and do not deserve to live.

Have a nice day :)

"Back the claim that I am a liar up. " I do not have to. You have to prove that I am a liar. It is your call. You just throw shit out and hope it sticks. Like the suitcase pimp lie.

"You are so far beneath me and most of the other members of this board that it is pitiful"
Another lie.

"Unlike you I do not make claims that I can't or won't back up."
You just have.

"You on the other hand consistently fabricate whatever you need to make yourself feel superior in some way."
Another lie. BTW, pleaw point any of this out instead of running your mouth again.

"And no, I have never made 150K in a year. " So I wasn't lying. So all your wisdom and insight into business seems to have a low ceiling of worth.

"ou are nothing but the worst type of narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, pretentious, self-important, psychotic, paranoid, piece of trash and do not deserve to breath the same air as most of the people on this board."
Makes you feel good to let the shit fly, huh? You are the local turrets freeking victim. You might seek help, becuase dude, you are way to focussed on hate here. Apart from that, how do you feel?

"You make so many claims to fame that you forget that you have made them and when called on them and having the thread that you made the claim in shown to you, you can't even seem to see that you made the claim."

I call total and utter bullshit. The big lie sarettah. At least if you are going to piss tell the truth.
You are the worst kind bully on any board. A liar. I am not going to spend hours defending myself against your lies. It would behoove you to prove them wrong. You are a blowhard with no substance. You believed Peaches lies. You believed Sabbys lies. In fact anyone that lies about me, you believe and spew it as gospel.

So you, a pornographer who sells other people's sons and daughters on the internet for a living, and then lies about my wife, has designated him self the defender of honour on this board. The George W Bush of Oprano. Saretta....world cop. You are a bit of a sad sack. Now stop the lies. Stop the piss. And get a life and try and be successful.
Oh and as far as the travel etc. goes. Dude it is all freeking true. I do not need to prove shit to you. Why? Because you and your kind just lie about it when I do. It is a no win deal with liars. That is what liars are, losers.
But hey, you go back to selling your dirty pictures and try and pretend you are no a pornographer and actually have some sort of job or something.

01-18-2007, 10:12 AM
BTW, clocing someone is a North American expression meaning to knock the person out. You aren't in england so please understand me when I tell you to go down to the corner and suck a fag you bloated piece of trash.
I know I am not in England, you provincial moron. The language is universal for those who pay attention. Context (do you need a definition of this as well?) is all important when reading the English language. Just a little tip since you don't seem to get around much. So look before you leap, and save yourself the embarrassment. I guess you are too old to start now.

01-18-2007, 10:31 AM
"Back the claim that I am a liar up. " I do not have to. You have to prove that I am a liar. It is your call. You just throw shit out and hope it sticks. Like the suitcase pimp lie.

Yes, you do ned to back it up assfuck. As far as you and the suitcase pimp, the only thing close to fact(s) known about you on this board are:

1. Julia from ffstockings is your wife
2. You make at least some income from ffstockings. Since you have never shown anything else that you make income from, it appears that your primary income is from acting as suitcase pimp to your wife.

"You are so far beneath me and most of the other members of this board that it is pitiful"
Another lie.

First of all I wish after this many years that you could master the "quote" feature. Secondly, just calling it a lie does not make it so, come on, where is your backup. What you have shown on this board is that your primary purpose for being here is to stalk and harass Sabby and now Peaches. That, in and of itself, makes you a despicable low life and therefore well beneath me and most of the members of this board.

"Unlike you I do not make claims that I can't or won't back up."
You just have.

Again, your debating style sucks. I will back up any and all claims I make.

"You on the other hand consistently fabricate whatever you need to make yourself feel superior in some way."
Another lie. BTW, pleaw point any of this out instead of running your mouth again.

I have in the past and will if necessary show again where you first claim one thing and then deny it later. Whether it be Jimmy Carter or Julia. Do you really want me to go there?

"And no, I have never made 150K in a year. " So I wasn't lying. So all your wisdom and insight into business seems to have a low ceiling of worth.

I have never claimed wisdom or insight into this business. I have claimed programming knowledge, html knowledge, knowledge of the inner workings of some large paysite operations and some basic freesite and tgp knowledge. nothing more. Show where I have claimed anything else as far as knowledge, wisdom or insight in this business. You can't. But you will throw the liar label out there anyway and hope it sticks. It won't.

"You make so many claims to fame that you forget that you have made them and when called on them and having the thread that you made the claim in shown to you, you can't even seem to see that you made the claim."

I call total and utter bullshit. The big lie sarettah. At least if you are going to piss tell the truth.

Reference above as to Jimmy Carter et al. Again, do you want me to pull up the threads where you say one thing then later deny having said it? I really don't have time this sec to go pull up searches and shit but will if necessary.

You are the worst kind bully on any board. A liar. I am not going to spend hours defending myself against your lies. It would behoove you to prove them wrong. You are a blowhard with no substance. You believed Peaches lies. You believed Sabbys lies. In fact anyone that lies about me, you believe and spew it as gospel.

Again, no substance to your argument. I report back what I see with my own eyes, not what I have read somewhere. You, on the other hand continue to just throw out labels and hope they stick. Pathetic.

So you, a pornographer who sells other people's sons and daughters on the internet for a living, and then lies about my wife, has designated him self the defender of honour on this board. The George W Bush of Oprano. Saretta....world cop. You are a bit of a sad sack. Now stop the lies. Stop the piss. And get a life and try and be successful.

Again, you throw out the labels with absolutely nothing to back them up. I have made no lies about your wife. I have not designated myself the defender of honour or top cop. I have designated myself as the one who will put YOU in line whenever you step out. If you talk biz I will talk with you, If you want to joke around, I'm all for it. But if you demean people for their honest efforts as if working for a living is something bad, I am going to be on your shit in a heartbeat.

Oh and as far as the travel etc. goes. Dude it is all freeking true. I do not need to prove shit to you. Why? Because you and your kind just lie about it when I do. It is a no win deal with liars. That is what liars are, losers.
But hey, you go back to selling your dirty pictures and try and pretend you are no a pornographer and actually have some sort of job or something.

I have never said you were not a world traveler. I said you claim it without ever backing it up, no pics to share of your adventures, nothing. Everything that you have claimed travelwise can be sucked right out of a Michelin travel guide. I actually believe that you probably do have much more travel experience than most, however, as I said, you never back it up. You throw it out there and if anyone questions it you go into defensive mode and start attacking them as a liar, over and over again. That reaction is one of the trademarks of a liar. If the shoe fits, wear it. If you get called on something, instead of attacking, back it up and your credibility will rise significantly. Otherwise you are just a fucking bullshit artist with an extreme complex regarding your feelings when it comes to women.

Again, have a great day :)

01-18-2007, 10:37 AM
I know I am not in England, you provincial moron. The language is universal for those who pay attention. Context (do you need a definition of this as well?) is all important when reading the English language. Just a little tip since you don't seem to get around much. So look before you leap, and save yourself the embarrassment. I guess you are too old to start now.

Yes, context is everything you ignorant cretin. And as I said, go suck a fag. If language is univeral then that would only mean one thing. But it can actually have at least two meanings, one for the North American continent and one for the British Isles. Since we are in North America, please take it in proper context.

01-18-2007, 11:09 AM
Yes, you do ned to back it up assfuck. As far as you and the suitcase pimp, the only thing close to fact(s) known about you on this board are:

1. Julia from ffstockings is your wife
2. You make at least some income from ffstockings. Since you have never shown anything else that you make income from, it appears that your primary income is from acting as suitcase pimp to your wife.

First of all I wish after this many years that you could master the "quote" feature. Secondly, just calling it a lie does not make it so, come on, where is your backup. What you have shown on this board is that your primary purpose for being here is to stalk and harass Sabby and now Peaches. That, in and of itself, makes you a despicable low life and therefore well beneath me and most of the members of this board.

Again, your debating style sucks. I will back up any and all claims I make.

I have in the past and will if necessary show again where you first claim one thing and then deny it later. Whether it be Jimmy Carter or Julia. Do you really want me to go there?

I have never claimed wisdom or insight into this business. I have claimed programming knowledge, html knowledge, knowledge of the inner workings of some large paysite operations and some basic freesite and tgp knowledge. nothing more. Show where I have claimed anything else as far as knowledge, wisdom or insight in this business. You can't. But you will throw the liar label out there anyway and hope it sticks. It won't.

Reference above as to Jimmy Carter et al. Again, do you want me to pull up the threads where you say one thing then later deny having said it? I really don't have time this sec to go pull up searches and shit but will if necessary.

Again, no substance to your argument. I report back what I see with my own eyes, not what I have read somewhere. You, on the other hand continue to just throw out labels and hope they stick. Pathetic.

Again, you throw out the labels with absolutely nothing to back them up. I have made no lies about your wife. I have not designated myself the defender of honour or top cop. I have designated myself as the one who will put YOU in line whenever you step out. If you talk biz I will talk with you, If you want to joke around, I'm all for it. But if you demean people for their honest efforts as if working for a living is something bad, I am going to be on your shit in a heartbeat.

I have never said you were not a world traveler. I said you claim it without ever backing it up, no pics to share of your adventures, nothing. Everything that you have claimed travelwise can be sucked right out of a Michelin travel guide. I actually believe that you probably do have much more travel experience than most, however, as I said, you never back it up. You throw it out there and if anyone questions it you go into defensive mode and start attacking them as a liar, over and over again. That reaction is one of the trademarks of a liar. If the shoe fits, wear it. If you get called on something, instead of attacking, back it up and your credibility will rise significantly. Otherwise you are just a fucking bullshit artist with an extreme complex regarding your feelings when it comes to women.

Again, have a great day :)

"Since you have never shown anything else that you make income from, it appears that your primary income is from acting as suitcase pimp to your wife."

first lie of the post. Come on big boy, admit you are wrong. I bet you have no idea what a suitcase pimp is. So I guess you are just a plain old family man pimp who seems to have passed his sell by date.

"What you have shown on this board is that your primary purpose for being here is to stalk and harass Sabby and now Peaches."

Liar. Peaches has been harrassing me for years. Sabby has been pitching that stalking shit forever. Notice she is gone. None of it has been true. You bought into the lies hook line and sinker. Damn I hate debating with liars. You can't win. No matter what I say, you will just tell another lie. Then another....and so on.

"Whether it be Jimmy Carter or Julia"

Everything I have ever said about Jimmy Carter is true. Peaches, however, lied about Jimmy Carter and when called out, disappeared and let the subject drop. Julia is as much my wife as Arnie is the Terminator. Get over it. We are in the entertainment business. At least we are, not sure what the hell it is you do.

"If you talk biz I will talk with you, If you want to joke around, I'm all for it. But if you demean people for their honest efforts as if working for a living is something bad, I am going to be on your shit in a heartbeat."

Oh, you mean like you are doing now. You, Sarettah, are an angry old man with way too much time on your hands. Don't get mad because you missed the internet boat and others did not.

"I said you claim it without ever backing it up, no pics to share of your adventures, nothing."

Just by using the term "claim" implies disbelief. Sarettah, you are no spin doctor. You, in fact, are not very good at this. You just spew unsubstantiated venom as if it were fact. I am not about to post personal travel pictures for you to scream photo shop or something. I have tried to give travel advice to people like Serge and got shot down by provincial morons. I don't need to prove it to you. You have never shown me one thing that you have done to even lead me to believe you are anything more than a customer. Except post a bunch of really useless url's that I had the courtesy to keep my mouth shut about when you blathered on about the whole thing. Maybe paper jewels is your speed. It would appear the internet has not been good to you. So don't blame those who do well.
Throwing the term suitcase pimp around is soooooo much bullshit. Just the fact that I am a photographer puts paid to that stupid lie. Grow up, you angry old man.
Time to move on with your life. If you actually did discuss business around here, maybe you could improve your standard of living. Stop whining.
Peaches is a big girl and can speak for herself. She does not need a big strong man to drop his cape in the sewer for her to walk on. You are living in another time. Women are people now Sarettah. They make their own decisions. They work on the net.
I would bet you dollars to doughnuts that my wife could outmarket you on the internet at any time. She is the brains in the business and a very nice person who laughs at your inane comments. BTW, she is tall, blonde, and very pretty as anyone who has met her would tell you.
Dig it.

01-18-2007, 11:40 AM
Sure sounds like you were refering to someone specifically here and not making a general reference to me:


So who did you hear about?

And yes, you had read my Luxor post where I was poking fun at myself and referenced the party prior to this post....I checked.
Again, OMG. I can't tell if you're being paranoid all on your own or if the puppeteer is having his strings pulled by his puppet.

I honestly don't remember what was IN your post.I really don't remember reading it, but I guess if you said I did, then I must have. But whatever was in it wasn't important enough to me to remember it. I'd have to search it down to figure out what you're even referencing.

But AGAIN, I wasn't referring to one person. I even used the word "people". I'm not going to betray confidences by telling you who's told me about things from Vegas. Hell, I didn't even ASK for the information. But I can assure you, at no time has your name been brought up. Period. And I find it really bizarre that you would jump to that conclusion. Or were you pushed? :unsure:

And Russ, I said it before, but I'll say it again - thanks :)

01-18-2007, 11:50 AM
Well, thanks to Russ except that he quoted Graham's post so I had to read it ;)

We were such trailer trash that we bought a new house when we were 21 and 23 and owned a company making enough money to live well AND I could be a stay at home mother - and we didn't have to survive on naked pictures of me, lol.

Cocaine is a powerful drug. I watched someone go from having everything to having nothing. His next step after leaving me was to embezzel hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company he and his partner owned. I have no idea what he's doing now but I can guess it's quite a step down from having a 4.0 GPA at Georgia Tech and owning a very profitable business. Last I heard he was bartending in a casino in Atlantic City.

01-18-2007, 12:12 PM
Ya know, since I last viewed this post which was last night allot of activity as occurred, I haven't even started to read them yet they are so long.

But I will say this, Everytime theres a post involving Peaches here at Oprano, It ROCKS THE HOUSE!
This isn't the first time I've noticed this with Peaches. Her threads get major views and replies (everytime) for some reason.

Lets face it people....The Girl is the shit on the boards and she's about as popular as apple pie right now. (regardless of the topic on hand) I told ya Georgia peaches would be hopin' again ;).

k, now I gotta get caught up on all the replies since last night..LOL

01-18-2007, 12:31 PM
Ya know, since I last viewed this post which was last night allot of activity as occurred, I haven't even started to read them yet they are so long.

But I will say this, Everytime theres a post involving Peaches here at Oprano, It ROCKS THE HOUSE!
This isn't the first time I've noticed this with Peaches. Her threads get major views and replies (everytime) for some reason.

Lets face it people....The Girl is the shit on the boards and she's about as popular as apple pie right now. (regardless of the topic on hand) I told ya Georgia peaches would be hopin' again ;).

k, now I gotta get caught up on all the replies since last night..LOL
Pathetically, I'm sure that's why the puppeteer is having his strings pulled by the puppet. And then I foolishly got sucked into the drama. I'm back to not posting here and anyone who needs to reach me about something someone said someone's aunt's uncle's cousin said *I* said, knows how to reach me and have the balls to ask me person to person off the board :okthumb:

Say goodnight Gracie!

01-18-2007, 12:52 PM
"Since you have never shown anything else that you make income from, it appears that your primary income is from acting as suitcase pimp to your wife."

first lie wibble yada wibble

Well, anyone who reads your rambling will see the points I made about you perfectly so screw beatin the dead horse on this.

I think it all can be summed up with a quote from over at the zoo.

"rhetorical, you really suck at the internet"

Peace out

01-18-2007, 12:58 PM
Well, anyone who reads your rambling will see the points I made about you perfectly so screw beatin the dead horse on this.

I think it all can be summed up with a quote from over at the zoo.

"rhetorical, you really suck at the internet"

Peace out

So when u 2 gettin married ??? LOL

01-18-2007, 01:00 PM
So when u 2 gettin married ??? LOL

At that time that it can be reasonably determined that the median temperature in the realm of the underworld can support and maintain the formation of solid precipitation :huh:

01-18-2007, 01:15 PM
At that time that it can be reasonably determined that the median temperature in the realm of the underworld can support and maintain the formation of solid precipitation :huh:


01-18-2007, 06:14 PM
Well, anyone who reads your rambling will see the points I made about you perfectly so screw beatin the dead horse on this.

I think it all can be summed up with a quote from over at the zoo.

"rhetorical, you really suck at the internet"

Peace out

Sure I do. Sure I do. But I make a whole lot more money out of it than you ever will doing this or anything else. Your a poor guy with a chip on his shoulder. Your lies prove my point. I actually don't care what a gang of grifters has to say. You obviously admire them but can never play the game. Dude, if you haven't made a hundred and fifty K in a whole year, a whole freeking year, you just suck at the internet big time. I find solace in your financial inadequacy. But hey, you got peaches to chat to. Another great internet success who, thank god, never took her clothes off in public. LMFAO.
Whistling dixie and thanking Russ for the opportunity to kick up my heels and smile a little and blow the cobwebs off my keyboard.

01-18-2007, 06:26 PM
Sure I do. Sure I do. But I make a whole lot more money out of it than you ever will doing this or anything else. Your a poor guy with a chip on his shoulder. Your lies prove my point. I actually don't care what a gang of grifters has to say. You obviously admire them but can never play the game. Dude, if you haven't made a hundred and fifty K in a whole year, a whole freeking year, you just suck at the internet big time. I find solace in your financial inadequacy. But hey, you got peaches to chat to. Another great internet success who, thank god, never took her clothes off in public. LMFAO.
Whistling dixie and thanking Russ for the opportunity to kick up my heels and smile a little and blow the cobwebs off my keyboard.

You state that you make a shit load of money but have never proven in any way that you have made a dime. Back it up and build some credibility, otherwise you are just another bs artist.

I do not admire anyone because of the money they made. never have, never will.

You really do not get it, do you?

I at least had thought you were intelligent. Now I am questioning that.

01-18-2007, 06:34 PM
"You state that you make a shit load of money but have never proven in any way that you have made a dime. Back it up and build some credibility, otherwise you are just another bs artist."

Please quote that statement to me.

Get it? Hell I got it years ago. You are the one that thinks I know nothing about the internet. I called you out on your bs and you folded. Dude, I have no idea about you or your business. Just the admissions you make on this board one of which is you don't make much money. But you are very, very curious about me. Hmmmmm. Why is that I wonder?

Thanks for waiting around all day for me. I was busy shooting two beautiful girls doing very cool things to each other. I guess you were in your basement with binary code or something.

01-18-2007, 06:57 PM
"You state that you make a shit load of money but have never proven in any way that you have made a dime. Back it up and build some credibility, otherwise you are just another bs artist."

Please quote that statement to me.

Get it? Hell I got it years ago. You are the one that thinks I know nothing about the internet. I called you out on your bs and you folded. Dude, I have no idea about you or your business. Just the admissions you make on this board one of which is you don't make much money. But you are very, very curious about me. Hmmmmm. Why is that I wonder?

Thanks for waiting around all day for me. I was busy shooting two beautiful girls doing very cool things to each other. I guess you were in your basement with binary code or something.

Actually I took a nap. Then went riding on my harley (in 32 degree weather...lol.. But I was having bike withdrawal)

Quote the statement to you? lololol, there you go again. You stated in this thread But I make a whole lot more money out of it than you ever will

As "a shitload" is a totally relative term, if you make a whole lot more money than me than you (relative to me) make a shitload of money. (concise enough for your anal little mind?)

Anyway, at this point I am tired of this whole thing. Just don't put down folks who make an honest effort to pull themselves up, don't beat on folks when they are down or insult them for having come from more humble beginnings and we can get along.


01-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Actually I took a nap. Then went riding on my harley (in 32 degree weather...lol.. But I was having bike withdrawal)

Quote the statement to you? lololol, there you go again. You stated in this thread

As "a shitload" is a totally relative term, if you make a whole lot more money than me than you (relative to me) make a shitload of money. (concise enough for your anal little mind?)

Anyway, at this point I am tired of this whole thing. Just don't put down folks who make an honest effort to pull themselves up, don't beat on folks when they are down or insult them for having come from more humble beginnings and we can get along.

So, Sir Galahad, defender of the poor and downtrodden who you feel are so useless they can't defend themselves, I have never seen you run to my defense when "that woman" spread lies and insulted me all over this board. Even when I was banned and could not defend myself against her lies. The whole Carter thing for instance. Pure vitriolic lies on her part. But hey, she is a woman, right? Fuck this poor and downtrodden bullshit. She knows exactly what she is doing and manipulates suckers like you to do her dirty work. And the fact you believe all that shit, makes me suspicous of your intelligence. You must be the most gullible poster on this board. I came from a very poor background and now I am not so poor. No silver spoon in my mouth. Just a lot of hard work and a very successful career pulled me out of the trenches.
Now if you want to step out of a debate that has zero to do with you, we can get along.

01-18-2007, 07:31 PM
...Show Me the Money Bitches..,
...Cause money talks and bullshit walk !!!

Ain't that the rule of life???

Hey..? is this a battle of wits? or an argument of who can Pimp better?

01-18-2007, 07:35 PM
The debate between HP and Peaches (and onzo) has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but them.

The debate between you and peaches has nothing to do with anyone but you and her.

However, if I see anyone (not just you) calling someone trailer trash etc because they were in a situation that they worked themselves out of, I will jump in.

01-18-2007, 07:40 PM
...Show Me the Money Bitches..,
...Cause money talks and bullshit walk !!!

Ain't that the rule of life???

Hey..? is this a battle of wits? or an argument of who can Pimp better?

Who can pimp better is not up for discussion. And as a battle of wits it is a failure. So I guess that would be all she wrote.

01-18-2007, 07:43 PM
I know that it's probably kinda late to put my two cents in, but I worked as a model for Rhetorical and his team was totally first rate! We took gorgeous sexy glam images in a sex-positive and fun atmosphere, I was paid well for my time, and everything was completely professional.

Now many of you may not know Rhetorical in person, so you can't appreciate how ludicrously funny these heated allegations truly are. And I know that Rhetorical didn't need me to back him up, but when I see people ganging up on somebody for the wrong reasons, I choose to step in.

01-18-2007, 07:44 PM
The debate between HP and Peaches (and onzo) has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but them.

The debate between you and peaches has nothing to do with anyone but you and her.

However, if I see anyone (not just you) calling someone trailer trash etc because they were in a situation that they worked themselves out of, I will jump in.

Which begs the question why?
Considering you have jumped in at any excuse in the past, what exactly has changed? In fact, I never had a problem with you other than you fighting peaches battles. Certainly I would have no reason to because I don't even really know you and you have very little to do with my line of work, so why would I?

As for the above debates, they are in a public forum and so open to anyone jumping in. That is why they are there, I would assume. Otherwise there are any number of private avenues.

edit: BTW, do you think so little of Peaches that you feel her an incapable person?

01-18-2007, 07:49 PM
I know that it's probably kinda late to put my two cents in, but I worked as a model for Rhetorical and his team was totally first rate! We took gorgeous sexy glam images in a sex-positive and fun atmosphere, I was paid well for my time, and everything was completely professional.

Now many of you may not know Rhetorical in person, so you can't appreciate how ludicrously funny these heated allegations truly are. And I know that Rhetorical didn't need me to back him up, but when I see people ganging up on somebody for the wrong reasons, I choose to step in.

Absolutely.. Step in please, I totally agree with you on that part, feel free to express your opinions ma'am.

But the first comment you make , Well..,
That comment is totally useless without pics.

01-18-2007, 08:20 PM
Which begs the question why?
Considering you have jumped in at any excuse in the past, what exactly has changed? In fact, I never had a problem with you other than you fighting peaches battles. Certainly I would have no reason to because I don't even really know you and you have very little to do with my line of work, so why would I?

As for the above debates, they are in a public forum and so open to anyone jumping in. That is why they are there, I would assume. Otherwise there are any number of private avenues.

edit: BTW, do you think so little of Peaches that you feel her an incapable person?

Peaches is quite capable I am sure.

I do not think that the debate between Peaches and the FFN belong in a public forum. I think it is quite sad to see people who have been actual real in person frends for a while have a falling out. I think it is doubly sad when it is done in public. That is why I have no comment on what HP, Gonzo or Peaches say to each other. I actually hope they can work it out.

The parts of the arguments between you and Sabby and you and Peaches that I have seen have always been out in public view and I have treated them as sport, much as you seem to. I was probably wrong on that score.

I don't want to go too awful deep here but my reaction to folks beating on someone, or insulting them because of their hard honest effort is a pet peeve that goes way way way back and I have always, in person or on the net had a fierce reaction to them, whether I know the person or not. That is why I will probably always jump into those ones, doesn't matter whether it is here or in the checkout lane of a store.

01-18-2007, 08:24 PM
I know that it's probably kinda late to put my two cents in, but I worked as a model for Rhetorical and his team was totally first rate! We took gorgeous sexy glam images in a sex-positive and fun atmosphere, I was paid well for my time, and everything was completely professional.

Now many of you may not know Rhetorical in person, so you can't appreciate how ludicrously funny these heated allegations truly are. And I know that Rhetorical didn't need me to back him up, but when I see people ganging up on somebody for the wrong reasons, I choose to step in.

lolol..anging up on? I think this one has been pretty much all graham and me...lol.

I am sure he is a good photographer and I don't think you will see anywhere that I have questioned that. I am glad you had a good experience with him. I have read of other folks good experiences with him and have personally seen and appreciated his skill with the lens.

That doesn't mean he doesn't often act the asshole when he comes here...:okthumb:

01-18-2007, 08:30 PM
"I don't want to go too awful deep here but my reaction to folks beating on someone, or insulting them because of their hard honest effort is a pet peeve that goes way way way back"

Fair enough. But if you have that reaction to some, I would think you would have that reaction to all. Peaches has insulted me just about everyway possible which also includes my hard work to get where I am today. There was a stoney silence from you. Sabby and I go back way further than that, and you have no idea of the nastiness that girl spread about me back in the day. Vicious nasty barely legal threats.
Serge et al. tried to sic the IRS on me and get me googled by the feds as well as trying to post my personal details. They were trying to ruin my hard work and honest effort. You just went along for the lynching.
Now, had that not all occurred and I thought you were an honest broker and believed the above posting, I would tip my hat to you and apologise for any damage or ill will I had caused. But I see none of that. But when you are in a gang, it is easy to kick the shit out of someone. The suitcase pimp lie started by jeff miller being the most obvious of lies. Peaches, IMHO is a nasty piece of work who finally got called out on her lies. That, as I stated is my opinion. Between me and her. But when she finally had to face the music, painted herself into a corner, she hit the ignore button and left you to clean up her mess.
Just my view of this little world.

edit: btw, how do you use the quote feature?

01-18-2007, 08:43 PM
lolol..anging up on? I think this one has been pretty much all graham and me...lol.

I am sure he is a good photographer and I don't think you will see anywhere that I have questioned that. I am glad you had a good experience with him. I have read of other folks good experiences with him and have personally seen and appreciated his skill with the lens.

That doesn't mean he doesn't often act the asshole when he comes here...:okthumb:
Well I could also say exactly the same thing about you....wibble?

01-18-2007, 08:48 PM
Sarretah flops more than anyone I know, he has shown how pathetic he is and useless.

Peaches aint even in the industry LOL she just has no where else to go.

she tried to fuck over gonzo and HP ( whom she called friends by the way)

funny thing is that it took up so much conversation to really amount to nothing LOL if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck .....well

GO RHETORICAL!!!!!! you are OK in my book mate .

01-18-2007, 08:59 PM
Sarretah flops more than anyone I know, he has shown how pathetic he is and useless.

Peaches aint even in the industry LOL she just has no where else to go.

she tried to fuck over gonzo and HP ( whom she called friends by the way)

funny thing is that it took up so much conversation to really amount to nothing LOL if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck .....well

GO RHETORICAL!!!!!! you are OK in my book mate .

So how'd the road trip go?

01-18-2007, 09:00 PM
Fair enough. But if you have that reaction to some, I would think you would have that reaction to all.

Actually I do,

And I was going to do a whole diatribe thingie but what it actually comes down to is that you seem to seek the piss. You seem to enjoy it, so I have always been happy to oblige. That is it in a nutshell.

hen I have seen what I thought might be an unfair attack on you I have tried to stay out of it. I have not participated against you for the most part but you are right, I have not defended you mainly because you seem to enjoy the piss, or at least that is how it appears from the cheap seats.

01-18-2007, 09:02 PM
Sarretah flops more than anyone I know, he has shown how pathetic he is and useless.

Says the useless manatee.

01-18-2007, 09:03 PM
Actually I do,

And I was going to do a whole diatribe thingie but what it actually comes down to is that you seem to seek the piss. You seem to enjoy it, so I have always been happy to oblige. That is it in a nutshell.

hen I have seen what I thought might be an unfair attack on you I have tried to stay out of it. I have not participated against you for the most part but you are right, I have not defended you mainly because you seem to enjoy the piss, or at least that is how it appears from the cheap seats.
That's cool. I don't deny piss can be fun. But when it gets into the land of lawyers (trev) the irs (serge) then I call time and bullshit.
I personally will always defend anyone, even if I don't like them, if I see crap being unfairly heaped on them. If you did the same thing, we would prolly actually get along.

01-18-2007, 09:04 PM
Says the useless manatee.
I love manatees.

01-18-2007, 09:05 PM
So how'd the road trip go?

haha it could have went better, mostely a lot of scouting for me, to do road trips in better weather. I was solo most of the time and just making deals and getting acess to clubs in different towns, locating friendly colleges to hold event s at , and running numbers needed to be successful and biudgeted properly and all.

I had hoped for more footage etc, but it was cold as fuck in most of the places and I had to set up the RV, drive, wasnt in the town very long etc......

Spring one will be much better I think. as I will be much better prepared this second time out .

01-18-2007, 09:07 PM
Says the useless manatee.

yep you got me pegged, always have you are soooo much smarter, and better than me.

I will just keep trying though like the litte red steam engine :whistling

01-18-2007, 09:07 PM
I love manatees.

Manatees are cool, but other than being cool they are pretty much useless.

I will be swimming with some of them next weekend, maybe be able to bring back some pics.

01-18-2007, 09:08 PM
Manatees are cool, but other than being cool they are pretty much useless.

I will be swimming with some of them next weekend, maybe be able to bring back some pics.

Just dont try to fuck my sister, I hear her new boyfriend is a real shark!

01-18-2007, 09:14 PM
Manatees are cool, but other than being cool they are pretty much useless.

I will be swimming with some of them next weekend, maybe be able to bring back some pics.
I was swimming with them in the jungle in Brazil last year. They are a trip but have really, really bad breath.

01-18-2007, 09:14 PM
Just dont try to fuck my sister, I hear her new boyfriend is a real shark!

Ok, you get a point for that one. :yowsa:

01-18-2007, 09:17 PM
haha it could have went better, mostely a lot of scouting for me, to do road trips in better weather. I was solo most of the time and just making deals and getting acess to clubs in different towns, locating friendly colleges to hold event s at , and running numbers needed to be successful and biudgeted properly and all.

I had hoped for more footage etc, but it was cold as fuck in most of the places and I had to set up the RV, drive, wasnt in the town very long etc......

Spring one will be much better I think. as I will be much better prepared this second time out .

I'll sell you xxxrv.com. Load the truck up with a couple of hicks and have them go from college to college fucking the guys.

Bangbros goes national :okthumb:

01-18-2007, 09:22 PM
haha it could have went better, mostely a lot of scouting for me, to do road trips in better weather. I was solo most of the time and just making deals and getting acess to clubs in different towns, locating friendly colleges to hold event s at , and running numbers needed to be successful and biudgeted properly and all.

I had hoped for more footage etc, but it was cold as fuck in most of the places and I had to set up the RV, drive, wasnt in the town very long etc......

Spring one will be much better I think. as I will be much better prepared this second time out .
drive up to Vancouver. I can probably point you in a couple of directions that aren't in the middle of the freeking burbs in nowheresville. LOL

01-18-2007, 09:25 PM
I know that it's probably kinda late to put my two cents in, but I worked as a model for Rhetorical and his team was totally first rate! We took gorgeous sexy glam images in a sex-positive and fun atmosphere, I was paid well for my time, and everything was completely professional.

Now many of you may not know Rhetorical in person, so you can't appreciate how ludicrously funny these heated allegations truly are. And I know that Rhetorical didn't need me to back him up, but when I see people ganging up on somebody for the wrong reasons, I choose to step in.

pics or it didnt happen

guys give peaches a break

01-18-2007, 09:28 PM
pics or it didnt happen

guys give peaches a break

01-18-2007, 09:35 PM
why what?

01-18-2007, 10:15 PM
why what?
why is the freakin' sky fallin'?....

what do u think "why"? :hmm:

01-18-2007, 10:19 PM
I was swimming with them in the jungle in Brazil last year. They are a trip but have really, really bad breath.

Have u ever made it to the Galapagos?

That the shit down there :okthumb:

01-18-2007, 10:37 PM

01-18-2007, 11:29 PM
I think you guys need some good anal sex to release some of that pent up testosterone.

where do i sign up?

01-18-2007, 11:44 PM
why is the freakin' sky fallin'?....

what do u think "why"? :hmm:


01-19-2007, 09:46 AM
OK, I had to come back and congratulate Gonzo and Hellpuppy. Much more important to them (and longer in coming) than baiting me to post here was to bait 12Clicks into posting here :wnw:

And PLEASE don't compare Joe to a manatee. I grew up with them in the St. John's river (we called them seacows). They are gentle lovable animals and from what I can tell, much more informed and intelligent than Joe will ever be. Watching him defend Gonzo and Hellpuppy has to be one of the more ironic things I've seen in years. :okthumb:

Joe, I've never done business with Gonzo and Hellpuppy, so I'm not sure how I've tried to screw them over. But of course, I'm also living off seed money from my divorce, lol. In fact, I do believe the last dinner we had I picked up the tab. Gonzo was never worried about me not having a "job" when I was paying for dinner.. At least HP and I are probably even on dinners/drinks. Gonzo....not so much ;)

Headed out to gamble for the weekend - you girls enjoy yourselves and again, congrats on the 12clicks catch! :)

01-19-2007, 10:02 AM
OK, I had to come back and congratulate Gonzo and Hellpuppy. Much more important to them (and longer in coming) than baiting me to post here was to bait 12Clicks into posting here :wnw:

And PLEASE don't compare Joe to a manatee. I grew up with them in the St. John's river (we called them seacows). They are gentle lovable animals and from what I can tell, much more informed and intelligent than Joe will ever be. Watching him defend Gonzo and Hellpuppy has to be one of the more ironic things I've seen in years. :okthumb:

Joe, I've never done business with Gonzo and Hellpuppy, so I'm not sure how I've tried to screw them over. But of course, I'm also living off seed money from my divorce, lol. In fact, I do believe the last dinner we had I picked up the tab. Gonzo was never worried about me not having a "job" when I was paying for dinner.. At least HP and I are probably even on dinners/drinks. Gonzo....not so much ;)

Headed out to gamble for the weekend - you girls enjoy yourselves and again, congrats on the 12clicks catch! :)
Peaches has an Oprano jones. Cracks me up.

01-19-2007, 10:24 AM
OK, I had to come back and congratulate Gonzo and Hellpuppy. Much more important to them (and longer in coming) than baiting me to post here was to bait 12Clicks into posting here :wnw:

And PLEASE don't compare Joe to a manatee. I grew up with them in the St. John's river (we called them seacows). They are gentle lovable animals and from what I can tell, much more informed and intelligent than Joe will ever be. Watching him defend Gonzo and Hellpuppy has to be one of the more ironic things I've seen in years. :okthumb:

Joe, I've never done business with Gonzo and Hellpuppy, so I'm not sure how I've tried to screw them over. But of course, I'm also living off seed money from my divorce, lol. In fact, I do believe the last dinner we had I picked up the tab. Gonzo was never worried about me not having a "job" when I was paying for dinner.. At least HP and I are probably even on dinners/drinks. Gonzo....not so much ;)

Headed out to gamble for the weekend - you girls enjoy yourselves and again, congrats on the 12clicks catch! :)
Its becasue Im a drink freeloader.

Please post the amount and your paypal account so I can send you what you think I owe you.

01-19-2007, 10:31 AM
Peaches has an Oprano jones. Cracks me up.

she just cant stay away, she has nothing else to do .

what is so ironic about saying the truth peaches? I am not defending anyone ( no need to they are grown adults and can speak for themselves) but you tried to stick a knife in their back period, but you called them friend at one point. doesnt always have to be about work ( and you didnt do business with them because you do not adult business since you got fired from weg)

oh and who gives a fuck who paid for dinner , does that make it any less true that your are so pathetic ? or are you trying to imply more false derogatorys by using inuendos towards Gonzo? seems to be the way you work. if no bandwagon is around for you to jump on and think you are with the coolcrowd, then you always go for the backside , but you are too transparent.

have a good day doing whatever it is you do. and come back here to tell me how fucked up I am ( but I am still in the adult business and doing just fine thanks for your concern) and as far as I know Gonzo has never been fitred from a job in this industry or any other. but you have LOL

01-19-2007, 10:47 AM
This crap just doesn't get any better

Hell Puppy
01-20-2007, 04:08 AM
Again, OMG. I can't tell if you're being paranoid all on your own or if the puppeteer is having his strings pulled by his puppet.

I honestly don't remember what was IN your post.I really don't remember reading it, but I guess if you said I did, then I must have. But whatever was in it wasn't important enough to me to remember it. I'd have to search it down to figure out what you're even referencing.

But AGAIN, I wasn't referring to one person. I even used the word "people". I'm not going to betray confidences by telling you who's told me about things from Vegas. Hell, I didn't even ASK for the information. But I can assure you, at no time has your name been brought up. Period. And I find it really bizarre that you would jump to that conclusion. Or were you pushed? :unsure:

And Russ, I said it before, but I'll say it again - thanks :)

I call bullshit.

You've been sliding digs in for weeks over on GFY. People ICQ me the links, I usually ignore 'em. Oh, I guess you were talking about someone else when you slapped a dig in there about Miss Nevada underage pics links? Again, bullshit, I know your style better than most.

The one with the drinks struck me as so incredibly petty I couldn't believe it so I called you out on it. Now you're dancing instead of owning up to it and looking bad for your remaining friends.

Just let it all go, please.

You have no idea how bad it is getting. First question out of almost everyone's mouth that I ran into in Vegas was "what the fuck is wrong with Peaches?" Either that or "told you so".

Hell Puppy
01-20-2007, 04:13 AM
At least HP and I are probably even on dinners/drinks. Gonzo....not so much ;)

Didn't know we were keeping score. But glad I'm square.

FWIW, for everyone I've ever bought dinner, drinks, swag, gifts or whatever, no reciprocation was ever expected, I did so because I wanted to. Peaches views of "southern hospitality" seem to have diverged from that of the FFN's at some point.

01-20-2007, 06:31 AM
I call bullshit.

You've been sliding digs in for weeks over on GFY. People ICQ me the links, I usually ignore 'em. Oh, I guess you were talking about someone else when you slapped a dig in there about Miss Nevada underage pics links? Again, bullshit, I know your style better than most.

The one with the drinks struck me as so incredibly petty I couldn't believe it so I called you out on it. Now you're dancing instead of owning up to it and looking bad for your remaining friends.

Just let it all go, please.

You have no idea how bad it is getting. First question out of almost everyone's mouth that I ran into in Vegas was "what the fuck is wrong with Peaches?" Either that or "told you so".

I hate to say it (no I don't) but I told you so.

Hell Puppy
01-20-2007, 06:33 AM
I hate to say it (no I don't) but I told you so.

Go ahead, I'm getting used to hearing it.

01-20-2007, 07:14 AM
Go ahead, I'm getting used to hearing it.

Not your fault. She snowed a lot of people for a lot of time. When she melted down, it finally became obvious.

01-22-2007, 03:59 PM
The only reason I didn't speak to you guys in Vegas is because I felt you didn't like me. Seeing that doesn't seem to be the case any longer, I look forward to next time. Maybe Ron will be around, we can do a dinner.

Take Care,

The only time I saw you was at the bar. I didnt want to come in and cockblock you with that blonde cuz I had an uglier shirt on.

Nonetheless it looked like you guys were busy and it would have been rude to have interrupted.

Hope your show went well.

Hell Puppy
01-23-2007, 02:05 AM
I harbor no ill-will towards any of you guys. While I admit that I was less than impressed with some of the rhetoric, I am confident we can all write it off as the past and move forward with a better future. I was never an angel in any of it myself.

If anything, you can't fault someone for defending a friend. No matter how grave it can seem at times, it is certainly a respectable quality.

The only reason I didn't speak to you guys in Vegas is because I felt you didn't like me. Seeing that doesn't seem to be the case any longer, I look forward to next time. Maybe Ron will be around, we can do a dinner.

Take Care,

Same here. We could've probably saved all of ourselves some grief with a sitdown anytime over the last year, and I regret not facilitating it.

Was gonna try to grab you for a few minutes in Vegas, but the couple of times I saw you, you were busy entertaining or doing business. And not being sure where your head was toward me, I didn't wanna interrupt.

It's a new year, I'm also willing to write it all off to experience and let by gones be by gones.

I'm going to hit more shows this year than I did last, so we'll tag up at some point for sure.

01-23-2007, 10:17 AM
Can I call it or what??! :) This is what I posted yesterday AM on another board:

It's funny - it seems they are trying to "legitmize" Oprano by aligning themselves with 12Clicks and Cory. If 12Clicks and Cory are sheep enough to take the bait will be interesting to watch :) Even funnier is Hellpuppy's either assuming I was referring to him in times I wasn't or is playing the readers. Hard to tell with him. He considers himself quite the mindgame player.

All this over little ol' me. ;)
Congrats again, HP :okthumb:

Oh, and those of you PMing me here, please ICQ me - I check maybe once a day here and that's only because I have my own thread for now :) Now all the people I told to "fuck off" can be buddies. :wub:

And HP, next time you want to make reference to what I said, please try and keep it in context. I mentioned buying dinner/drinks ONLY because Gonzo constantly says I don't have a job but is more than willing to let me foot the bill. ;)

01-23-2007, 10:26 AM
Can I call it or what??! :) This is what I posted yesterday AM on another board:

Congrats again, HP :okthumb:

Oh, and those of you PMing me here, please ICQ me - I check maybe once a day here and that's only because I have my own thread for now :) Now all the people I told to "fuck off" can be buddies. :wub:

And HP, next time you want to make reference to what I said, please try and keep it in context. I mentioned buying dinner/drinks ONLY because Gonzo constantly says I don't have a job but is more than willing to let me foot the bill. ;)

uhhh, please tell me to "...fuck off" also ma'ma.
I'm aware I'm not involved in this mess. But hearing you say that just makes me all HARD and stuff :happy45:

01-23-2007, 11:04 AM
uhhh, please tell me to "...fuck off" also ma'ma.
I'm aware I'm not involved in this mess. But hearing you say that just makes me all HARD and stuff :happy45:
Have you actually ever seen Peaches....lmaorof.

01-23-2007, 11:05 AM
Can I call it or what??! :) This is what I posted yesterday AM on another board:

Congrats again, HP :okthumb:

Oh, and those of you PMing me here, please ICQ me - I check maybe once a day here and that's only because I have my own thread for now :) Now all the people I told to "fuck off" can be buddies. :wub:

And HP, next time you want to make reference to what I said, please try and keep it in context. I mentioned buying dinner/drinks ONLY because Gonzo constantly says I don't have a job but is more than willing to let me foot the bill. ;)

Boy you sure can call them. You actually made one big mistake. Oprano doesn't need to be legitimized. You do. Ding!!!!!!!

Peaches, you are making more enemies than Confucy. Can I call them or what?

01-23-2007, 12:05 PM
Have you actually ever seen Peaches....lmaorof.

Uhhh? I personally have never seen or met the lady, the only image of her I've seen is:

But regardless of what she looks like.
Its her character that fascinates me about her. She comes off as being so "Gun Hoe" with her competitive attitude and "go screw yourself" personality.

I'm personally not truly following this drama story that merged from another board, Just what I view here. So whatever is said elsewhere might become irrelevant here at Oprano when not reading the whole picture.
But its all still entertaining and I still thinks she Rocks :)

Weg Cory
01-23-2007, 02:36 PM
The only time I saw you was at the bar. I didnt want to come in and cockblock you with that blonde cuz I had an uglier shirt on.

Nonetheless it looked like you guys were busy and it would have been rude to have interrupted.

Hope your show went well.

Same here. We could've probably saved all of ourselves some grief with a sitdown anytime over the last year, and I regret not facilitating it.

Was gonna try to grab you for a few minutes in Vegas, but the couple of times I saw you, you were busy entertaining or doing business. And not being sure where your head was toward me, I didn't wanna interrupt.

It's a new year, I'm also willing to write it all off to experience and let by gones be by gones.

I'm going to hit more shows this year than I did last, so we'll tag up at some point for sure.

Sounds good guys.

01-23-2007, 03:47 PM
I gots to get my fat ass to some dese shows man. meet some of the biz celebs :)


Hell Puppy
01-23-2007, 10:16 PM
I gots to get my fat ass to some dese shows man. meet some of the biz celebs :)


Yeah, we put one in easy driving range for ya, and you still wouldn't come out. We've decided you're a hermit.

01-23-2007, 10:40 PM
I am thinking about doing the cybernet expo this year since it is in tampa, I like that town

01-23-2007, 10:48 PM

01-23-2007, 10:55 PM
I am thinking about doing the cybernet expo this year since it is in tampa, I like that town
I gotta do one of these shows sometime.

01-24-2007, 09:00 AM
Yeah, we put one in easy driving range for ya, and you still wouldn't come out. We've decided you're a hermit.
wouldn't??? nay nay nay... COULDNT... i aint independently wealthy here. I had to work and the ROI would have pissed off the boss

sounded like it was a blast though and I wish I could have gone

01-25-2007, 02:23 PM
This crap just doesn't get any better

Ok, I've pretty mych stayed out of this but that's fucking funny!!! :lmao1:

02-02-2007, 01:51 PM
I know, better late than never, this shit is funny......hahahaha

WTH happen to the oprano I grew to love? oh well.......ya'll play nice ;)~

(hugs for peaches :)

02-02-2007, 03:47 PM
I know, better late than never, this shit is funny......hahahaha

WTH happen to the oprano I grew to love? oh well.......ya'll play nice ;)~

(hugs for peaches :)

I believe it sailed away on the Mayflower. You know, the ghost ship.

02-02-2007, 07:36 PM
I know, better late than never, this shit is funny......hahahaha

WTH happen to the oprano I grew to love? oh well.......ya'll play nice ;)~

(hugs for peaches :)

And just Who the Fuck are You? Some fucking newbie trying to make a name for hisself? Some wannabe surfmaster thins he can score free content from the real webmasters? Some cockholster or another I would guess.

Hey Danny :) Long time man :yowsa:

02-02-2007, 11:41 PM
And just Who the Fuck are You? Some fucking newbie trying to make a name for hisself? Some wannabe surfmaster thins he can score free content from the real webmasters? Some cockholster or another I would guess.

Hey Danny :) Long time man :yowsa:
Sar, you wanna explain to me what a surfmaster is? Apart from Serge Birbrair and his sycophants, I have never seen this term used before.

02-02-2007, 11:56 PM
Sar, you wanna explain to me what a surfmaster is? Apart from Serge Birbrair and his sycophants, I have never seen this term used before.



Some surfmasters are known to hang out at surfmastercentral.com


02-03-2007, 12:11 AM
Sar, you wanna explain to me what a surfmaster is? Apart from Serge Birbrair and his sycophants, I have never seen this term used before.

Surfmaster :hide: ...Did someone call me??? :biglaugh: lol

02-03-2007, 12:42 AM


Some surfmasters are known to hang out at surfmastercentral.com


No help at all. Still the only place I have seen this. Anyone can pump up the urban dictionary. LOL. You gotta do better than that.
Personally I call bullshit on this.

02-03-2007, 12:58 AM
No help at all. Still the only place I have seen this. Anyone can pump up the urban dictionary. LOL. You gotta do better than that.
Personally I call bullshit on this.

It is an Oprano original. The term surfmaster, as defined in the urban dictionanary, was invented on this board by members of this board to describe a certain phenomena that was being observed.

Personaly, I love the term.

02-03-2007, 04:25 AM
too much drama in this thread ...

02-03-2007, 05:27 AM
too much drama in this thread ...Were you born naturally annoying, or do you have to work at it?

02-03-2007, 10:40 AM
It is an Oprano original. The term surfmaster, as defined in the urban dictionanary, was invented on this board by members of this board to describe a certain phenomena that was being observed.

Personaly, I love the term.
I guess what is coined at oprano, stays at oprano.

02-03-2007, 10:51 AM
It is an Oprano original. The term surfmaster, as defined in the urban dictionanary, was invented on this board by members of this board to describe a certain phenomena that was being observed.

Personaly, I love the term.

Sarettah is correct to an extent Rhetorical, I'm sure if it was up for grabs when all this surfmaster talk arouse here on Oprano, someone would have snagged it by now, or probably attempted to only discovering it belongs to a DJ. So he thought of it first. But the term surfmaster was truly brought to light here at Oprano.

And as for urban dictionaries??? well..., :bustingup

02-03-2007, 10:56 AM
I guess what is coined at oprano, stays at oprano.

Nah, some terms just take longer to become widely used then others.

It has only been a year (if that) since surfmaster was coined. That, in the world of wordology, is merely a blip.

It took "ain't" about 200 years to become widely accepted enough to show up in the dictionaries.

Surfmaster will become widely used enough to become accepted within all internet related jargon. I would predict that surfmaster will one day reach the pinnacles, perhaps even reaching the degree of popularity that "google" has reached.

In fact, I would not be surprised to see entire industries grow around the ever increasing surfmaster population in the world.


The United SurfMasters of the Internet (USMI pronounced "Use Me") massacrey movement (in 4 part harmony, of course)

It will be a fucking goldrush, just wait and see. Here, we will have an entire generation of users who are websmart enough to see it coming and still gullible enough to bite. They will have noone to blame but themeselves and yet they will continue to whine on about how nasty so and so is and then, you bet ya, "whoops, I did it agan"... over and over and over and over again.

It will be a sweet day.

It will be heaven on earth.

It will be the second coming.

It will be the rapture.


And I, for one, cannot wait :okthumb:


:blink: :huh: :unsure:

02-03-2007, 11:03 AM
Sarettah is correct to an extent Rhetorical, I'm sure if it was up for grabs when all this surfmaster talk arouse here on Oprano, someone would have snagged it by now, or probably attempted to only discovering it belongs to a DJ. So he thought of it first. But the term surfmaster was truly brought to light here at Oprano.

And as for urban dictionaries??? well..., :bustingup

Surfmaster in the context of a "webmaster in it for the fun of it" was coined here. Yes, a dj has surfmaster.com but his use of the term is completely different than the Oprano use of the term. Surfmaster is also sometimes used within the actual surfer (meaning dem dat actually ride da waves mon) population to denote a master of surfing or a teacher of the art.

But, it's connotation in relationship to describing a portion of the internet population (introducing a priorto undefined level to the existing structure of webmasters <----> surfers and thus making a triadilly horizontal \aspected structure of webmaster <----> surfmaster <-----> surfer) was, is and will be an Oprano original.

02-03-2007, 11:03 AM

..Here Here
Now put the pipe down
I'm agreeing with you

02-03-2007, 11:16 AM

..Here Here
Now put the pipe down

Another surfmaster trait to note.

Often times, when a surfmaster encounters an actual intelligent discussion, encounters an intelligent individual or stumbles upon a den of intellectualism they mistake it for drug usage.

There are currently several accepted methodologies of handling these surfmasters and their incessant interruptions.

1. This method is often used at the zoo, usually to no avail. Tell them to fuck off, challenge their postcount, sexuality, car, house, current living situation, income level, etc often in conjunction with each other.

2. Ignore them. Again often fruitless because they do not recognize that noone is reading or responding to them. They continue to hound like fleas on a sows belly until webmasters feel forced to resort to method number 1.

3. Appease them. Feed them some content. This keeps them quiet for quite a while. Usually one good piece of content can be good for hours of uninterrupted postings. Every several hours, give a new piece of content and you will never hear from the surfmaster again. (Please note, this also creates an economic hardship for the surfmaster as they need to constantly replace wet, sticky keyboards)

I go with method 3 most of the time :okthumb:


02-03-2007, 11:34 AM
hey sare, I'm doing great for a surfmaster :) I thought I would drop by to see how all the cockholster here were doing these days. Seems like it's changed somewhat.

Where's all the cool cockholsters hiding?! :)


02-03-2007, 11:43 AM
hey sare, I'm doing great for a surfmaster :) I thought I would drop by to see how all the cockholster here were doing these days. Seems like it's changed somewhat.

Where's all the cool cockholsters hiding?! :)


Hit me in icq 2155399 :okthumb:

02-03-2007, 11:45 AM

If you notice that your content does not keep the surfmaster busy, evaluate and ensure that you are using the proper niche specific content and post a different picture if necessary.


02-03-2007, 12:00 PM
Hit me in icq 2155399 :okthumb:

if you still have me on your ICQ, WTH is my number? I dont have it installed on this box, was going to use icq2go, but I have no idea what my number is/was :/

you can email me at dannyh a t simplecom dot n e t

02-03-2007, 12:04 PM
you can email me at dannyh a t simplecom dot n e t

At simplecom ??? :)))) Loving that.

I don't have you in my list. I will hit you up in a bit via email though :)

02-03-2007, 12:20 PM
"The United SurfMasters of the Internet (USMI pronounced "Use Me") massacrey movement (in 4 part harmony, of course)"

I guess I will have to wait for the 8 X 10 coloured photograhs with the circles and arrows to make up my mind on this most important discussion.

02-03-2007, 12:50 PM

02-03-2007, 01:21 PM

Many surfmasters may be spotted by their tendency to center their posts thinking that this makes them a master of html. They lose sight of the fact that to most readers it usually looks like a blank post and is usually rapidly skipped over.

addendum 2: If after having posted content the surfmaster comes back in less than the anticipated time, again, reevaluate the content choice and try try again.


02-03-2007, 01:23 PM
"The United SurfMasters of the Internet (USMI pronounced "Use Me") massacrey movement (in 4 part harmony, of course)"

I guess I will have to wait for the 8 X 10 coloured photograhs with the circles and arrows to make up my mind on this most important discussion.

Only the blind judge gets to see them. :okthumb:

02-03-2007, 02:03 PM
But, it's connotation in relationship to describing a portion of the internet population (introducing a priorto undefined level to the existing structure of webmasters <----> surfers and thus making a triadilly horizontal \aspected structure of webmaster <----> surfmaster <-----> surfer) was, is and will be an Oprano original.Yes and on that note from my point I can see the relevance of balance though the type of portfolio attempted to be developed here.
Attempting to diminish the level of a surmaster through various methods of degrading sexual or personal habits forms of existing pornography.

Although in cases like yours, due to the abuse in years of taking advantage of a opportunity presented to them eternities ago, They feel they have earned some sort of higher level form of superiority in the existing atmosphere they feel belongs to them.

Mostly demonstrating actions like the ones seen above, they react in this form due to fear. Being fearful of losing they're imaginary position created in they're devolved closed minds of self delusive power.

You have to realize people of this form live for only one purpose, and follow only one form of power and authority , I have seen much more hideous and ridiculing acts from this type of species for the ability to obtain this tool. :wankit: $$$

Its a sad site to observe. "...But I still love ya, Sarettah :kiss: "

02-03-2007, 04:17 PM

02-03-2007, 05:48 PM
There.., there.. ..now...

Get it ALL out now

02-03-2007, 06:26 PM
So by the Oprano definition, would Peaches be considered a surfmaster?

02-03-2007, 06:40 PM
There.., there.. ..now...


Get it ALL out now

Somebody needs to page JR.
This one was pretty damn funny.

02-03-2007, 07:04 PM
So by the Oprano definition, would Peaches be considered a surfmaster?

No. Peaches has (as far as I know) never done this biz fr the fun of it. She has always been collecting an income from her own sites no matter who else she was representing.

02-03-2007, 07:06 PM
Somebody needs to page JR.
This one was pretty damn funny.

In a "I don't have a clue to what funny is" sort of way :okthumb:

02-03-2007, 07:07 PM
I hear grey is the new blonde.

02-03-2007, 07:09 PM
No. Peaches has (as far as I know) never done this biz fr the fun of it. She has always been collecting an income from her own sites no matter who else she was representing.
Who here would ever do a site for fun? There are surfmasters here?

02-03-2007, 07:52 PM
Who here would ever do a site for fun? There are surfmasters here?

I have no idea.

02-03-2007, 09:01 PM
Who here would ever do a site for fun? There are surfmasters here?

Thinking out of the box can be profitable.

02-03-2007, 09:07 PM
Who here would ever do a site for fun? There are surfmasters here?
its how it started for me

02-03-2007, 10:16 PM

That one will get you slapped silly...:blink:

One thing I know I will never see you post here now and that's your actual pic :okthumb:

02-03-2007, 10:32 PM
I thought this thread was about peaches. So she actually made a couple of dimes to rub together in this business did she?

02-03-2007, 11:17 PM
Who here would ever do a site for fun? There are surfmasters here?

I enjoy what I do and try new things, which makes it fun, does that count?

02-04-2007, 02:13 AM
I enjoy what I do and try new things, which makes it fun, does that count?
apparently not.

02-04-2007, 10:25 AM
I thought this thread was about peaches. So she actually made a couple of dimes to rub together in this business did she?

You thought this thread was about peaches?? I thought this thread was buried & dead

02-04-2007, 10:31 AM
You thought this thread was about peaches?? I thought this thread was buried & dead
I detect a pulse. I guess the life support was not cut off.

Hell Puppy
02-04-2007, 02:38 PM
We need a new classification...

Something that describes those who no longer derive significant income from adult industry, but continue to hang around.

02-04-2007, 02:50 PM
We need a new classification...

Something that describes those who no longer derive significant income from adult industry, but continue to hang around.
The abject failure category?