View Full Version : So, how's the show going?

01-16-2007, 09:29 PM
Huh? :huh:

Expiring minds want to know :yowsa:

01-17-2007, 02:19 AM







01-17-2007, 03:32 AM
what show is that?

01-17-2007, 05:23 AM
AEE went exceedingly well.

Internext I dont think has found its niche yet. The doain auction is tomorrow, I sat in on traffic seminar which was good. Booths.... just poor.

I think the show is lacking for webmasters that are just affiliates or free site owners.

Hell Puppy
01-17-2007, 06:09 AM
I'll have a lot more comments when I get back home.

But I agree with GonZo. The show floor is a joke. You can easily go thru it and see everything in 10 minutes.

Porn Poker Tour was very popular as usual. During the early rounds there were a lot more people in there than on the show floor.

One observation...I've been on the show floor 3 times, and each time within 5 minutes of me walking in, they've announced on the PA that I should go somewhere else. Twice it was start of poker, and once start of a seminar. With floor that dead, I'd hate to have paid for a booth and have regular announcements to pull what few people are there away.

The one seminar I attended, probably my first one in 7-8 years or more, was well attended. But like the rest of the show, the people who are here are mostly program owners and their employees.

There's a lot of sheep herders, but few sheep. From my standpoint, this will be the first time I haven't managed to at least accidently get a lot of business done. Everyone here I either already do what business I want to do with them, or there's a reason I dont do business with them. I'm seeing not much new. Have met a few new folks, but that's only because I dont go to every show on the circuit.

As usual, if you really wanna find someone, the action is at the square bar (the center bar in Mandalay is square not circular). Park there in the afternoon and sooner or later everyone comes thru. Though even that is a problem as there's some television convention here as well and they're competing for space at the bar with us.

My gut feel right now is this is likely the last year of Vegas Internext in winter in any form we currently know.

I just wish the Phoenix Forum would move to Vegas. ;)

01-17-2007, 07:57 AM
Damn, more programs then affiliates sounds like a self defeating proposition. :(

Might have to organize a KC show. Have to come up with a good name for it though. The Cowtown _________________

The Cowtown convention ? (boring)
The Cowtown Conundrum ? (more interesting, but does it actually mean anything)
The Cowtown Chronicles ? (name for a farmers forum perhaps, but not a show)
The Midwest Mingling ? (could work but sounds like a chinese traffic forum or some such)
The Mo Money Meeting ? (Hmm. but only pertinent to Missouri and we already have enough surfers saying "show me")
The Cowtown Calamity ? (again, rolls off the tongue nice, but does it mean anything)
COWS forum ? (Cowtown Owners, Webmasters and Surfers forum..Could work.)
The COWPile ? (Gotta figure out what the acronym stands for...hmmmmm)

01-17-2007, 10:04 AM
I think the show is lacking for webmasters that are just affiliates or free site owners.That demographic has been on a steady decline at Internext, both Miami and Vegas, for quite some time. AVN fails to understand why they are important to a successful show.

01-17-2007, 02:05 PM
if your here to freeload for some booze it seems your in luck. ccbill topbucks epoch have all had the pour going on.

I haven't been doing much with topbucks last year so I didn't go to that one or anything other than the gfy playboy party.

I was there with aebn as an invited guest. but I did tell lens as he handed me 2 goosedrivers that I was there getting a drunk on the playboy dime.

he told me that's what we were invited for.

steve lightspeed seemed to be enjoying himself as well.

01-17-2007, 03:38 PM
Not having regular webmasters actually makes my job at shows easier.. LOL

I'll go to Phoenix or one of the othjers in the future...