View Full Version : Fun at the Old Luxor

Hell Puppy
01-16-2007, 05:29 AM
So this year to be different, I decide to stay at Luxor in one of the spa suites inside the pyramid. I've always stayed in the tower in what I call the "Pharoah Suite" which is much like any other suite on the strip only tackier.

I declined an upgrade to it this time specifically so I could stay in the pyramid. Wanted to experience the big atrium, the inclinators, etc. I'll post a full review and some pics when I get back, but for now let's say it's one of the oddest rooms I've ever stayed in....but having a big ass jacuzzi in vegas always rules for sore feet, legs, back, etc.

So anyhow, last night, we're out late at the GFY Warm-up party...review on that and the show in general later too. But for now, I'll say I had lots and lots of goose drivers. Lensman bought me liquor, he's a top notch guy. A1. His programs rule!

After that and some late night baccarat action, I mosey up to the room and finally hit the bed after a soak around 4AM (yeah, I know, I"m a lightweight, but dont wanna sleep all day in vegas). Turns out sleeping was not going to be an issue.

So about 5AM I'm snoring like a huge grizzly bear and laying in a puddle of drool from being tired (my first night in so body still on Atlanta time) and this this this this noise starts. Turns out there's a fire alarm speaker right above the bed to help get people out in the event of a fire.


Now good thing it's loud or I'd never wake up. But the problem is being that tired and with all of that grey goose in my system and in a strange place i had no fucking idea where i was or what that sound was. I'd never heard the sound and i've never been in this room before and i was in a hard hard deep deep sleep.

First thing I did was reach for my gun, but that is in Atlanta. Second thing was reach for my balls, thankfully they were there, and after a couple of minutes of scratching I figured out that noise means FIRE!

So I stick my head out, sure enough, everyone else it out in hall too wondering what is going on....it's the whole building. I went back in figuring pants would be a good idea at this point.

No smoke, no fire engines, so i'm still groggy trying to figure out why i cant find the zipper in my pants. Turns out you have to put them on with the zipper forward or things just dont work out right. Now I'm starting to plan, do I grab my computer and gear in case the place goes up? Are we sliding down the side of this bastard? Inclinators are not a good idea, but the idea of nearly 30 stories of stairs with all that grey goose is gonna be an adventure as well since I'm near the top.

Thankfully, about that time, they announced some stuff over the speakers that said read the evacuation procedures but sit tight til they found the source of the alarm. And it stopped.

Then it restarted about the time i laid down.

Then it stopped and they said "all clear", but it still was beeping like a smoke detector without it's battery for another 30-40 minutes.

Finally got back to sleep. And then same thing happens apparently in the tower next door or on some floors other than mine. My alarm wasn't going off but there was enough noise from a source I couldn't pinpoint in my stupor to find that again went for 30 minutes or so.

Now about 8:30AM, the maid comes in wanting to clean the room, seems my do not disturb sign is no where to be found during all the excitement. who knows where that went. So I run her out. Then I make my own Do Not Disturb sign. About 10:30AM she doesn't knock or come in this time, she decides to call the room....and again wakes me up. This time she learns that I know some words in spanish that most gringos do not. But i was awake anyway at that point.

So I'm considering piling up early....and if the fire alarm goes off, I hope GonZo has bail money in his room because there's gonna be a really large pissed off white boy without pants down at the desk.

Hell Puppy
01-16-2007, 05:29 AM

01-16-2007, 12:07 PM
man, you seem way more patient about all that than I would have been

I HATE being disturbed in a hotel, I pay for privacy and the maids being annoying are a big pet peeve

01-16-2007, 12:21 PM
man, you seem way more patient about all that than I would have been

I HATE being disturbed in a hotel, I pay for privacy and the maids being annoying are a big pet peeve
Ive been soaking in the oprano suite looking over the strip .

Nothing like donuts ice wine and bubbles.

I may leave the room today.

Hell Puppy
01-17-2007, 06:25 AM
man, you seem way more patient about all that than I would have been

I HATE being disturbed in a hotel, I pay for privacy and the maids being annoying are a big pet peeve

First one wasn't her fault. Do Not Disturb sign was missing. I have no idea where it went. I hung it out when I went to bed, but during the fire alarm it disappeared. My guess is it fell off at some point when I slammed the door during the alarm. And this is a corner suite, so there's 4 doors right there close together, and might've been impossible to tell which one it came from if it was just laying in the hall.

However, calling after she already knew I was planning to sleep in did chap my ass and I lit her up for it pretty good.

I'm still pondering the question of whether I'd stay in one of these rooms again. If they remodel them, the answer is likely yes. Not sure if they dont. Like GonZo I am enjoying having a real jacuzzi tub. Though he's enamored enough with his he's even threatening to pay the AEE rates for the thing next year.

01-17-2007, 07:15 AM
...Like GonZo I am enjoying having a real jacuzzi tub. Though he's enamored enough with his he's even threatening to pay the AEE rates for the thing next year.I can understand that, for a FFN, being able to get into a tub and still have plenty of room left for hot water is a big deal. :okthumb: