View Full Version : so... yeah.. what does it take

01-15-2007, 08:00 AM
so yeah. I am sitting here just wanting to pop in an say hey how are all of you doing etc.. and act like I have been on this board for ages ... and start ranting about stuff maybe talk about a few things I am working on ask few questions on shit about designing sites with CSS etc. But I wonder what's the use. I tell myself reading the posts here and it seems like a Tuesdays afternoon bridge club w/a bunch of ole nannies siting around and gossiping.

Don't get me wrong I am guilty of the same shat. just posting useless information about who did what and where and everyone speculates as to why.. etc on other forums . But I really am looking for a webmaster board not a gossip board.

So would you guys and gals mind if I stated posting questions about web mastering and maybe a few things I have been doing ?

Would I get responses to them?

Yeah I imagine some of you may slam me for saying what I said above about nannies and bridge club gossip I don't care. I don't mean it as a slam on Gonzo or anyone else here on the board it's the nature of a community based website. I am just wondering if my efforts of posting things other than gossip and news would be welcome and if i would get responses ..

I know why don't i post a few and see right .? well I wanted to post this first.

ciao for now

01-15-2007, 10:38 AM
Well, I will say that aside from all the so called gossip you claim goes on here, and maybe the stupid remark myself or someone will reply.., and keeping in mind I'm no webmaster, I'm constantly watching, reading and learning here at Oprano. All types of professional webmasters, sponsors, networking, etc. I've met many helpful & useful associates in this afternoon bridge club w/a bunch of ole nannies siting around and gossiping.

Dunno, You come in here strong and aggressive as if you were a world traveler board expert. but..'whatever", and Welcome :waving:

01-15-2007, 11:01 AM
I don't play bridge.

01-15-2007, 11:10 AM
:( didn't mean to sound like I was coming off agressive, I am actually a pretty light hearted person but after rereading what i wrote ... I can see why you would say that .. sigh.

01-15-2007, 11:13 AM
:( didn't mean to sound like I was coming off agressive, I am actually a pretty light hearted person but after rereading what i wrote ... I can see why you would say that .. sigh.

agressive? LOL.....check the archive sometime....

01-15-2007, 11:22 AM
:( didn't mean to sound like I was coming off agressive, I am actually a pretty light hearted person but after rereading what i wrote ... I can see why you would say that .. sigh.

Thats cool :)

So whacha got? ..I mean its probably the first quetion one of these pros are gonna ask, only they will phase it different:
"So, tell us about yourself?". <---sounds all professional and grammar polite like.
But anyway...
Your a webmaster? Got any free titty pics to drool over?

01-15-2007, 11:24 AM
agressive? LOL.....check the archive sometime....

Fuck, now today is really gonna suck. When I start off the morning agreeing with YOU I have to be prepared for anything to happen.

and act like I have been on this board for ages ... and start ranting about stuff maybe talk about a few things I am working on ask few questions on shit about designing sites with CSS etc. But I wonder what's the use.

Ya never know until you try. If the questions are good questions, they will probably receive a decent response. If the questions are dumb questions (and yes Virginia, there are dumb questions) then you will probably receive an appropriate response. :okthumb:

01-15-2007, 11:25 AM
Your a webmaster? Got any free titty pics to drool over?

Surfer alert

01-15-2007, 11:41 AM
agressive? LOL.....check the archive sometime....


01-15-2007, 11:45 AM
Fuck, now today is really gonna suck. When I start off the morning agreeing with YOU I have to be prepared for anything to happen.

:lmao1: I saw how you changed that... LOL

01-15-2007, 11:48 AM
:lmao1: I saw how you changed that... LOL

Changed what? I didn't edit anything so you are confusing me (which is not necessarilly a hard thing to do)

01-15-2007, 11:55 AM
Changed what? I didn't edit anything so you are confusing me (which is not necessarilly a hard thing to do)

yes you did, you even admit it yourself by your comment to rhetorical about agreeing with him... :) that was funny. LOL

01-15-2007, 12:25 PM
Surfer alert

He was here about 4 weeks ago:


01-15-2007, 12:25 PM
jump in and do some business. lots of great people here and many just read.

oprano isn't consistantly in th top 25k of alexa websites without some one reading.

01-15-2007, 12:34 PM
yes you did, you even admit it yourself by your comment to rhetorical about agreeing with him...:lol: that was funny. LOL

You still have me lost here. Please spell it out. I am an oldster and perhaps the alzheimers shit is starting to go on or some such.

01-15-2007, 12:35 PM
He was here about 4 weeks ago:


Um. rcourt, the surfer alert system was reacting to you, not him :okthumb:

01-15-2007, 01:03 PM
You still have me lost here. Please spell it out. I am an oldster and perhaps the alzheimers shit is starting to go on or some such.

I could'a swore I saw something totally different thou the posting earlier, where you said "I agree..." to a comment rhetorical stated. Then the post changed, (as if you realized what you did) Scratching your head & editing it with a new reply saying: "...When I start off the morning agreeing with YOU... "

I thought that was funny, :) Kinda like "been there done that" type thing.

01-15-2007, 01:20 PM
I could'a swore I saw something totally different thou the posting earlier, where you said "I agree..." to a comment rhetorical stated. Then the post changed, (as if you realized what you did) Scratching your head & editing it with a new reply saying: "...When I start off the morning agreeing with YOU... "

I thought that was funny, :) Kinda like "been there done that" type thing.


01-15-2007, 03:43 PM
Well one of you asked "whatcha got." and to answer correctly... I ain't got shit. I create shitty sites. and just link up other sites . yeah sure i have things on the burner sometimes I remember to crank up the heat other times I let 'em die.
For the most part I do code / moding (php &Perl) for people in and around the adult industry. Some say I am good others are happy with what i do. meh. Last year I have to admit I made more money coding than I did through marketing any affiliate programs.

I had major plans for an adult ebook zine site but that got blown out of the water with the record keeping laws and crap . So I have been looking at other methods. of marketing / money making in the adult industry.

if you really wanna see what sort of crappy adult sites I make .here
http://lusther.com (http://lusther.com/)

01-15-2007, 03:48 PM
I create shitty sites. and just link up other sites

haha, you just described my workflow to a T

01-15-2007, 04:37 PM
Well one of you asked "whatcha got." and to answer correctly... I ain't got shit. I create shitty sites. and just link up other sites . yeah sure i have things on the burner sometimes I remember to crank up the heat other times I let 'em die.
For the most part I do code / moding (php &Perl) for people in and around the adult industry. Some say I am good others are happy with what i do. meh. Last year I have to admit I made more money coding than I did through marketing any affiliate programs.

I had major plans for an adult ebook zine site but that got blown out of the water with the record keeping laws and crap . So I have been looking at other methods. of marketing / money making in the adult industry.

if you really wanna see what sort of crappy adult sites I make .here
http://lusther.com (http://lusther.com/)

Well first off, Your sites don't suck. I like them, especially your blog is cool. and I see one as a PR already, So sweet :okthumb:

they're not crappy. let me know if your looking for trades, I have a few crappy sites myself LOL :)

01-16-2007, 04:03 AM
yeah man, your site's alright....

01-16-2007, 08:59 PM
I took a quick look at the "shitty" sites and really have no comment about them looks wise. (unless you are going to ask for advice, in which case I will give you what I can, for what it's worth)

It doesn't matter if a site is pretty or ugly, if it is html compliant or not, if it uses style sheets or not, or any of the other stuff that the technical experts, seo experts, etc look at.

The only thing that matters on an adult free site is does it work. Does it get clicks, does it get the surfer to the sponsor, does it get the surfer to buy from the sponsor. Because that is the goal of the site.

The technical stuff sometimes matters if you are trying to get highe in the ses and it definitely matters for cross browser compatibility. Other than that , if it is getting you checks then it is a good site (strictly imho of course)

01-16-2007, 09:33 PM
I took a quick look at the "shitty" sites and really have no comment about them looks wise. (unless you are going to ask for advice, in which case I will give you what I can, for what it's worth)

It doesn't matter if a site is pretty or ugly, if it is html compliant or not, if it uses style sheets or not, or any of the other stuff that the technical experts, seo experts, etc look at.

The only thing that matters on an adult free site is does it work. Does it get clicks, does it get the surfer to the sponsor, does it get the surfer to buy from the sponsor. Because that is the goal of the site.

The technical stuff sometimes matters if you are trying to get highe in the ses and it definitely matters for cross browser compatibility. Other than that , if it is getting you checks then it is a good site (strictly imho of course)
the universal benchmark for a site is...

Is it making money? Do you put money in the bank, pay the rent and live a good life. If not, it is shit on toast.

01-17-2007, 12:08 AM
the universal benchmark for a site is...

Is it making money? Do you put money in the bank, pay the rent and live a good life. If not, it is shit on toast.

if it is getting you checks then it is a good site (strictly imho of course)

Would you stop agreeing with me dammit. You are scaring the living shit out of me. :1zhelp:

Hell Puppy
01-17-2007, 06:15 AM
Who farted?

01-17-2007, 07:52 AM
Who farted?

That ain't a fart.

That's shit man :huh: