View Full Version : Why People think Americans are Stupid

01-09-2007, 03:34 PM

01-09-2007, 04:56 PM
Hmm, Ya know bro, that reminds me? its been awhile now. And nobody still hasn't told me what 4.95 € was? or where it's from?

01-09-2007, 04:59 PM
Hmm, Ya know bro, that reminds me? its been awhile now. And nobody still hasn't told me what 4.95 € was? or where it's from?

You are kidding, right? Please tell me you are.

01-09-2007, 11:07 PM
OK, name a country beginning with U.

01-09-2007, 11:39 PM
OK, name a country beginning with U.Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates...

What do I win?

01-10-2007, 01:15 AM
Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates...

What do I win?
5 prechecked unauthenticated ach cross sales.

Hell Puppy
01-10-2007, 01:23 AM
5 prechecked unauthenticated ach cross sales.

Chicken Little!

01-10-2007, 10:18 AM
OK, name a country beginning with U.

Well I've been thinkin' really hard & I think I figured it out.

it's Utah? isn't it? they use the € thingy?

Toby is freakin' way off & wrong, plus he cheats, he probably looked at the urls names to get answers.

01-10-2007, 12:14 PM
Chicken Little!

beep beep

01-10-2007, 01:41 PM
that clip goes right along with my 9.9 out of 10 theory when it comes to people in general.....

01-10-2007, 03:07 PM
Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates...

What do I win?

A free trip to the United States.

01-10-2007, 05:19 PM
I'll be honest, when I lived in S.A. Advertisers on TV ran these types of shows all the time, It was any change they had to rub in how ignorant and stupid people are in the United States. Especially in Europe, they freakin' hate the American. The French love degrading the US. constantly, the Brits & the Germans are still sore cause they lost the war, the Spaniards spit whenever I'd say the word, etc, etc. But at the same time they continue to migrate to the United States like if it was "Babylon the Great". It's amazing how other countries love to put down the United States,
But still kiss ass and bow when the Greenback calls.

01-10-2007, 05:55 PM
I'll be honest, when I lived in S.A. Advertisers on TV ran these types of shows all the time, It was any change they had to rub in how ignorant and stupid people are in the United States. Especially in Europe, they freakin' hate the American. The French love degrading the US. constantly, the Brits & the Germans are still sore cause they lost the war, the Spaniards spit whenever I'd say the word, etc, etc. But at the same time they continue to migrate to the United States like if it was "Babylon the Great". It's amazing how other countries love to put down the United States,
But still kiss ass and bow when the Greenback calls.
Not sure if that is the case anymore. The greenback is much less valuable than it was. In fact I get off my US dollars regularly now where in the past I would keep them. Euros are becoming very popular.
By S.A. I am assuming you mean Africa, not South America.

01-10-2007, 07:23 PM
Honestly, in North America these days (Canada too), idiocy is truly abundant!

01-10-2007, 09:10 PM
Not sure if that is the case anymore. The greenback is much less valuable than it was. In fact I get off my US dollars regularly now where in the past I would keep them. Euros are becoming very popular.
By S.A. I am assuming you mean Africa, not South America.

HA...the US Dollar isn't backed by nothing anymore?
What is it they say now? "The Almighty Dollar is backed by our U.S labor now"? haha, and what happend to the gold that originally backed it at one time? Theres nothing of value running this country right now besides ideas and hard manual labor of which is also being taken over by the wonderful migrating latins that work for pennies on the dollar.
...Ok, This is starting to sound to political, Im droppin' it.

01-10-2007, 09:22 PM
Honestly, in North America these days (Canada too), idiocy is truly abundant!

Americans are not stupid, I feel that they live such a hustle bustle lifestyle, that your average blue collar person is to involved in the overwhelming daily responsibilities to survive, that they can't even find time to raise they're children properly. Worse off know how many sides a triangle has, or countries that start with U, When people "society" get into daily routines, stuff like this becomes second nature in there minds. to where they sometimes need to stop & think of the answer, even though its as simple has can be.

01-10-2007, 09:45 PM
I would think that no matter how busy you are, knowing how many sides there is to a triangle would be second nature. I bet any one of them could have told you how many bottles there are in a six pack.

Hell Puppy
01-10-2007, 10:14 PM
I would think that no matter how busy you are, knowing how many sides there is to a triangle would be second nature. I bet any one of them could have told you how many bottles there are in a six pack.

The U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on stupid.

Half the world's population is below average intelligence.

01-10-2007, 10:41 PM
I would think that no matter how busy you are, knowing how many sides there is to a triangle would be second nature. I bet any one of them could have told you how many bottles there are in a six pack.

and besides... when you spend half your life like this, "which 85% of the young american culture lives", your gonna burn shitloads of braincells, therefore becoming maybe stupid?


WOOHOO Talk about Deja Vu :zoinks: lol

01-11-2007, 10:21 AM
The U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on stupid.

Half the world's population is below average intelligence.

Half the worlds population is below avarage intelligence because many countries don't offer the education, opportunities, advantages, that the United States offers.
Being said, As America is offering these wonderful goodies, Americans here still failed or not able to take advantage of these "gifts" this wonderful nation continues to drop on their doorsteps. And again this is due to the lifestyles Americans and they're Gov. have developed into there daily run of the mills hectic lifes. And other aspect is that these people are probably stopped in they're hush rush daily run arounds to be ask by surprise a very simple quetion. Whether it was how many sides a triangle or a sixpack have?
I believe its the "caught by surprise" moment that causes the brain fart. not that they be stupid.

Hey Rhetorical, Do u remember that video you posted awhile ago for Serge with the car crusing down the side of the mountain top road, and the surprise effect it had at the end? well this is the same affect that people have when stopped abruptly in there run around go-go lives :)

01-11-2007, 12:43 PM
The U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on stupid.

Half the world's population is below average intelligence.


You could take a video camera and do those same interviews anywhere in the world and get the same retarded responses.....would love to do those interviews in CAD or Britain and especially in France (lmfao)....also, what percentage of peeps interviewed actually didn't get aired because they knew all the answers! Now, I'm not saying that anyone is better than anyone else, lol, for the most part, everyone is an idiot ;)

01-11-2007, 04:00 PM
Half the worlds population is below avarage intelligence because many countries don't offer the education, opportunities, advantages, that the United States offers.
Being said, As America is offering these wonderful goodies, Americans here still failed or not able to take advantage of these "gifts" this wonderful nation continues to drop on their doorsteps. And again this is due to the lifestyles Americans and they're Gov. have developed into there daily run of the mills hectic lifes.

I'm a Canadian and I have had the same education, opportunities, and advantages and am affected by the same government policies and hectic life, and yet I still manage to maintain my intelligence and do the best I can with what I've got.

The problem is that Americans (and Canadians) have bought into this consumer lifestyle where all a person has to do is spend their money on all the "cool" stuff and that is the end of their obligations as human beings. If consumerism is the only commodity, then brains are superfluous. What we are seeing now in North American culture is the fallout from that situation. People give themselves permission to not think, and that is what truly must be changed if we want our culture to be notable for something other than idiocy and obesity!

01-11-2007, 05:28 PM
I'm a Canadian and I have had the same education, opportunities, and advantages and am affected by the same government policies and hectic life, and yet I still manage to maintain my intelligence and do the best I can with what I've got.

The problem is that Americans (and Canadians) have bought into this consumer lifestyle where all a person has to do is spend their money on all the "cool" stuff and that is the end of their obligations as human beings. If consumerism is the only commodity, then brains are superfluous. What we are seeing now in North American culture is the fallout from that situation. People give themselves permission to not think, and that is what truly must be changed if we want our culture to be notable for something other than idiocy and obesity!

I agree partially. but I honestly don't see this happening, with technology being the way it is in our system, "with apparatuses and gizmo's that do it all for us". Thinking as become second handed, and second nature in your mental systems, I think it's like we only use 10% of our brains, while the rest sleeps. Well, with the way we've become, even that 10% is becoming obsoletely used. and then theres the wonderful G.O.V which now makes decisions for us on how and when people should do this or do that.

No thinking involved in your life, :cuckoo1: Big Brother will care for it.

01-11-2007, 07:06 PM

You could take a video camera and do those same interviews anywhere in the world and get the same retarded responses.....would love to do those interviews in CAD or Britain and especially in France (lmfao)....also, what percentage of peeps interviewed actually didn't get aired because they knew all the answers! Now, I'm not saying that anyone is better than anyone else, lol, for the most part, everyone is an idiot ;)

I would gues if you did those interviews in France of England, you would get a more "worldly" response. They have a better education standard than we do as far as I can see. I lived in London for ten years and was very impressed by the literacy of even the wildest looking punks and street kids. The French are in the same league.

01-11-2007, 07:39 PM
I agree partially. but I honestly don't see this happening, with technology being the way it is in our system, "with apparatuses and gizmo's that do it all for us". Thinking as become second handed, and second nature in your mental systems, I think it's like we only use 10% of our brains, while the rest sleeps. Well, with the way we've become, even that 10% is becoming obsoletely used. and then theres the wonderful G.O.V which now makes decisions for us on how and when people should do this or do that.

No thinking involved in your life, :cuckoo1: Big Brother will care for it.

While many of the people around us may excuse themselves from thinking anymore, you and I and many other North Americans who live in the same situation have consciously chosen to NOT live that way. Even in the midst of all this consumerism bullshit, people can wake up to the truth and start changing. We are examples of that.

I think those of us who are "awake" should spread our message to all the consumer zombies out there... because that population ISN'T happier being consumers than being accountable. Money doesn't equal happiness and there is much satisfaction to be gained from doing things for ourselves, opening our minds to new ideas, and being the productive people we are fully capable of becoming.

Hell Puppy
01-11-2007, 11:26 PM
and besides... when you spend half your life like this, "which 85% of the young american culture lives", your gonna burn shitloads of braincells, therefore becoming maybe stupid?


WOOHOO Talk about Deja Vu :zoinks: lol

Ok, now talk about stupid.... who takes a shit AFTER they shower?

01-12-2007, 01:17 AM
hi! I'm new here.. so wassup?

01-12-2007, 03:11 AM
I would gues if you did those interviews in France of England, you would get a more "worldly" response. They have a better education standard than we do as far as I can see. I lived in London for ten years and was very impressed by the literacy of even the wildest looking punks and street kids. The French are in the same league.

literacy? You mean in the same place where they idolize Jerry Lewis? :huh:

01-12-2007, 10:21 AM
literacy? You mean in the same place where they idolize Jerry Lewis? :huh:

Jerry Lewis is a funny guy. The also idolize Catherine Deneuve.

01-12-2007, 12:15 PM
Half the worlds population is below avarage intelligence because many countries don't offer the education, opportunities, advantages, that the United States offers.

Half the world's population has below average intelligence because it's an average.

Half the world's male population has below average penis size.
Half the world's population has below average income.
Half the world's population has below average shoe size.
Jamb a bunch of rhodes scholars into a room and half of them have below average intelligence.

The american educational system is horrible, certainly one of the worst of the industrialized nations.

Hell Puppy
01-13-2007, 02:56 AM
Half the world's population has below average intelligence because it's an average.

Half the world's male population has below average penis size.
Half the world's population has below average income.
Half the world's population has below average shoe size.
Jamb a bunch of rhodes scholars into a room and half of them have below average intelligence.

The american educational system is horrible, certainly one of the worst of the industrialized nations.

Thank you.

Because no one had got that I was beginning to wonder what half some of the folks here were in. ;)

01-13-2007, 10:03 AM
Thank you.

Because no one had got that I was beginning to wonder what half some of the folks here were in. ;)

Oh, well ya, I thought that was all assumed prior to commenting on this threat.
The list Robert presents is absolutely true, Cause when asking 100 people the same question. The average came up with the same results.
Especially on: The American educational system is horrible, certainly one of the worst of the industrialized nations.That the point, why? Why in a country with so much to offer?
Where in many other countries do not have the opportunities, support, or education offered in the U.S.of A

I'll put it like this, if I had a camera & a mic (of which the average person has in the U.S) and randomly stopped on the fields of some South African village to ask how many side a triangle has? They probably would get it correct. But if by change they where to get it incorrect, would it be just as humorous as if I asked an American on the street that got it incorrect?
Well, on an average probably not.

So the point? ...Well the average answer would be? ( :idontknow dunno )


Hell Puppy
01-13-2007, 07:33 PM
Oh, well ya, I thought that was all assumed prior to commenting on this threat.
The list Robert presents is absolutely true, Cause when asking 100 people the same question. The average came up with the same results.
Especially on: That the point, why? Why in a country with so much to offer?
Where in many other countries do not have the opportunities, support, or education offered in the U.S.of A

I'll put it like this, if I had a camera & a mic (of which the average person has in the U.S) and randomly stopped on the fields of some South African village to ask how many side a triangle has? They probably would get it correct. But if by change they where to get it incorrect, would it be just as humorous as if I asked an American on the street that got it incorrect?
Well, on an average probably not.

So the point? ...Well the average answer would be? ( :idontknow dunno )


The problem is the U.S. has too much money and our government is too charitable with it. It prevents natural selection from taking place, instead we protect the stupid. What's worse, the stupid people are outbreeding the smart people.

You can be lazy, knock someone up, or get knocked up, drop out of school. You dont need to have any skills. You can squeeze out a kid every year by different fathers who aren't going to take care of them. It doesn't matter, government will take care of you.

And it's only getting worse. We now have a democratic congress that wants to raise minimum wage because the old $5.15 an hour "isnt enough to raise a family". So we have dumbasses at the highest level too. Actually maybe not, they're just creating dependent voters to keep them in office. You aren't supposed to be raising a family on minimum wage. If you're trying, you've made some piss poor decisions with your life. Get a career, learn a skill, get a real job. Minimum wage is for kids just starting out or part timers going to school.

Raising priceof minimum wage will do nothing but increase the price of a value meal by 25 cents.