View Full Version : fuck YOU wal mart

01-03-2007, 09:16 AM
I won't even get into how they treat their employees, so I will just blast them for how they treat their fucking customers.

First, some background. The town I live in had, until recently, the worlds SMALLEST wal mart. Now some people might be using that kind of description to make the point that they have a small wal mart..... no no no, ours was in the fucking Guinness book or world records and it is a fact!

So, as you can imagine, selection at this particular outlet was just a LITTLE BIT FUCKING LIMITED!!! (and if you tell me to move well then fuck you) so my wife, while looking for a nice little gift for me for Christmas had to drive to where a bigger wal mart was located. Over an hour drive in a completely different state (yes this was the closest one to us by far)

what she decided to pick me up was a Lava Lamp Amoeba http://www.endoftherainbow-gifts.com/lavabrandamoeba.html because litey shiney things amuse me so. Any way, I unwrap this bad boy on Christmas and go to plug it in

The plug for it is missing, someone had opened up the package and removed the plug... thats fucking rude, but I happened to have an adapter that would fit it and i wanted to see the colors! I plugged it in and the damn thing was broke.

so that means that Wal Mart took a defective product that had been returned to them, removed the plug from the box and placed the opened box of a defective product back on the shelves because it was Christmas time and they knew it would sell.......ok ok, capitalism at its best.

Only now wal mart has done away with their buy anywhere return here policy and we end up having to make a fucking trip to another state in order to replace the damned thing and when we get there... its outta stock. I did end up with a brand new, traditional lava lamp which is very cool and sitting beside me making me stare at it often during the day, but wal mart fucking sucks sphincter!


01-03-2007, 11:19 AM
Don't move. Don't shop at Wal Mart. I only buy props there myself and get along quite well avoiding it. It is a miserable place to shop anyway.

01-03-2007, 11:37 AM
Don't move. Don't shop at Wal Mart. I only buy props there myself and get along quite well avoiding it. It is a miserable place to shop anyway.
I never do this
no I am serious, I never meet anyone like ever... i am a hermit, ask Gonzo

but I am inviting you to visit me in the town I live in here in Rural KY and find me a better place to shop at.

Keep in mind now, I love the rural areas of this country and detest big city folk with their fancy wine, strange music and indoor plumbing and shit.. so I dont wanna move.

I'd have not detested wal mart quite so much except for them killing that buy anywhere return here thing, that was actually a pretty good thing... now they just suck


01-03-2007, 11:41 AM
"Keep in mind now, I love the rural areas of this country and detest big city folk with their fancy wine, strange music and indoor plumbing and shit"

So, being a minority group, you feel that big city folks discriminate against you by drinking fancy wine? Not quite sure why this effects you in any way at all. Do these guys hate you for drinking Bud or something?

01-03-2007, 11:48 AM
"Keep in mind now, I love the rural areas of this country and detest big city folk with their fancy wine, strange music and indoor plumbing and shit"

So, being a minority group, you feel that big city folks discriminate against you by drinking fancy wine? Not quite sure why this effects you in any way at all. Do these guys hate you for drinking Bud or something?
look down on me?
nah they dont look down on us hicks any more then we look up to them :D

I was making the pre-emptive point that, much like a starving African kid who wont move to where the food is, I like the woods and dont wanna move to where the fancy stores are, that's all


01-03-2007, 11:50 AM
look down on me?
nah they dont look down on us hicks any more then we look up to them :D

I was making the pre-emptive point that, much like a starving African kid who wont move to where the food is, I like the woods and dont wanna move to where the fancy stores are, that's all


And that is why we have the internet with it fancy computers and snooty high speed connections and pretentious web masters to rant at and with. Thank god for technology and indoor plumbing.

01-03-2007, 12:02 PM
And that is why we have the internet with it fancy computers and snooty high speed connections and pretentious web masters to rant at and with. Thank god for technology and indoor plumbing.
I got the interwebs too!
Just hard to return the merchandise if it is defective thats all

and its nice to get away from the box every once in awhile and I been meaning to do that for months now :)


01-03-2007, 05:38 PM
Why the fuck is Wally world in the Guinness book or world records ???

thats freaks me out?

"its a Government Conspiracy :whistling "

01-03-2007, 09:49 PM
Why the fuck is Wally world in the Guinness book or world records ???

thats freaks me out?

"its a Government Conspiracy :whistling "
Beats me, but up until last year we had the smallest one in the world right in this little town... and it is smaaaaaaaaaaall


Hell Puppy
01-03-2007, 10:15 PM
I fucking hate wal-mart. If they weren't the only 24 hour game in town, I'd never set foot in one.

01-03-2007, 10:18 PM
I fucking hate wal-mart. If they weren't the only 24 hour game in town, I'd never set foot in one.

Just remember right now.
There is a kid getting his ass tore up in a Walmart.

Hell Puppy
01-03-2007, 10:21 PM
Just remember right now.
There is a kid getting his ass tore up in a Walmart.

More likely there's a kid who NEEDS his ass torn up in Wal-mart, but the parents are oblivious.

01-03-2007, 11:18 PM
I fucking hate wal-mart. If they weren't the only 24 hour game in town, I'd never set foot in one.
I agree. Except I have lots of 24 hour options. But I never use them. So I don't care. Why do you feel a need to shop at 3 am? Hell we make our own hours. I get up when I feel like it. I don't commute (except to a bedroom which is stockingvideos world headquarters). I only shoot weekdays during the day and I only do that three times a year. So I don't see the need to go shopping in the middle of the night. But I have always been curious about who does.

01-03-2007, 11:41 PM
I agree. Except I have lots of 24 hour options. But I never use them. So I don't care. Why do you feel a need to shop at 3 am? Hell we make our own hours. I get up when I feel like it. I don't commute (except to a bedroom which is stockingvideos world headquarters). I only shoot weekdays during the day and I only do that three times a year. So I don't see the need to go shopping in the middle of the night. But I have always been curious about who does.

We always shop in the middle of the night...groceries and everything

no crowds is one big plus for me, plus half the time we don't get up til 8pm or so, so in those 2 hours before most stuff closes we are just waking up

01-03-2007, 11:47 PM
We always shop in the middle of the night...groceries and everything

no crowds is one big plus for me, plus half the time we don't get up til 8pm or so, so in those 2 hours before most stuff closes we are just waking up

LOL, I used to do that when I was a kid. Good on you. You have all my admiration.

01-04-2007, 12:32 AM
LOL, I used to do that when I was a kid. Good on you. You have all my admiration.
If youve seen his wife you would understand why he stays piled up in bed.

01-04-2007, 02:01 AM
If youve seen his wife you would understand why he stays piled up in bed.

we never leave the bed

in fact, we usually make a huge pillow land/floor bed in the living room and veg out there, that is where the tivo is

01-04-2007, 02:02 AM
LOL, I used to do that when I was a kid. Good on you. You have all my admiration.

time just isn't an issue with us 99.9% of the time, so the whole normal hours thing isn't something we think about or put too much effort into maintaining

Hell Puppy
01-04-2007, 02:29 AM
Schedule flexibility is the EXACT reason I need 24 hours. Same boat as Jace, sometimes I get myself on a really fucked up schedule and end up needing something at 3AM.

And I also will shop at midnight or later as a normal thing for groceries as well just to avoid the crowds. Now luckily, we have lots of 24 hour options for things like groceries, pharmacy, etc. However, if you need something weird at 3AM such as a set of shelves to make a rack for a bunch of external hard drives in a closet in the basement, Wal-mart is only game in town.