View Full Version : Who is the greatest women blues singer

01-03-2007, 01:18 AM
of all time? I am listening to Janis Joplin singing Summertime and I gotta put my money on her. Pure guts and true grit. I love Billie and Ella and Mama Thorton, but Janis rips it out it like no one else.

01-03-2007, 09:24 AM
you know, I can honestly say there is absolutely no way I could render any opinion on this topic at all. I have never listened to the blues, Janis Joplin was a little before my time and i am definitely more a product of my environment... and in my enviroment no one ever listened to this type of music.

I am not saying that this is the case here but I have found that many people who listen to blues, or jazz or do things like go to wine tasting events to swirl wine and sniff the bouquet tend to be pretentious, arrogant assholes who only use these things as a way of trying to prove they are better then everyone else..........

gimme beer and rock and roll and I'll just sit here being fat dumb and happy :)


01-03-2007, 09:40 AM
...gimme beer and rock and roll and I'll just sit here being fat dumb and happy :)

Amen :okthumb:

01-03-2007, 11:14 AM
you know, I can honestly say there is absolutely no way I could render any opinion on this topic at all. I have never listened to the blues, Janis Joplin was a little before my time and i am definitely more a product of my environment... and in my enviroment no one ever listened to this type of music.

I am not saying that this is the case here but I have found that many people who listen to blues, or jazz or do things like go to wine tasting events to swirl wine and sniff the bouquet tend to be pretentious, arrogant assholes who only use these things as a way of trying to prove they are better then everyone else..........

gimme beer and rock and roll and I'll just sit here being fat dumb and happy :)

Well, I would say rock and roll is a little before your time then. Beer and blues have been around longer than rock and roll. What kind of rock and roll do you listen to? I would guess you listen to a whole lot of blues if you listen to a lot of rock and roll.

BTW, what is wrong with swilling wine?

01-03-2007, 11:28 AM
Well, I would say rock and roll is a little before your time then. Beer and blues have been around longer than rock and roll. What kind of rock and roll do you listen to? I would guess you listen to a whole lot of blues if you listen to a lot of rock and roll.

BTW, what is wrong with swilling wine?
Rock and Roll is timeless and ever changing. I am not talking bee bop or elvis here, but even the evolution of the music to pop music
talk about
pop music
crap! sorry heh heh

Ok, here is the extent of deep philosophical discussion I will have about music;
I will freely admit that Jazz, rhythm and blues and soul all have or have had a major impact on the music industry, i will not concede that an influence in the music is the same as listening TO the genre.

as an example, Gospel probably has an influence on some band i have have tapped my feet to in the past... doesn't mean i can stomach gospel music for a second

now... whats wrong with swilling wine? nothing, I'll kick back a fresh bottle of night train just as quick as the next hobo. my statement was regarding the type of people who make some kind of gigantic production out of sipping a fucking drink! pinkies out, nose in the air 'hey lookit me sipping this wine' type of people... the ones that put on 'airs' about it.

Its a drink, drink it and get over thyself.

concession #2 - yes, you can fully 'enjoy' the different aspects of any beverage. First thing in the morning, when i crack open my highly caffienated ice cold mountain dew and pour it into my suck its a real zinger. Tastes great, opens my eyes, burns the throat slighty and smells great.

It is not a delicious blend of anything with a striking robust flavor and handsome boquet......and I dont look at my wife and give her a run down of how I am responding to it heh heh


01-03-2007, 11:33 AM
"my statement was regarding the type of people who make some kind of gigantic production out of sipping a fucking drink! pinkies out, nose in the air 'hey lookit me sipping this wine' type of people... the ones that put on 'airs' about it."
Seems to me there is not a lot of comparison between drinking a two hundred dollar bottle of Shiraz and caffinated Mountain Dew.
You really want to suck up a 200 dollar bottle of wine in ten minutes? I think that would be a waste of good wine that took a lot of work to produce.

01-03-2007, 11:37 AM
hey , i love janis joplin :)

do you know victoria spivey , pretty good one too

01-03-2007, 11:45 AM
"my statement was regarding the type of people who make some kind of gigantic production out of sipping a fucking drink! pinkies out, nose in the air 'hey lookit me sipping this wine' type of people... the ones that put on 'airs' about it."
Seems to me there is not a lot of comparison between drinking a two hundred dollar bottle of Shiraz and caffinated Mountain Dew.
You really want to suck up a 200 dollar bottle of wine in ten minutes? I think that would be a waste of good wine that took a lot of work to produce.
well there you have it, the crux of the problem... anyone that would buy a $200 bottle of anything has a much different view of the world then i do. I drink any liquid to quench my thirst......and to be blunt about it, i'd rather suck down a bottle of mountain dew any day then sip a bottle of chapeau du stuckup, but hey, thats just me. I have drank and enjoyed wine in the past and some of that stuff can taste right nice.

Its a class issue then, I'd rather eat at Jim Neely's Interstate BBQ then any five star resturaunt in the world. Food tastes just as good, the ambience is nice and i can undo a couple buttons if i eat to much without worrying about a french waiter asking me to leave.......hey they might actually play Jazz or Blues at Jim Neelys too! LOL


01-03-2007, 11:49 AM
"Food tastes just as good,"

Actually, it doesn't. There is always a reason people pay a lot of money for things. A good two hundred dollar bottle of wine is worth the money, otherwise they wouldn't sell a drop.
There is a reason that a three star restaurant can charge 800 bucks for a dinner for two. If it wasn't worth it, they would go out of business.
That is how the free market system works. Darwin at his finest.

01-03-2007, 11:59 AM
"Food tastes just as good,"

Actually, it doesn't. There is always a reason people pay a lot of money for things. A good two hundred dollar bottle of wine is worth the money, otherwise they wouldn't sell a drop.
There is a reason that a three star restaurant can charge 800 bucks for a dinner for two. If it wasn't worth it, they would go out of business.
That is how the free market system works. Darwin at his finest.
ok I have been playing around up until now, but we have just encountered a very real disagreement you and I, not a cause for piss but a definite contrast in how we view things.

I grew up in Kansas (hence my love of rural areas) and went to high school in Illinois in a rather well to do suburb of Chicago. There were plenty of the more expensive restaurants available for me to eat at and I accompanied my mother and new stepdad... Mr. Moneybags to many of them. I ate at those places that had stars beside them and was completely unimpressed.

Oh I have had caviar and it tasted like crap... liquid salt on a cracker. I was told that it 'was an acquired taste'

why acquire a taste for anything, either it tastes good or it doesn't. I have had prime rib dinners that melted in your mouth and tasted so good it'd make you cry. I have also had the exact same experience sitting on a stool at some greasy spoon eating ethnic food served on wax paper.

Thinking that because someone can charge more and people will pay it makes it better.......... yeah, thats just ignorant of what is available for you to enjoy. Go find yourself a cart or sidewalk diner in Philly and get yourself some beefsteak man. You'll see you don't have to spend top dollar to enjoy some of the best food around :)


01-03-2007, 12:30 PM
Yes we do have a fundamental disagreement...
Here are a couple of restaurants that I have paid a lot of money to eat at that I thought were totally worth it. I have also eaten hot dogs off the street in NYC and fish and chips in London and can pig out on both.
However, to put them in the same league as either of these would be foolish.



01-03-2007, 12:37 PM
hey , i love janis joplin :)

do you know victoria spivey , pretty good one too
I just listened to her. Great singer

01-03-2007, 12:46 PM
Yes we do have a fundamental disagreement...
Here are a couple of restaurants that I have paid a lot of money to eat at that I thought were totally worth it. I have also eaten hot dogs off the street in NYC and fish and chips in London and can pig out on both.
However, to put them in the same league as either of these would be foolish.


I wouldnt enjoy a meal at either of those fine dining establishments bro


01-03-2007, 12:51 PM
I wouldnt enjoy a meal at either of those fine dining establishments bro

You have no idea until you have tried. However I have eaten a ton of ribs and roast beef and pulled pork at a lot of local rib shacks, steak houses, or whatever your local term for such pig out rooms is and I can tell you that there is still no comparison to a great restaurant. Nothing to do with snobbery (or reverse snobbery) just the facts jack.