View Full Version : Whatever happened to Sabby?

12-27-2006, 08:15 PM
Has she left the business?

12-27-2006, 08:21 PM
your ex? :rolleyes: you mean?

12-27-2006, 08:31 PM
your ex? :rolleyes: you mean?


12-27-2006, 09:20 PM
Last I heard she was still doing private 1-on-1 cam shows.

12-28-2006, 12:47 AM
from what I could tell she signed up with Jayman, then they had "creative" differences and she left the paysite world

my take on it all was she ended up being WAY too much for Jayman to handle and he booted her....from the posts she made on here she was way too outspoken and "know it all" for her own good

Hell Puppy
12-28-2006, 01:08 AM
from what I could tell she signed up with Jayman, then they had "creative" differences and she left the paysite world

my take on it all was she ended up being WAY too much for Jayman to handle and he booted her....from the posts she made on here she was way too outspoken and "know it all" for her own good

I've never seen that happen before.

Sorry, let me wipe the sarcasm off my keyboard, some of it dripped down there.

Hell Puppy
12-28-2006, 01:12 AM
Her bread and butter has always been the camshows. Big boobed blonde who can shove freakishly large objects up her twat....good demand for that.

Her recent forays back into the paysite biz have all crashed and burned ugly.

Nothing against her or anything, I always thought she was a lot of fun and brought a fresh perspective. But it's a fact all "amateur" girls or whatever you wanna call 'em this week are prone to go crazy.

Hell, what am I saying....ALL women are prone to go crazy.

12-28-2006, 09:24 AM
I think I see her hanging out at the pond from time to time, but i am not 100% sure on that


12-28-2006, 10:59 AM
I miss her. :( I am sure she's still doing her cam shows. Believe she got into it with a few people here over her paysite stuff with jaYman and hasn't really been back since if my memory serves me corectly.

12-28-2006, 11:02 AM
Whatever :hmm: she is snoody.

and since you got me doing the reminisce thing now...

Sirena is another person who vanished into no-where land.

Even her Xpeeps profile has been quite for awhile.

She is cool :okthumb: The little brat !

12-28-2006, 04:50 PM
Last I saw she had a new paysite on an AVS system.

12-28-2006, 10:49 PM
It is really interesting who has crashed and burned in this business. Sabby is one among many.
They come and they go and they are replaced by more wannabees. Some of whom will actually make it. Those with vision and talent will always float like foam in a cappuccino.

12-28-2006, 10:50 PM
Last I saw she had a new paysite on an AVS system.
I feel sorry for those who have been reduced to an avs system.

12-29-2006, 08:28 AM
I feel sorry for those who have been reduced to an avs system.

And it's funny when you post on a board owned by someone who makes by far less money than those (Sabby in this case) you feel sorry for

12-29-2006, 09:24 AM
And it's funny when you post on a board owned by someone who makes by far less money than those (Sabby in this case) you feel sorry for
:yowsa: seriously! How do you know how much loot the owner of this board brings in each month or annually?

Are you his accountant?

Are you an IRS agent?

Is someone feeding you information about what the board earns? Thats got to be unethical?

Seriously, the throwing around of statements like that generally don't bother me and this one really doesnt either. I just happen to know that Oprano isn't the only source of income the board owner has. I consider him a very close personal friend and I don't have any freaking idea what he pulls in during the course of a month. And he doesn't know what I make, it is not either of our business what the other one makes.

Is Sabby making fat cash? beats the shit outta me, do I care? Nope. The thread is titled 'whatever happened to Sabby?' and not 'what does ____ earn' geesh


12-29-2006, 09:26 PM
:bustingup :bustingup :bustingup
u kill me spaz, really u do

12-29-2006, 09:31 PM
Seriously, the throwing around of statements like that generally don't bother me and this one really doesnt either. I just happen to know that Oprano isn't the only source of income the board owner has. I consider him a very close personal friend and I don't have any freaking idea what he pulls in during the course of a month. And he doesn't know what I make, it is not either of our business what the other one makes.

you know it is an old timer from the "previous regime" spouting off shit when all they can talk about is how much everyone else makes

jesus, why does that whole "whine" brigade constantly feel the need to evaluate everyone else by their monetary position?

Hell Puppy
12-29-2006, 09:33 PM
you know it is an old timer from the "previous regime" spouting off shit when all they can talk about is how much everyone else makes

jesus, why does that whole "whine" brigade constantly feel the need to evaluate everyone else by their monetary position?

The way they act, you'd think when they meet they all open their wallets up and extend them for each other to examine and count before they sit down to dinner or whatever. Kinda like dogs sniffing each other's asses.

12-29-2006, 09:40 PM
And it's funny when you post on a board owned by someone who makes by far less money than those (Sabby in this case) you feel sorry for
OK, so she crashed more sites than James Bond crashes cars. That does not seem profitable to me. However, if this seems like a good business model to you, then be my guest.
"who let the dogs out?"

12-30-2006, 01:09 AM
OK, so she crashed more sites than James Bond crashes cars. That does not seem profitable to me. However, if this seems like a good business model to you, then be my guest.
"who let the dogs out?"
His idea of profitability is to get you to one of those pages that does a "risk assesment". No matter how clean your machine is it will tell you that you are at risk and even make your CD drawer open. Sweet parlor trick.

Then it will offer to load the "cure" on your machine that will also display adware free of charge.

He never answered the question of does he own or just work for innovative marketing.

Hell Puppy
12-30-2006, 02:20 AM
His idea of profitability is to get you to one of those pages that does a "risk assesment". No matter how clean your machine is it will tell you that you are at risk and even make your CD drawer open. Sweet parlor trick.

Then it will offer to load the "cure" on your machine that will also display adware free of charge.

He never answered the question of does he own or just work for innovative marketing.

And more importantly, does he make more money than Sabby, and can he get a baseball bat up his ass?

12-30-2006, 02:37 AM
His idea of profitability is to get you to one of those pages that does a "risk assesment". No matter how clean your machine is it will tell you that you are at risk and even make your CD drawer open. Sweet parlor trick.

Then it will offer to load the "cure" on your machine that will also display adware free of charge.

He never answered the question of does he own or just work for innovative marketing.

Something I have noticed about the old skool here is that they don't ever address issues when confronted. They just spin a little and let it disappear. Its kind of bayou voodoo.

"Put gris-gris on your doorstep
And soon you be in the gutter
Melt your heart like butter,
An-an-and I can make you stutter"

12-30-2006, 02:38 AM
And more importantly, does he make more money than Sabby, and can he get a baseball bat up his ass?
Now that is funny

12-30-2006, 11:06 AM
1. Sabby is dealing with some personal problems with her Mom and cancer, so pulling a troll thread to beat on Sabby is pretty shitty. No shittier than most of the shit that rhetorical/graham/springer/asshole usually pulls.

2. Business success is usually measured by the amount of profit that the business produces. I would think that on a board that has claimed to be all about BUSINESS, how much a business produces or does not produce would be a legitimate discussion.

3. You guys spent a lot of time and effort running the "oldtimers" off of this board, yet you still spend a whole lot of time throwing insults at the oldtimers and talking down about them. Seems to me I see a whole lot more talk here about he oldtimers then I see them talking about you guys. You talk about your fixations. You notice that the oldtimers don't come here and post back at you. Brave gys throwing shit that you know won't be thrown back.

4. I had it wrong in the thread I started, you are not all tools. One of you is a fucking troll who can't seem to get rid of hs fixation on Sabby.


12-30-2006, 11:31 AM
1. Sabby is dealing with some personal problems with her Mom and cancer, so pulling a troll thread to beat on Sabby is pretty shitty. No shittier than most of the shit that rhetorical/graham/springer/asshole usually pulls.

2. Business success is usually measured by the amount of profit that the business produces. I would think that on a board that has claimed to be all about BUSINESS, how much a business produces or does not produce would be a legitimate discussion.

3. You guys spent a lot of time and effort running the "oldtimers" off of this board, yet you still spend a whole lot of time throwing insults at the oldtimers and talking down about them. Seems to me I see a whole lot more talk here about he oldtimers then I see them talking about you guys. You talk about your fixations. You notice that the oldtimers don't come here and post back at you. Brave gys throwing shit that you know won't be thrown back.

4. I had it wrong in the thread I started, you are not all tools. One of you is a fucking troll who can't seem to get rid of hs fixation on Sabby.


gotcha....lmao....Now who is the troll, Sar? You got Sabby in your board tracker or are you just trolling and stirring shit again?

"You guys spent a lot of time and effort running the "oldtimers" off "
Actually, I think they left hoping it would sink Gonzo.

As for Sabby's mother, I didn't know her and am sorry to hear that, but it had zero to do with this discussion. You are good at guilt trips Sarettah.

As for your constant rude and crude vulgarity, it speaks volumes of your character. But that is your cross to bear.

12-30-2006, 02:04 PM
As for your constant rude and crude vulgarity, it speaks volumes of your character.

Almost as much as your denial and embarassment of your wife being your wife says about you and your character .:okthumb:

12-30-2006, 02:15 PM
1. Sabby is dealing with some personal problems with her Mom and cancer, so pulling a troll thread to beat on Sabby is pretty shitty. No shittier than most of the shit that rhetorical/graham/springer/asshole usually pulls.

2. Business success is usually measured by the amount of profit that the business produces. I would think that on a board that has claimed to be all about BUSINESS, how much a business produces or does not produce would be a legitimate discussion.

3. You guys spent a lot of time and effort running the "oldtimers" off of this board, yet you still spend a whole lot of time throwing insults at the oldtimers and talking down about them. Seems to me I see a whole lot more talk here about he oldtimers then I see them talking about you guys. You talk about your fixations. You notice that the oldtimers don't come here and post back at you. Brave gys throwing shit that you know won't be thrown back.

4. I had it wrong in the thread I started, you are not all tools. One of you is a fucking troll who can't seem to get rid of hs fixation on Sabby.


I had no idea about Sabby's mother, nor did anyone else, how does that make this thread shitty? If a cat dies in the woods, but we didn't know that it died, does us laughing about it falling off the table the previous day make it is a shitty conversation for us? no, because we had no idea it was dead at the time.

Those old timers spend more time trolling my threads and posts on another board than I spend talking about them here, I could care less what you think about me posting about them here. One in particular jumps at every chance to include me in whatever attack he has going on at the time, and has expressed his pure "disgust" for me, even though he has never met me, ever...so I will continue to bash on them whenever I damn well see fit

12-30-2006, 02:17 PM
Almost as much as your denial and embarassment of your wife being your wife says about you and your character .:okthumb:
You see, Sarettah, you are not a very bright fellow. Business, I would assume, is not your long suit judging by your posts. I am guessing you don't make a fuck of a lot of money either. You and your nasty friends like to threaten with the IRS, publishing personal addresses, and the like. Now, your wife is probably not very attractive and maybe you don't get laid much anymore. There has to be a reason for your anger. Perhaps anger management would be in order. You have no idea about my wife or if I have one. And frankly, it is none of your business. You just have to go for the cheap shot. I gotta say, if you have kids, I do feel sorry for them being raised by someone like you.

12-30-2006, 02:20 PM
But you know something, Sarettah. You are just an aggravation. So unless you make some really dumb fuck posts, you can just whistle as far as I am concerned. Problem is you prolly will.
Dumb and freeking dumber. See ya later bye.

12-30-2006, 05:52 PM
I had no idea about Sabby's mother, nor did anyone else, how does that make this thread shitty?

Rhetorical/springer/assfuck knows everything that Sabby does and everything about her life. He has spent the past few years making it his personal responsibility to know everything about her and everything she does. So, there is no way he didn't know about Sabby's situation and he still decided to start a thread with the only purpose being beating on Sabby.

If you notice in his last post he says he isn't wasting time on me anymore. That's the way he plays. Beats on the ladies but runs from the men.

He hates women, especially ones that are smarter than he is.

And that is why this is a shitty thread to have started.


12-30-2006, 06:19 PM
"He has spent the past few years making it his personal responsibility to know everything about her and everything she does. So, there is no way he didn't know about Sabby's situation and he still decided to start a thread with the only purpose being beating on Sabby."
Flat out lie....You see Saretta, that is the way old skool works. Lie lie lie and if that doesn't work, tell bigger lies. You are the king, you foul mouthed moron.
I told you I would reply if you posted something stupid, and, of course, you did.
BTW, do you consider the sixth grade your senior year? Why don't you just go hang out where you can preach to the converted at an intellectual level befitting your status. Once a loser always a loser.
BTW, I don't hate women. You guys do and it is apparent the way you treat them. I treat Sabby just like anyone else, unlike you who feel you need to protect her or something, you sorry soul. Damn your wife must be a miserable woman.

12-30-2006, 06:23 PM
Just curious Sar, why are you trolling here?

12-30-2006, 06:55 PM
This thread needs to die now :coyote:

12-30-2006, 06:59 PM
This thread needs to die now :coyote:
I agree....