View Full Version : Yuletide Greetings from Oprano

12-24-2006, 04:24 PM
Just wanted to drop in and wish all happy holidays.

Its been a year ago to the date for adding Oprano back on my project list and I wanted to extend best wishes to all.

Today the FFNs have been out buying cider jelly and apple pies in North Georgia as we watched the train run around the building.

We will go forth and multiply our gifts of goodwill and hope all remember what this time of the year is for.

Joe Jekell thank you for being a man of your word when you really didnt want to.

Bishop thank you for your vision of what could have been.

Scott Coffman and AEBN thanks for the offer of partnership.

Matt thanks for you continued enthusiasm and hard work.

To all of you that have hung out here during this strange journey - I thank you alll. 2007 you will see Oprano to go to work for you!

Stay tuned!

12-27-2006, 01:06 PM
Best well wishes to you as always Gonzo !


12-27-2006, 01:23 PM
Best well wishes to you as always Gonzo !



he returns from the dead!!! woo hoo!

well wishes to you too gonzo!!! i will see you tomorrow night :)

12-27-2006, 03:51 PM
happy new year all

12-27-2006, 05:36 PM
Happy and properous New Year to everyone here. When I think back to where the world was and the business was a year ago, I kind of shake my head. It is amazing how fast shit happens.

12-27-2006, 05:57 PM
Happy and properous New Year to everyone here. When I think back to where the world was and the business was a year ago, I kind of shake my head. It is amazing how fast shit happens.

I dont know about you but Im just getting warmed up again.

2007 is a new game.

12-27-2006, 06:01 PM
A very "Merry Yultide" to one and all!

12-27-2006, 07:24 PM
I'd also like to extend my sincerest wishes for a safe and festive New Year... and to us all making big money in 2007!

Hell Puppy
12-28-2006, 01:22 AM
Whew...for a minute I was afraid he was going to post a pic of his yule log.