View Full Version : CP reported to CCBill and they have done NOTHING!!

12-22-2006, 08:37 AM
You read that subject correctly. CCBill was recently contacted with a report of one of the programs they have contracting for underage models to appear on their websites KNOWING that these girls are under the age of 18. An e mail was sent to abuse@ccbill.com on Dec 14th 2006 and one sent to support@ccbill.com on Dec 15th 2006. As of today they have taken no known action at all in regards to this exploitation of children.

Submitted to CCBill was this webarchive page;
pedo link removed
And a photo ID (government issued passport) of the model in question shows her birth date conclusively as 25 May 1988. You can do the math quickly and see that May 25th 1988 to Dec 2005 equals 17 years old. This was NOT a one time shoot; she did many for the company in question. CCBill was requested to let the person, who was giving them this information, know what steps they intended to take. To this date they have not bothered to reply to the e mailer.

One can only assume that CCBill has decided to look the other way or give the company in question a small slap on the hand for the abuse of impoverished underage models at their studios in Kiev. Eastern European girls do not have the same rights as American teens in CCBill’s eyes I guess.

Those of you lucky enough to win a trip to the Ukraine to ‘party’ with models make sure you bring a pack of condoms, a lawyer and the knowledge that you are probably about to fuck a girl that will make you a criminal in your home country.

If you are curious this same information has been passed along to the FBI office in Miami FL as well as the following organizations that are fighting child pornography;
http://www.asacp.org/report.php (http://www.asacp.org/report.php)
http://reportchildporn.com/rcp/modules/newbb/ (http:///)
http://www.antichildporn.org/reportcp.html (http:///)
https://secure.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/CybertipServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US (https://secure.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/CybertipServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US)
http://www.telefonoarcobaleno.org (http://www.telefonoarcobaleno.org/)

This post, made on multiple boards is not a joke or an illegitimate attempt to bash a company. But an honest attempt to prevent the abuse and exploitation by a large adult company and the apparent lack of concern by the largest on line credit card processor in the world that is based in the US and governed by US Law. For all the talk about this business policing itself when CCBill was given the opportunity to address this themselves quietly, they turned their head and looked away and should be deeply ashamed of their company. Due to their lack of action I was forced to come forward and involve all of the above organizations and make this post on boards.

I imagine you will attack me, but if you do you need to ask yourself why are you choosing that action to take? This is not a defamatory post, but one made with the sole desire to end the abuse has been done in Kiev to this girl and possibly others and supported by paying members processed through CCBill. I am naming CCBill because it is uniquely responsible and is in a position to cut off the funding to the abusers immediately and they have been very vocal about how they police the sites using them as their billers. But when it comes down to the bottom line and cutting off some of their income CCBill appears to be quietly ignoring the most serious subject that faces this industry. They are hypocrites

The company responsible for this appears to just feel that the money they make allows them to do what they want with no respect for the law and their primary concerning being only the money they can make off of paying customers who have no idea that they are viewing illegal videos and pictures. In an industry that is so closely scrutinized this company has been allowed to conduct business in an unlawful and unethical way and CCBill has continued to accept payments made to them to the benefit of both companies and to the detriment of at least one and possibly more victims

12-22-2006, 09:06 AM
Question is, does this page appear on that site today? You cite a webarchive page dated 2 years ago but not a current example of the site's contents. This omission by you seems strange to me.

12-22-2006, 09:14 AM
after I made these posts Bonejack from CCBill has asked me to resend the information directly to him and I have. So hopefully this problem is going to be settled quickly

12-22-2006, 09:36 AM
keep us informed what happens with this, i am just dying of curiousity
what company?


12-22-2006, 09:46 AM
keep us informed what happens with this, i am just dying of curiousity
what company?


Hints on the message lead me to believe it is pussyland.com which is a dieselaction site. And Dieselaction had a recent "Win A Trip to Kiev" promotion.

Arent these the same guys that are over on the Zoo on MikeAI's cock about being shut down by DirectNic?

Pieces are begining to fall into place.

Hell Puppy
12-22-2006, 05:29 PM
Agree, this may be a missing piece of a bigger puzzle.

However, I'm not sure I understand the beef with CCbill?

Are the pages still up? If not, how do you know they didn't take any action? In their position I wouldn't do anything public either. But smells like they may have taken corrective action and made the guy yank them down. Who knows if they went further, my expectation is they'd send his site back to compliance for a re-review.

12-22-2006, 05:34 PM
Agree, this may be a missing piece of a bigger puzzle.

However, I'm not sure I understand the beef with CCbill?

Are the pages still up? If not, how do you know they didn't take any action? In their position I wouldn't do anything public either. But smells like they may have taken corrective action and made the guy yank them down. Who knows if they went further, my expectation is they'd send his site back to compliance for a re-review.

CCbill has always been forthright with me and who can deny that the checks show up EVERY week. Im interested in reading their response as well.

I cant imagine them allowing this to go on. From what I understand they are rigourous in checking site compliancy.

12-23-2006, 02:49 AM
I have contacted Mark from CCBill by e mail and it appears as though the e mails I sent to them a week ago and several of the ones I sent yesterday did not actually make it to CCBill's inboxes. This could be due to a spam filter they may have in place and the fact that I used the term 'underage' in the subject line of the e mails in question.

Mark has assured me that they are investigating this matter and I feel confident that they will take the appropriate action when they conclude their investigation. I apologize for coming to the boards and the harsh words that I used in describing what I considered to be the lack of action on CCBills part not realizing that there could have been a problem with the e mails making it to them. I only discovered this possibility when several e mails I had sent on Dec 22 2006 did not arrive at their destinations.