View Full Version : REMOTE THUMBS - what would you like to see?

12-21-2006, 12:20 PM
I figured that this deserved a thread of it's own :)

We are doing some revamping to our www.remotethumbs.com product and we would like to hear from YOU! I am looking for some feedback from you the webmaster that would make our product more attractive for you to use!

We think it's important to give webmasters and affiliates what they want. So if you wouldn't mind having a look and letting us know what we can do to make our product better for you, please do!

We are currently adding more thumb sizes, we heard you loud and clear there...

As you may or may not know, the product is FREE, with a low skim of 1% which can be eliminated by just simply referring more webmasters.

The product allows you to automate galleries, customize them with very little time and effort. We are adding more sponors so that it will be your one stop shop. Remote Thumbs is great for building TGP's, MPG's, Freesites, blogs and Sponsor programs of course. Our goal is to make it as user friendly as possible and would def appreciate any and all feedback/input!!

Thanks in advance!!


OH also, if there are any sponsors out there that would like to get into www.remotethumbs.com please get in touch or respond and I will find you :)