View Full Version : What's up with this?????

12-20-2006, 01:22 AM
I don't do this a lot, but I have been cruising the "other" boards and there are "old school" people out there trying to rip Oprano a new asshole. I guess they just can't move on graciously. A couple even still post here and you know who you are kids.

Hell Puppy
12-20-2006, 01:35 AM
I don't do this a lot, but I have been cruising the "other" boards and there are "old school" people out there trying to rip Oprano a new asshole. I guess they just can't move on graciously. A couple even still post here and you know who you are kids.

What I really dont get is why people who think so little of Oprano and GonZo spend so much time watching and worrying about what goes on here.

12-20-2006, 01:49 AM
What I really dont get is why people who think so little of Oprano and GonZo spend so much time watching and worrying about what goes on here.
What I can't figure out is that a lot of these guys were leaving porn forever because they were so rich. There was no future in it anyway. But they are still here after calling us losers for staying in porn.
Jace is right on in his Confucy2 call. It took a long time, but true colours always shine.

12-20-2006, 03:12 AM
but true colours always shine.

I hear this & get an urge to run though a field naked chasing a rainbow & screaming the lyrics from "the sound of music" :) .

...Whoever or wherever this is taking place, if these people need to trash a place or person behind there backs & can't come here and state there "mental issues" in front of the board, comes short of even wasting a gasp of air for

Hell Puppy
12-20-2006, 03:20 AM
What I can't figure out is that a lot of these guys were leaving porn forever because they were so rich. There was no future in it anyway. But they are still here after calling us losers for staying in porn.
Jace is right on in his Confucy2 call. It took a long time, but true colours always shine.

The real irony here is that she plans to start her own board, and I'm pretty sure she's already contacted the original Confucy to join her.

I dont know if that is the old enemy of an enemy is a friend thing working or what. Might be a blast from the past to dig up some of the old threads here and remind everyone just how nuts the original was when she was infatuated with Kevin.

And I seem to remember Confucy2 being present for some of the in person conversations with Darci in Vegas regarding some of the whacko stuff involving bringing her child into the fray....that's a line that only the lowest of the low ever cross even amongst scummy pornographers.

Hell Puppy
12-20-2006, 03:22 AM
I hear this & get an urge to run though a field naked chasing a rainbow & screaming the lyrics from "the sound of music" :) .

...Whoever or wherever this is taking place, if these people need to trash a place or person behind there backs & can't come here and state there "mental issues" in front of the board, comes short of even wasting a gasp of air for

I believe there's a bit of gamesmanship going on.

But I believe all of the key parties involved are experienced enough to know if you're going to piss, piss somewhere that it'll do you some good....on your own turf. Why benefit some other board will an all out piss fest?

So best you'll get is some grandstanding and long range shots.

12-20-2006, 03:24 AM
Confucy2 is starting her own board? Why? I thought she was going to be some kind of medical receptionist or something.

12-20-2006, 03:25 AM
Interesting that Oprano's Alexa numbers are pretty solid and gaining ground after the Chinese traffic invasion.

12-20-2006, 07:13 AM
I am loved!!! Thanks for all the tender loving care and page views. The alexa numbers are real. I havent purchased and 404/chiniese or any traffic. Remember its me your talking about here. I cant afford such luxuries.

I stand by my original statement concerning the Jordan Capri promo to webmasters as being a marketing fuck up. But again when your pithicng to a community that is supposedky a webmaster resource but is 90% surfers - I can understand why he did it the way he did.

I dont have any problem with Steve Lightspeed though. Steve if you took this as a personal shot then I apologize.

You probably think that buying this board was a big business mistake for me.

Dianna Vesta
12-20-2006, 07:29 AM
I’m going to say something and it’s not intended to insult anyone, especially not you Gonzo. I admit that when you first came aboard I thought you were just another dickless wonder. Over time we both have gained respect for one another. I personally think you’ve done a wonderful job and I know it hasn’t been easy. Times have changed and the industry is going through a major shift.

This was and is pretty much the only board I ever bothered with. Things got really petty and when I’d come here it was all bullshit. I missed the threads we had and intelligent topics as well as “real pissing” not this stupid ass shit they think is pissing.

Another thing… I’ve been in the industry a very long time but this is not a full time gig for me. Sometimes I get really busy and wrapped up in my non-adult stuff then need help with the adult stuff. I thought that webmasters boards were not only for networking but to support one another. I came here to ask questions and hopefully get help & was completely ignored. Now maybe I am a little fish in a big pond but that shouldn’t matter if Oprano is truly a webmasters board. I moderate two forums of my own and I make it my JOB to make sure every person that signs up to those boards feels like they are part of the community. I think this is what makes a successful board. I think you got what it takes Gonzo I just think that you got a bit discouraged during the change over and I also think that you’ve learned a lot. You can think this is utter BS or take it as one persons advice worth listening to.

Even as discouraged as I was I came back because this is like a home for me and I keep hoping it will restore itself to the place it use to be.


12-20-2006, 10:23 AM
I thought Confucy2 quit the biz. :scratchin

12-20-2006, 12:14 PM
I thought Confucy2 quit the biz. :scratchin
I think she is a confused soul.

12-20-2006, 12:20 PM
I’m going to say something and it’s not intended to insult anyone, especially not you Gonzo. I admit that when you first came aboard I thought you were just another dickless wonder. Over time we both have gained respect for one another. I personally think you’ve done a wonderful job and I know it hasn’t been easy. Times have changed and the industry is going through a major shift.

This was and is pretty much the only board I ever bothered with. Things got really petty and when I’d come here it was all bullshit. I missed the threads we had and intelligent topics as well as “real pissing” not this stupid ass shit they think is pissing.

Another thing… I’ve been in the industry a very long time but this is not a full time gig for me. Sometimes I get really busy and wrapped up in my non-adult stuff then need help with the adult stuff. I thought that webmasters boards were not only for networking but to support one another. I came here to ask questions and hopefully get help & was completely ignored. Now maybe I am a little fish in a big pond but that shouldn’t matter if Oprano is truly a webmasters board. I moderate two forums of my own and I make it my JOB to make sure every person that signs up to those boards feels like they are part of the community. I think this is what makes a successful board. I think you got what it takes Gonzo I just think that you got a bit discouraged during the change over and I also think that you’ve learned a lot. You can think this is utter BS or take it as one persons advice worth listening to.

Even as discouraged as I was I came back because this is like a home for me and I keep hoping it will restore itself to the place it use to be.

This board was subjected to an amazing tirade by old school members and survived. Against all odds, some might say. A few mis steps along the way but is now looking good. And the attacks continue. But there sure seems to be a lot of "guests" cruise through and those attacking Oprano certainly seem to know a lot about what is going on here. LOL

12-20-2006, 12:22 PM
I am loved!!! Thanks for all the tender loving care and page views. The alexa numbers are real. I havent purchased and 404/chiniese or any traffic. Remember its me your talking about here. I cant afford such luxuries.

I stand by my original statement concerning the Jordan Capri promo to webmasters as being a marketing fuck up. But again when your pithicng to a community that is supposedky a webmaster resource but is 90% surfers - I can understand why he did it the way he did.

I dont have any problem with Steve Lightspeed though. Steve if you took this as a personal shot then I apologize.

You probably think that buying this board was a big business mistake for me.
I gotta disagree on Lightspeed. It seems that campaign worked very well.

12-20-2006, 12:46 PM
This board was subjected to an amazing tirade by old school members and survived. Against all odds, some might say. A few mis steps along the way but is now looking good. And the attacks continue. But there sure seems to be a lot of "guests" cruise through and those attacking Oprano certainly seem to know a lot about what is going on here. LOL
It doesnt bother me .

Think about it.

Atacks from a pair that were banned here and couldnt make the same community fly but tanked netpond twice. All while extoling vast riches yet couldnt cut a check for 50K while a po' white trash boy like me could. History merely repeated itself a 3rd time.

I just cut a check...thats what people that really have money do.

Or attacks from other board owners that have an alexa ranking only dwarfed by the national defict. Id think about focusing on the program I worked for instead of giving advice. It doesnt seem they are very good at this.

All dancing like monkeys , slapping each other on the back in private about how Im getting "the shit beat" out of me --- serving as entertainment for a group of glorified surfers that have a household income of less than 50K.

I rented this movie when there wasnt anything else on TV.

12-20-2006, 02:11 PM
All dancing like monkeys , slapping each other on the back in private about how Im getting "the shit beat" out of me --- serving as entertainment for a group of glorified surfers that have a household income of less than 50K.

Excuse me there hubba bubba....But it's 55k surfers round here'.
5 G's is alot. :)

Anyway.. as for that fact, this sounds in all honesty like the same pitty shit that was the uproar months ago here, and it sounds like since most of them, (whoever they be) could not get there stupid historical outdated ethics rammed down our throats at Oprano. They feel the need to submit they're idiotic logics elsewhere. Where others would probably listen to there antics. :mental:

Fuck 'em, Go get a box of extra glazed chocolate donut,
and just slide these MF off your back my nigga :awinky:

12-20-2006, 02:56 PM
Excuse me there hubba bubba....But it's 55k surfers round here'.
5 G's is alot. :)

Anyway.. as for that fact, this sounds in all honesty like the same pitty shit that was the uproar months ago here, and it sounds like since most of them, (whoever they be) could not get there stupid historical outdated ethics rammed down our throats at Oprano. They feel the need to submit they're idiotic logics elsewhere. Where others would probably listen to there antics. :mental:

Fuck 'em, Go get a box of extra glazed chocolate donut,
and just slide these MF off your back my nigga :awinky:

Just goes to show you what I mean. This isnt the Zoo... you make 5K more!

12-20-2006, 03:54 PM
I’m not an old school guy with lots of connections or big time player in the biz. I’m just a “noob fucktard” that’s been around a mere two years and don’t know GonZo personally.

But from what I can tell by seeing the way he operates this board and his business, and from some of the folks that do think a lot of him, he seems to be a straight shooter.

Maybe that’s what some folks don’t like. Just my 2 cents worth.

Hell Puppy
12-21-2006, 12:39 AM
First off, regarding Steve Lightspeed and Jordan Capri, I said it earlier, there's some marketing genius there. But I think the initial reaction of a seasoned webmaster when seeing the thing with the laptop being stolen or whatever is "bullshit!". It's so obviously a publicity stunt to anyone with half a brain in the biz.

But then, we're talking about the GFY crowd and surfers. They want the fantasy. How many of them you reckon still think Bang Bus is real?

So I think there's a tendancy to knee jerk it because it insults our intelligence. But if you look thru it and see what he's doing, he's basically created his own viral marketing strain.

Now watch every guy who has a non-nude, non-expiclicite or softcore only solo girl try to duplicate it. This biz will milk the shit out of anything til it's so oversaturated no one can make a buck with every good angle anyone comes up with.

Hell Puppy
12-21-2006, 12:50 AM
As for Oprano....GonZo put his money where his mouth is. He bought it, cash, no lease, no fucked up financing, no partnership. No one prior was willing to do that, same one who now bitch about everything he does. They could've done the same thing.

It's his, he deserves the opportunity to try whatever business plan he likes with it. He bought that chance. Agree or disagree with what he does, time will tell.

It was stagnant the way it was. The old timers club was in here and were clearly hell bent on continuing the tradition of running off anyone new. Combine that with doing everything they could to subvert anything GonZo would try to do and they needed to go. And they did with a little help from the ban-bot.

Now they're over on their mayflower where it is just them, they SHOULD be happy, it's what they wanted, a place to remember things the way it was and talk about stuff that they like without newbies in the way daring to ask questions about things like what TGP submitter is the best or whatever.

But no, Oprano is like that big-titted-ex-girlfriend who gave great head that it just kills you to see with someone else. You gotta put him and her down to your buddies to feel good about yourself.

All that said, is Oprano going gangbusters? Certainly not. It's definitely still evolving. The Fat Fucking Think Tank was engaged this evening, and there's some very very interesting ideas on the table that are very radical and might be just what the old girl needs.