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View Full Version : FFN Review: Seasons 52

Hell Puppy
12-16-2006, 04:25 AM
So tonight the FFN's decided to try something different for dinner. There's a new place in town that actually came recommended pretty highly. In the future, we will not be taking recommendations from skinny people.

We went to Seasons 52. http://www.seasons52.com/

The location near us is out at Perimeter Mall.

Nice looking place, and you can either valet or easily walk over from the edge of the mall parking lot. Very upscale look, but the menu prices were not all that high, we'd soon find out why.

The Crowd
No wait at the time we got there without reservations. They set us next to some sort of holiday gathering of ladies with names like Lekeisha and Shiquanna. We know this because it was a spectacle everytime another of their friends would show up. They were all drinking martinis of various flavors. Apparently martinis impact you're hearing because they got louder after every round.

The Service
The waiters were also a tip off to the joint. In a good proper high end restaurant, you have experienced professional waiters. They hired a bunch of college age gay guys. Overall, I'd rank the service as "ok". He didn't do anything that I'd consider bad service, but didn't have that little bit extra that you get with a professional either.

The Menu
First challenge with the menu is reading it. The trend toward a one page menu is annoying. Small print, very cluttered, not clean looking at all. And now figure in low light. Trying to garner enough of the candlelight to read it was a challenge. I gave up on the wine list completely. Now as we found out later when Moesha next door went to order, the better waiters in there carry a flashlight and will holdit for you while you read the menu. I thought it was just my eyes, but apparently part of the atmosphere is they figure it better to keep it dark and just issue flash lights.

The idea behind the restaurant and the menu is the menu is seasonal. They are currently on their "winter" menu. Apparently, their interpretation of a winter theme is food is scarce and hard to find. Lots of small food. I knew we were in trouble when the largest piece of meat on the menu was a 6 oz filet.

The Food
We tried their specialty, which is flat bread appetizers, first. I have to say that wasn't bad, it was basically a really really thin pizza. We tried one with steak, shrooms and bleu cheese, very tasty. GonZo tried shrimp cocktail, which looked very unimpressive...I'd say on par with red lobster or Joe's Crabshack. I had a Greek Salad that would make any true greek roll around in the floor laughing.

For the main course Gonzo tried plank salmon, which looked like it was pretty dry, he will have to comment on that. I had a steak and pasta dish. It was tasty, but based on the portion and how it looked I'm pretty sure they are getting lean cuisine in bulk from Costco. 8 shells of penne pasta and about 3 oz of meat at best. Ok, I might be exaggerating just a little there, but I'm not when it comes to this next one.

Dessert. We had noted the desserts were really cheap, like $4. But by the time we've seen what actually comes out of the kitchen, we knew something was up. We had already decided to skip dessert there and go get it someplace safe. Good thing, or we might've caused a scene.

The table next to us ordered a "pecan pie with vanilla ice cream" to split amongst themselves. The expressions when they saw this thing were classic. Now, no lie, here's what comes out when you order "pecan pie and vanilla ice cream". I swear it comes out in a glass that is slightly larger than a shotglass. A scoop of pie in the bottom, ice cream on top. About one good bite of each. No idea if the waiter warned them, but a pro would've.

This is the type of place you go with a first time date. You know you cant be a pig, but the food you do get is good and atmosphere is a step up and way btter than a Applebee's or similar. And it's cheap enough that you dont feel too bad if you dont get any at the end of the evening.

I'd never go in there hungry. We skipped dessert and went to DQ and topped off with hot dogs and a blizzard. Dont take restaurant recommendations from skinny people. And if you walk into a crowded restaurant but none of the diners are fat, turn around if you're hungry.

Rating: 2 doughnuts out of 5.

12-16-2006, 04:40 AM
For the main course Gonzo tried plank salmon, which looked like it was pretty dry, he will have to comment on that.

Rating: 2 doughnuts out of 5.

I think the charred lemon was supposed to spritz up the plank salmon.
It got it wet enough to get a fork under.

Darren Austin would tell you that the waiters fall into the "twink" category.
I think I saw John smiling over on nakedsword.com.

Peaches would have loved this place. Reminded me of the "sunrise veal" dish we had at Chicagos.

Hell Puppy
12-16-2006, 04:57 AM
I think the charred lemon was supposed to spritz up the plank salmon.
It got it wet enough to get a fork under.

Darren Austin would tell you that the waiters fall into the "twink" category.
I think I saw John smiling over on nakedsword.com.

Peaches would have loved this place. Reminded me of the "sunrise veal" dish we had at Chicagos.

I could've torn up some bacon cheese fries afterwards that's for sure.

12-16-2006, 10:40 AM
Unless they've changed their menu in the last few weeks, the dessert you mention is $2 and it states ON the menu that it's served in little cups.

It's actually perfect to what Kathi and I have said every restaurant should have - a dessert "tasting" so you can order more than one. And not risk losing an arm getting a half a fork full from a "friend" to taste something.......:whistling

Food is average, but priced accordingly, IMO.

Edit - let me say that the dessert cups we ordered were $2 - they may have had more expensive ones. I was on my 3rd glass of wine at that point and with no reading glasses either, looking would have been pointless. But one of my dining partners mentioned the "cool $2 dessert cups" and we each ordered 2. And shared.

12-16-2006, 04:44 PM
Nope, doesn't look like they've changed the dessert menu:


I guess I should have looked this up when I made my original post since you had the link right there, but I was lazy and wanted to verify it with those who there since I was a bit out of it that night ;)

Hell Puppy
12-16-2006, 06:26 PM
You're right, if it's on the menu that doesn't help me much since it's too dark in there to read the damned thing.

I generally expect to be fed in a restaurant. They didn't feed me properly.

12-18-2006, 01:32 PM
Thank you for the review. I have watched this place being built and just noticed last week that it was finished and open.

I may have to see for myself one afternoon. I'll bring my own flash light.
I'll go in with an open mind and low expectations.

12-18-2006, 02:11 PM
GREAT!! food reviews from Atlanta

here is one from a local eatery here in my small dirt patch of a town...


food - sucks

atmosphere - sucks

entertainment - ok, there is some funny shit you can see here, but it aint worth choking down what they laughingly call food.


12-18-2006, 02:50 PM
they have one in Orlando that my in laws like to go to

if I am eating out I usually don't want it to be really healthy ; )