View Full Version : Atlanta Weather

11-30-2006, 06:15 PM
now it's 73, tomorrow 71, Saturday 56, Sunday 55

it's great but there is nothing to be happy about it.....it's called global warming....it's real......it's coming.......it's here.

What does it take to have Bush and the other opposed nations to sign the Kyoto treaty?

11-30-2006, 06:31 PM
man, we do have some fucked up weather, that is for sure

it isn't just atlanta though, everyone has screwy weather these days

remember those 80F january days last year? haha

hell, we were in kentucky last week and it went from 68F to 28F in a 24 hours period, two days in a row

11-30-2006, 06:36 PM
man, we do have some fucked up weather, that is for sure

it isn't just atlanta though, everyone has screwy weather these days

remember those 80F january days last year? haha

hell, we were in kentucky last week and it went from 68F to 28F in a 24 hours period, two days in a row

Its snowing in Vancouver and that is just not right.

11-30-2006, 06:40 PM
Tell those people in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma about global warning. They're sitting in snow right now.

BTW, the average temps in Nov in ATL is in the 50's. Our "cold" times usually hit in Jan-Mar.

Hell Puppy
12-01-2006, 01:55 AM
First thing I tell any "yankee" who bitches about Atlanta weather is if you dont like it, stick around a couple of days because it'll be the opposite.

An unseasonable long warm fall though typically means we're gonna get blasted with at least one good snow storm in winter. Now keep your perspective here....a snow storm in Atlanta is 3 inches. And the weatherman can just say the word "snow" and people will flood the grocery stores and buy up all of the milk and bread.

12-01-2006, 04:11 AM
First thing I tell any "yankee" who bitches about Atlanta weather is if you dont like it, stick around a couple of days because it'll be the opposite.

An unseasonable long warm fall though typically means we're gonna get blasted with at least one good snow storm in winter. Now keep your perspective here....a snow storm in Atlanta is 3 inches. And the weatherman can just say the word "snow" and people will flood the grocery stores and buy up all of the milk and bread.


our first winter here we had a snow "storm"

it was 1" laying on the ground at 6am...they shut down EVERYTHING...even mcdonalds was closed

the snow was melted by noon, so here was the entire city of atlanta shut down with no snow on the ground

fun times...atlanta is very qwerky in the winter

12-01-2006, 11:08 AM
now it's 73, tomorrow 71, Saturday 56, Sunday 55
it's great but there is nothing to be happy about it.....it's called global warming....it's real......it's coming.......it's here.

Yup, thats freaking scary man, Every year its totally a new atmosphere, when it should be the same as last year.

I think, Which would I prefer, if I could choose?
Another Ice Age? or Global Heat Warming?

I think I'd choose cold over heat anyday. My 400 lbs fat ass is alot easier to keep warm than trying to cool off, I'm full of insulation, although others might say I'm more full of shit lol, but whichever it is, it keeps me warm :)

12-01-2006, 03:03 PM
Here it is 4C above zero..

This is not normal temp for this tome of the year, 1 of dec..
Must be around -7
...no snow at all, green grass..Global warming is true

12-01-2006, 03:28 PM
I think, Which would I prefer, if I could choose?
Another Ice Age? or Global Heat Warming?

not to get all discover channel on your ass, but the inevitable conclusion to global warming is another ice age.

the snow caps melt, flood the north atlantic with fresh water lowering the salinity of the ocean, it stops the conveyor belt that brings warm water from equator and indian ocean, warm air doesnt form in the northern continents, presto! You have a mammoth, a saber tooth tiger and a sloth walking around saving kids and learning how to swim :)


Hell Puppy
12-02-2006, 01:34 AM

our first winter here we had a snow "storm"

it was 1" laying on the ground at 6am...they shut down EVERYTHING...even mcdonalds was closed

the snow was melted by noon, so here was the entire city of atlanta shut down with no snow on the ground

fun times...atlanta is very qwerky in the winter

Problem with Atlanta is we get so little snow and ice here that most of the people have virtually no experience driving on it. This means even if you do know how to do it, there's always some idiot out there who doesn't that may slide into you while trying to get turned into Kroger to buy the last loaf of bread in town.

I personally love to drive on snow and ice. If it's out there, good chance you'll find me exploring my inner redneck by finding a large parking lot to "play" in. I love to drive slideways.

My usual strategy is get home, sit tight while everyone cleans out Kroger and Publix. Then when the "storm" hits and scares everyone in, that's when I go out...usually late at night.

One year when we had several inches, a really good snow, I waited til late night and drove to Helen with a girl friend. The town was absolutely beautiful as there were NO tracks anywhere, perfect white blanket. Only people out were me and the local cop who thought I was nuts.

Drove back long before daybreak and was making the only set of tracks on the highway til I got down to around Commerce. No 4WD, that's for wimps, this is all in a regular rwd passenger car.

12-02-2006, 03:07 PM
Problem with Atlanta is we get so little snow and ice here that most of the people have virtually no experience driving on it. This means even if you do know how to do it, there's always some idiot out there who doesn't that may slide into you while trying to get turned into Kroger to buy the last loaf of bread in town.

I personally love to drive on snow and ice. If it's out there, good chance you'll find me exploring my inner redneck by finding a large parking lot to "play" in. I love to drive slideways.

My usual strategy is get home, sit tight while everyone cleans out Kroger and Publix. Then when the "storm" hits and scares everyone in, that's when I go out...usually late at night.

One year when we had several inches, a really good snow, I waited til late night and drove to Helen with a girl friend. The town was absolutely beautiful as there were NO tracks anywhere, perfect white blanket. Only people out were me and the local cop who thought I was nuts.

Drove back long before daybreak and was making the only set of tracks on the highway til I got down to around Commerce. No 4WD, that's for wimps, this is all in a regular rwd passenger car.


I'd better keep my trap shut :whistling

12-02-2006, 03:33 PM
Actually the main problem is that it rarely JUST snows in ATL. Because of the weather fluctuations, there's usually a nice layer of ice on the ground underneath the snow. When my ex-husband and I were together during the storm of 81 or 82, he was laughing at first because no one in ATL could drive. Then HE tried it and realized he wasn't driving on snow like in Baltimore. When he slipped on the ice and grabbed my car window and it crumbled into pieces...well, it proved my point ;)

Then during the day it heats up, some of the snow melts, then that night it freezes up again and you get the black ice on the roads.

Add pine trees into this and they get covered in ice and start breaking like toothpicks.

My brother and I did the "let's do doughnuts in the parking lot" the year it snowed in Jacksonville FL. NO ONE was out and all the stores were closed. My mother lived on the river and there was a small hill to the bulkhead. We had cookie sheets we were using as sleds and someone at the bottom to make sure we didn't slide into the river :) My son was around 5 and wanted to go to Nana's every Christmas after that because "It snows at Nana's on Christmas" ;)

I did learn one thing on my steep road - going up is easy in 4WD in snow. Coming down, not so good. Next time if I need to leave the house in the snow, I'm leaving the car at the top and walking down :okthumb:

During the blizzard of 93 I couldn't even get out of the garage for 4 days - there was a 3ft+ snow drift right outside the garage. That was still the neatest weather I've ever seen - lots of wind, snow and lightning all at the same time! :)

Hell Puppy
12-02-2006, 06:59 PM
Actually the main problem is that it rarely JUST snows in ATL. Because of the weather fluctuations, there's usually a nice layer of ice on the ground underneath the snow. When my ex-husband and I were together during the storm of 81 or 82, he was laughing at first because no one in ATL could drive. Then HE tried it and realized he wasn't driving on snow like in Baltimore. When he slipped on the ice and grabbed my car window and it crumbled into pieces...well, it proved my point ;)

Then during the day it heats up, some of the snow melts, then that night it freezes up again and you get the black ice on the roads.

Add pine trees into this and they get covered in ice and start breaking like toothpicks.

My brother and I did the "let's do doughnuts in the parking lot" the year it snowed in Jacksonville FL. NO ONE was out and all the stores were closed. My mother lived on the river and there was a small hill to the bulkhead. We had cookie sheets we were using as sleds and someone at the bottom to make sure we didn't slide into the river :) My son was around 5 and wanted to go to Nana's every Christmas after that because "It snows at Nana's on Christmas" ;)

I did learn one thing on my steep road - going up is easy in 4WD in snow. Coming down, not so good. Next time if I need to leave the house in the snow, I'm leaving the car at the top and walking down :okthumb:

During the blizzard of 93 I couldn't even get out of the garage for 4 days - there was a 3ft+ snow drift right outside the garage. That was still the neatest weather I've ever seen - lots of wind, snow and lightning all at the same time! :)

I can drive on ice easier than i can walk on it. And yes, ice is much much more challenging than snow. You have to really really respect the laws of physics.

And I hate black ice. I wont get out in that if I dont have to. The way you drive on it is assume that the road is icy whether you can see it or not, unfortunately everyone else on the road is going to drive normal until they hit it and slide into you.