View Full Version : how to be a good and proper whore on Oprano

11-28-2006, 07:26 AM
Things are different here then they are over at the zoo so as a fucking public service I would like to make a few suggestions to any shitstain, wannabe board whore that stops by and visits Oprano. Just a few things to keep in fucking mind while trolling through these threads;

this ain't the zoo - That means your post count means abso-fucking-lutely nothing here. The posters on this board couldn't possibly care less how many posts you have, they are much more concerned with the content of your posts

speaking of the content of your posts - stupid fucking one line, smiley rich, zero content posts make you look like a giant ass and whatever program you are pimping look desperate. Grow up and realize that sig views on Oprano mean nothing if you're posting nothing

click my sig or contact me replies - the sign of a truly fucking lazy mind. Which is saying something esp when your dealing with a large part of a community that call themselves the FFN's (Fat Fucking Nobodies). When any of us think your fucking lazy, you have really hit the bottom. When someone asks a question specifically about the sponsor your pimping, then give a fucking answer. (hint; see sig is not an answer that flys here... again, this ain't the fucking zoo) If someone is looking for something or asks to be spammed then YOU CONTACT THEM you lazy assed fucker, don't instruct them to contact you, WTF do you think the thread was???

now I didn't mention any names here because there is just no reason to be rude but I bet the possibilities about WHO i am talking to specifically are unlimited. And I am sure they will see this thread, it IS after all yet another one to get their sig seen in. But since it has multiple sentences, maybe one or two words with multiple syllables, they won't read it, just reply with an LOL and something like 'i agree'


11-28-2006, 09:17 AM
I think the message is clear enough.

11-28-2006, 09:21 AM
was it too much Sarah? a little over the top maybe? I dunno. I got up early this morning and just felt the need to bare my claws and be a little bitchy heh heh
it's the nickname... spaz... cant lead to anything good:yowsa:


11-28-2006, 09:34 AM
See sig.....

11-28-2006, 09:43 AM
See sig.....
contact me


11-28-2006, 09:56 AM
Congradulations to all the winners.

11-28-2006, 11:06 AM
Congradulations to all the winners.

hehe, Gonzo I love reading this board dude....and spaz, very well stated & by no means were you too over the top! Thats pretty much how I sound ranting about most stupid people all day long.

Hey Gonzo, hope you had a great holiday and I hope to maybe see you in Vegas...also, for some reason, my icq keeps dropping you from my contact list (ICQ is a P.O.S.)....anyway, talk at ya soon dude...

11-28-2006, 11:21 AM
hehe, Gonzo I love reading this board dude....and spaz, very well stated & by no means were you too over the top! Thats pretty much how I sound ranting about most stupid people all day long.

Hey Gonzo, hope you had a great holiday and I hope to maybe see you in Vegas...also, for some reason, my icq keeps dropping you from my contact list (ICQ is a P.O.S.)....anyway, talk at ya soon dude...

I enjoy reading it as well. There are some pretty innovative and wise people that post here.

I will be in Vegas. I have to still book flight and hotel. But I will be there both for AEE and Internext so let me know when you are availible.

11-28-2006, 11:28 AM
Dunno Spaz, No disrespect intended here,
I'll start with the sigs,
My sig is like a chalkboard to me, I change it, erase it, scribble on it, about as much as I change my avatar. Depending on the mood I'm in, "and I flip thu moods like a 40 yr old bitch on PMS" LOL. Whether someone clicks on the little pretty box pics or reads what I say in it, is regarless to me. I use it to experiment, change, and test or play with, going with what little I grasp or learn around here.

And has for the one liner stupid posts & replies,
Well, Im involved in the adult industry in a total different way than I see alot of people are here, Im no webmaster, and I'm no million dollar porn movie producer - website owner or anything in that sence. Most of the time I will either reply with a pic, because I feel a pics is worth a thousand words. And a one line reply because I wanted to say just that one thing.

As for the smart ass attitude with remarks or saying, Well I lost alot of respect for people here from how I see them either react or reply or ignore others. "note: thats does't mean I still don't enjoy coming to Oprano"

As for the "zoo" element here, well I really don't see much professional business handled here besides copies or links to post about other companies, or forums.
If theres truly any sort of business happining here, it's very well kept in the closet for the rich douche bags to converse at there fat fucking dinners or over ICQ or on the phone. Because I'm sure they don't want to let there million dollars ideas out for all to see.

And I'm being sincere when I say this:
I know I probably don't have much to offer here, and alot of my post are just either Welcomes to new person, or something smart to say too put either a smile on your face or see if I pitched a nerve to get someone uproared. It's in my personality, it's what I'm about, Life is totally humorous to me, Ya I see life as a roller coaster ride, and enjoy it as much as possible. "it's just my Happy-Go-Lucky personality".
Ya I know there are probably another hundred boards I can go to for this sort of action & drama, and I'm a member of a view of them. But I really enjoy coming here to Oprano, especially after all the insulting remarks, comments, and stupid replies and arguing I had to but up with from all the so called Rich Asswipes back when Gonzo was attempting to purchase this place. While all the so-called Gonzo buddies went into hiding till the smoke cleared.

Oprano is the shit :okthumb:

11-28-2006, 11:55 AM
Rcourt... no disrespect at all taken bro

this post was aimed at one asswipe that jumped right up on my last nerve this morning and started pounding. It wasn't you.

and some of us I dare say have earned their stripes here and are respected members of the board even if they don't post like every day you know? In other words if you want to post a picture... its all good (just please dont post or try to avoid posting fucking song lyrics!! <--not aimed at you just a general pet peeve LOL)

as for business getting done here, hum, well.....
I got with one of my future partners that I have gotten to know very well here for a side project he and I will be working on together that should make a little bit of jingle. I wont be buying a hummer with my earnings from it but it should be fun. (this was all arranged over ICQ not because we are being secretive, but because thats where we shoot the shit)

I talked to a rep from another company who was facing similar issues as i was to this whole blog thing and I pointed him to this board and more specifically in Jace's direction so maybe Jace will get a little bit of work out of it or maybe the guy will just get good advice.

I dont know what you do Rcourt, as a matter of fact so many people here keep what they do so freaking secret it borders on a very unhealthy case of paranoia IMO. I will tell anyone and everyone what I do and I will try and hook others up if I can. I don't consider it favors, just being cool, and if i have a question occassionally i'd hope that people would be cool to me.

but back to the original topic of this thread. when someone comes in here and starts sig whoring in an obvious fashion, it just irritates the piss outta me.

two facts;
i am not talking about anyone with even a little bit of time here
the person I am talking to won't stick around long :)

it is people like gonzo, or hellpuppy or Jace or Sarah_webinc even with her occassion stopping in and you that make this place rich and enjoyable.


11-28-2006, 12:10 PM
This is turning into an informative thread here!

At least for me.

Rcourt.... those copied links and threads have several purposes. If you read the articles you will find that they typically are very informative. I highlight and pick the ones I think that would be of interest to everyone that might happen by.

Business getting done here... you have to be kidding?

The primary focus is to network here. But its up to you to take advantage of it.

If your looking for a place that is a self serve how to get rick in 30 days board this isnt it. I dont think it exists. You might find some places that say they have those resources when in fact you will find they are still telling you that you can just rotate any banner without targetting your traffic and make money.

As much as we network...we are all competitors.

Jace has an excellent forum with a lot of getting started tips on blogging.

But I dont think hes going to publish a "Blogging for Dummies" guide and give you step by step instructions.

I bet you could hire him out to do it though.

Are you expecting to see more than that?

11-28-2006, 12:37 PM
Things are different here then they are over at the zoo so as a fucking public service I would like to make a few suggestions to any shitstain, wannabe board whore that stops by and visits Oprano. Just a few things to keep in fucking mind while trolling through these threads;

this ain't the zoo - That means your post count means abso-fucking-lutely nothing here. The posters on this board couldn't possibly care less how many posts you have, they are much more concerned with the content of your posts

speaking of the content of your posts - stupid fucking one line, smiley rich, zero content posts make you look like a giant ass and whatever program you are pimping look desperate. Grow up and realize that sig views on Oprano mean nothing if you're posting nothing

click my sig or contact me replies - the sign of a truly fucking lazy mind. Which is saying something esp when your dealing with a large part of a community that call themselves the FFN's (Fat Fucking Nobodies). When any of us think your fucking lazy, you have really hit the bottom. When someone asks a question specifically about the sponsor your pimping, then give a fucking answer. (hint; see sig is not an answer that flys here... again, this ain't the fucking zoo) If someone is looking for something or asks to be spammed then YOU CONTACT THEM you lazy assed fucker, don't instruct them to contact you, WTF do you think the thread was???

now I didn't mention any names here because there is just no reason to be rude but I bet the possibilities about WHO i am talking to specifically are unlimited. And I am sure they will see this thread, it IS after all yet another one to get their sig seen in. But since it has multiple sentences, maybe one or two words with multiple syllables, they won't read it, just reply with an LOL and something like 'i agree'


:okthumb: :wnw:

11-28-2006, 04:52 PM
This is turning into an informative thread here!

At least for me.

Rcourt.... those copied links and threads have several purposes. If you read the articles you will find that they typically are very informative. I highlight and pick the ones I think that would be of interest to everyone that might happen by.

I find them very useful & informative, thats not counting the learning I get out of them :okthumb: there awesome

Business getting done here... you have to be kidding?

The primary focus is to network here. But its up to you to take advantage of it.

Ohh, I have, thanks :okthumb:

If your looking for a place that is a self serve how to get rick in 30 days board this isnt it. I dont think it exists. You might find some places that say they have those resources when in fact you will find they are still telling you that you can just rotate any banner without targetting your traffic and make money.

"ohh brother" You mean the (Build it and they will come) concept isn't really true Gonzo? :hmm:

If you truly think I thought this, "Then why would I come here just about everyday, even twice a day"?
I wouldn't have to..
I'm rich already, right? With my 30 day webpage, I'm in the Bahamas sending you all post cards right?

Come on bro,:hmm: I'm not looking for the get rich quick dream.

As much as we network...we are all competitors.

This one is very touchy, But from how I've seen & what little I've learned & observed, This industry is no different than any other.
They all have there cut throats back stabbers,
and they all have they loyal tight niche workers.
I just find it funny how you all conduct & share information while at the same time manage to keep your internet business so personal & private. "as if there was something to hide" or "You all worry that someone else is gonna steal your concept or idea?"

Just seems a little more dirty in this industry, thats all LOL

Jace has an excellent forum with a lot of getting started tips on blogging.

But I dont think hes going to publish a "Blogging for Dummies" guide and give you step by step instructions.

Ya, I know, I sometimes get carried away with my question, My bad, sorry ;)

I bet you could hire him out to do it though.

I probably could. I've seen Jace's work and he does awesome & impresive stuff :okthumb:

Are you expecting to see more than that?

I've learned alot here, And I've also made plenty of contacts thru Oprano and then some... People have worked with me that I've met here and are good hard working people, that have done great jobs.

"Should I start naming them off one by one?" :whistling lol.

No, I don't expect more, personally Oprano has done alot for me already, and continues to tutor me everyday. I'm alway learning porn crap here.

So I'm cool & gratefull, I'm a little upset that you would think I wanted more?

If it's cause of my comments? your off base bro. If i wanted some for nothing I would just ask, (Like the blow up sheep I ask you for the other day :biglaugh: )
That was a joke, ok?

NO Gonzo, I don't expect more. :)

(just please dont post or try to avoid posting fucking song lyrics!! <--not aimed at you just a general pet peeve LOL)

My signature had song lyrics on it because
I love that freakin tune :butt: "it gets my booty rolling & Shaken' in the morning" LOL
and also because I was trying something like what you did the other day with the "I love teen tits from royal cash sponsor tits teen virgin films" experiment.Thats all :)

11-28-2006, 05:01 PM
you all are talking about me too much, you are making my foot burn

as for information and business, I do plenty of it here, it just isn't all made public, hell, gonzo is one of my best friends in the industry and he doesn't know what I am doing half the time :) haha

11-28-2006, 07:35 PM
I sale short icq

11-28-2006, 09:40 PM
I sale short icq
u got 3-XXX bro? :)

11-28-2006, 09:45 PM
I sale short icq

11-28-2006, 09:53 PM
you all are talking about me too much, you are making my foot burn

as for information and business, I do plenty of it here, it just isn't all made public, hell, gonzo is one of my best friends in the industry and he doesn't know what I am doing half the time :) haha
JoesHO always used to say that a lot of the "tips and information" was nothing more information and confusion.

I dont know that I would go that far but I know I wouldnt sit on a board or a panel and give away my best information for free.

A client is a different story.

11-28-2006, 10:14 PM
My signature had song lyrics on it because
I love that freakin tune :butt: "it gets my booty rolling & Shaken' in the morning" LOL
and also because I was trying something like what you did the other day with the "I love teen tits from royal cash sponsor tits teen virgin films" experiment.Thats all :)
again, seriously... not you.
there was a member of the old guard that used to post song lyrics...... long fucking song lyrics, entire songs as replies.

at first I just tilted my head and wondered 'why'

then someone called him on it I think, if my memory serves me correctly I believe it was sort of like 'if you were smater you'd understand'

since then my attitude has pretty much been fuck song lyrics as replies!!

but that little arrow... it had nothing to do with your sig file man, I hadn't even noticed.


11-29-2006, 12:48 AM
JoesHO always used to say that a lot of the "tips and information" was nothing more information and confusion.

I dont know that I would go that far but I know I wouldnt sit on a board or a panel and give away my best information for free.

A client is a different story.

I will usually give info to those working with me, if you are working against me you will only get the "tip" of the iceberg :)

11-29-2006, 12:49 AM
again, seriously... not you.
there was a member of the old guard that used to post song lyrics...... long fucking song lyrics, entire songs as replies.

at first I just tilted my head and wondered 'why'

then someone called him on it I think, if my memory serves me correctly I believe it was sort of like 'if you were smater you'd understand'

since then my attitude has pretty much been fuck song lyrics as replies!!

but that little arrow... it had nothing to do with your sig file man, I hadn't even noticed.



How in my head can I forget you make me suffer, Yeah!
Trying to see how far you'll push me underground
Back into the rhythm fast trippin me when your in my world, Yeah!
Everything you say I find a way to bring you down!


Another way for you to fake your way through your life, Yeah!
Remember everything you do will come around
Never Am I going back to think I'm on crack and you might like it, Yeah!
Will you ever fade away baby? Why don't you just get out of my life!


I think of you sometimes but I never believe in you again!
I think of you sometimes but I never believe in you again!
I think of you sometimes but I never believe in you again!
I think of you sometimes but I never believe in you again!

And I'll never look back!


Hell Puppy
11-29-2006, 01:47 AM
JoesHO always used to say that a lot of the "tips and information" was nothing more information and confusion.

I dont know that I would go that far but I know I wouldnt sit on a board or a panel and give away my best information for free.

A client is a different story.

Bragging and showing off how clever you are on the boards by showing your best tricks is a newbie mistake. You should a good site idea that no one has seen before that is garnering traffic, and there'll be 100 of them by the end of the week and 1000 by the end of the month....more if it's something easy to generate with automation.

Myself, I'll answer direct questions. I love techie questions. I always have. I went for probably my first 5-6 years in the business where the ONLY posts you'd see from me under whatever handle-du-jour I was using would be an answer to a techie question.

I figure if someone is on track for an idea, they're gonna find their answer to the nuts and bolts anyway, so I'll help there. However, I'm not gonna blue print how to turn it into cash....not for free anyway.

My best secrets and techniques ALWAYS stay close to vest.