View Full Version : I am building my first blog plus doing the ABC linking thing need help & advise

11-17-2006, 01:43 AM
I have been planning to do the ABC linking thing and am reading up on the blog thing first already got 2 sites up a general site and a web cam site and trying to find out whats the easiest and best way to set up my first blog site for a newbie with little tech skills ( I only use frontpage and easy cut/paste simple code insearts ). I would appreciate any help I know that most use wordpress what about blogger is there a limit on how many I can put up and they would host them right?

What about the actual plan what I have read so far some of you put up from a few to a few dozen or more blogs per day what I guess I can do is put 1 or 2 per day and link to my 2 sites in all my blogs & doing the ABC link thing and also place links & banners of all my affiliates sponsers, add some free pictures, videos and some text links also add a RSS auto feed skript to each blog that is relevant to it but what is the difference from blogs and regular sites some look the same?

So now how to promote all my blogs do I just submit to other blogs with link exchange and submit to directories buy some blog traffic?

11-17-2006, 04:21 PM
So now how to promote all my blogs do I just submit to other blogs with link exchange and submit to directories buy some blog traffic?

directories and link exchanges

don't bother with traffic, I have yet to find any that is worth a shit