View Full Version : Tip for your link text when trading links

11-15-2006, 12:55 PM
when you use the same text over and over SE's can see it for what it is, a link trade, but if you keep changing up your link text it won't be as obvious

so, when you go to do a link trade and you usually use Hardcore Blog for your text, change it up every now and then to other shit like Sex Blogger, Fucking Blogs, Porn Blog, etc.

11-18-2006, 07:41 PM
when you use the same text over and over SE's can see it for what it is, a link trade, but if you keep changing up your link text it won't be as obvious

so, when you go to do a link trade and you usually use Hardcore Blog for your text, change it up every now and then to other shit like Sex Blogger, Fucking Blogs, Porn Blog, etc.

I half understand or get what you're saying, but when you start a blog or a site to get SE traffic.... Isn't one of your main goals to try and get listed for specific keywords.

So if you're blog is sexybutt.com and you're trying to get a top spot in the se's for "sexy butt" then you're anchor text being used for your link backs should be "sexy butt" correct?

Why would you change it up? Wont the SE's see that everyone is using that specific anchor text for your site and thus give your site more relevance for "sexy butt"?

11-18-2006, 08:04 PM
I half understand or get what you're saying, but when you start a blog or a site to get SE traffic.... Isn't one of your main goals to try and get listed for specific keywords.

So if you're blog is sexybutt.com and you're trying to get a top spot in the se's for "sexy butt" then you're anchor text being used for your link backs should be "sexy butt" correct?

Why would you change it up? Wont the SE's see that everyone is using that specific anchor text for your site and thus give your site more relevance for "sexy butt"?
I dont think you see the relevance for SE marketing by varying the text either.

11-19-2006, 01:04 PM
uhhhh, k, now im all confused :scratchin

The link text issue... lets say I have a site that sells hotdogs, and my url is hotdogs.com as an example, I start trading with a General Food Site.com

1).Do I need to continue to use keywords for link trade? or will the url name work just as well with SE's? "in this case called hotdogs.com"

2).And what when trading with another site that represents exactly the same food type as your site? then I'm guessing keywords would be more important since its the same product? or will I get away with the url name again for SE's?

3).Another quetion is wouldn't it be better by SE's finding your url name linked to other sites which contain the same general topics and interest? or do keywords play a roll here also? an example would be something like
either: plump juicy beef or hotdogs.com which one?

4).By using rich keywords as your link trade, isn't that the same as giving the person your trading with better text for crawing than your own site? which might give them a better PR? even though it links back to my site?

I'm Sorry Bro, I didn't mean to blow all these quetions at you at once, they just came all at once while reading this :)

11-19-2006, 07:47 PM
I dont think you see the relevance for SE marketing by varying the text either.

Then why not explain?