View Full Version : Higher in Yahoo or MSN?

10-13-2006, 02:44 AM
If you had a choice and were able to be higher in one or the other which one would you choose for the keyword ' porno (http://www.pornorabbit.com)' - Google is not included.

Although would you agree the the combined totals of Yahoo and MSN account for the same as Google?

Hell Puppy
10-13-2006, 02:46 AM
If you had a choice and were able to be higher in one or the other which one would you choose for the keyword ' porno (http://www.pornorabbit.com)' - Google is not included.

Although would you agree the the combined totals of Yahoo and MSN account for the same as Google?


It's the startup search on many new computers. New computers mean newbies who haven't yet learned how to find free porn and thus will convert better.

10-13-2006, 03:02 AM

It's the startup search on many new computers. New computers mean newbies who haven't yet learned how to find free porn and thus will convert better.

I am not being silly here but that is something I never though of .... many of us webmasters think our level of knowledge when trying to sell. One guy said to me once:

You sell high quality porn videos (http://www.pornorabbit.com) - but your customer wants to find a hot XXX picture or video so they can jerk off .

There is a huge difference there in perception and presentation.

10-13-2006, 03:33 AM
hmmm.. short term I would agree with the previous poster and say MSN. Long term thoughn I would say Yahoo. :scratchin

10-13-2006, 09:12 AM

It's the startup search on many new computers. New computers mean newbies who haven't yet learned how to find free porn and thus will convert better.
I disagree.

10-13-2006, 09:16 AM
And why does it matter? Who has a choice which search engine they get the most traffic from? You either know a lot about SEO or get lucky and get a lot of traffic from Google or you get traffic from MSN and Yahoo, both of which are easy to get listed in, but don't convert as well.

SE traffic is all good and you should try to get it from all the major search engines. Don't worry about which one is better, it's all good.

10-13-2006, 09:26 AM
And why does it matter? Who has a choice which search engine they get the most traffic from? You either know a lot about SEO or get lucky and get a lot of traffic from Google or you get traffic from MSN and Yahoo, both of which are easy to get listed in, but don't convert as well.

SE traffic is all good and you should try to get it from all the major search engines. Don't worry about which one is better, it's all good.
My comments were assuming they were working a paid placement system.

SEO... its a turkey shoot.

10-13-2006, 12:37 PM
Porn Rabbit...

Whats up with your software?
Are you claming to deliver content from peoples members areas if they buy your product?

10-13-2006, 06:27 PM
but for no good reason, no reason other then when i first turned on a computer and plugged my modem in i typed in yahoo.com because i heard a commercial for it on TV
it's been my homepage since, not bad since that was a looooooooooong time ago
