View Full Version : Hey Kathi, Isnt this Mr Ketchup Head?...

10-07-2006, 06:28 PM
.... lecturing us all on being newbies????

http://www.avnonline.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Web_Exclusive_Feature s&Action=View_Article&Content_ID=277126

This is the best part....

Reps and managers are hired based on their track record, along with how well they are known. Ultimately, that’s why their track record is so good.

Celebrity webmasters!!!

10-07-2006, 06:35 PM
maybe I should have picked "VaginaSluper" as my nick, i think people would take me more seriously

10-07-2006, 07:00 PM
He is one and the same. I often require advice from company rep's that get so drunk at shows that they pass out leaving themselves open for abuse from the masses.

I have 'only' been employed by adult companies for 9 years. I have NEVER been intoxicated to that point in front of people I may want to try to sell something to one day or another.

However, his article has merit.

Hell Puppy
10-08-2006, 04:30 AM
Post count matters.... Unfortunately far too many sponsors fall into this trap. Somehow being well known on the boards has this perception of meaning you do a lot of business and know what you're talking about.

The opposite is often true when it's one guy and not someone working for another company. The guy spending 12 hours a day keeping up with threads on GFY has no time to do any real business.

Company's hire them because of that familiarity. Sponsors slide them passes and give them "VIP" access to parties while guys with real traffic, but are not known are instead off having nice dinners that these clowns who are sharing rooms with 4 of their budies couldn't afford to pay for.

This is one of the things that has always driven me crazy about this industry. People buy into the bullshit instead of looking at numbers and results.

My largest affiliates and the people I do most of my external business with are unknown to most everyone on the boards. Why? They're spending their time reading boards and researching new ways to get traffic, do SEO, PPC strategies with the engines and doing marketing research and experiments instead of posting "would you hit it" pics on GFY.

And as for the big posters making the best employees and reps. We have an example of that being bullshit right in this thread. EVERYONE knows Kathi, and while she was working for the NatNet side of Sweet T's empire I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who dealt with her who didn't think she was among the very best at the myriad of roles she played. Now at the same time, I bet if you added up her post counts from all of the boards, she probably still doesn't break 1000 posts total.

It's not about posting, it's about doing business. Wish more companies realized it.